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#29652119Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1:06 PM GMT

Well what if we got a message notification, like the telamailbox auto thingy, that notified us whenever somthing new comes in the catalog? I almost missed the zombie crwn or w/e its called, because I had no idea it was there!?!? So just a simple message thats computerized and is sent out to all users or maybe just al online users when somthing comes into the catalog, or maybe just when somthing limited or limited U comes into the catalog, whats your idea on this?
#29652223Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1:09 PM GMT

Would cause more spam and more noobs saying 'FERST COMMENT! 'SECOND COMENT!' 'TH1Rd c0MM3nT!!!!!!!!!!11111'
#29673538Tuesday, July 20, 2010 7:07 PM GMT

so what, I want the items. does anyone read the item comments anyways? Only when its user made, anything roblox made, I dont read the comments, because it gets hundreds of spams anyways.

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