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#29874189Friday, July 23, 2010 5:31 AM GMT

The Tube opened it's doors, you woke up, you looked at your hands and legs, but, what the heck? Your wearing black armor. You look up, you see a scientist scribbling down some notes while murmuring. Suddendly, the scientest noticed you are awake. "Sorry for the long slee-" The scientist started, "The long sleep? How long?" You interrupted. "And where am I?" The scientist looked at you, "You've been sleeping for 2 weeks. Not really sleeping, really, it's more of a armor suit mount. But I'm sorry to say, you are going to stuck in this suit forever now. You are a Spike. The Human Alliance's supersoliders." You nod your head, remembering you leaving your family secretly to become a supersoldier for the international army to help combat the enemy, the Farentay's. "Go on and exit your Spike Tube now" The scientist said. You climbed out of the tube. "Come with me for a Spike Supersoldier Course. We need to know your strength's and weaknesses." CS: Name: A.ge(18-45): Gen.der: Signature Weapon: Skills(Max 3): Speciality:
#29874301Friday, July 23, 2010 5:35 AM GMT

Name: Deku Galzor A.ge(18-45): 19 Gen.der: M Signature Weapon: Assault Rifle Mark IV Spiker Edition Skills(Max 3): Commanding, agility, piloting vehicles Speciality: Assault, Squad Leader
#29874422Friday, July 23, 2010 5:39 AM GMT

I followed the scientist, "Our first test" The scientist said, "Is the test of strength. Your going to try to climb that wall while fending off some robotic drone's with your own fists. Trust me, the robotic drones shoot painful harmless lasers."
#29874611Friday, July 23, 2010 5:45 AM GMT

I jumped onto the wall, I wasn't pretty strong, but I managed to climb over it. I fell 30 meters. "I knew this was suicide!" I thought, but, when I landed on my feet, nothing happened. "So this armor stops fall damage? Awesome!" I thought, I saw a few robotic drones coming my direction. I managed to jump out of the way and crush one. I then punched another and threw another.
#29876359Friday, July 23, 2010 6:46 AM GMT

Name: Dr. Fentin A.ge(18-45): 21 Gen.der: M Signature Weapon: Sniper Rifle Skills(Max 3): Scavenging, building, and reconnasance. Speciality: Research and following order
#29876363Friday, July 23, 2010 6:46 AM GMT

Name:Rust Kunai A.ge(18-45): 18 Gen.der: M Signature Weapon: Assault Rifle Mark IV Spiker Edition Skills(Max 3): Commanding, agility,Stealth Speciality:Gunner,Scout
#29876635Friday, July 23, 2010 6:57 AM GMT

"But sir we can't rush him, it's too dangerous!", said Dr.Lee."There's no other way! Without the firepower we can't stop the Farentays!" I said."But if we put him out there untrained who knows what could happen! He might even be more of a hazard than a help!" said Dr. Lee." I know it's dangerous but it's the only chance we have... Dr. Lee go get me Deku Galzor."
Top 100 Poster
#29878139Friday, July 23, 2010 8:03 AM GMT

Name: JuggerCharge A.ge(18-45): Around late 30's Gen.der: Male Signature Weapon: M240 machine gun Skills(Max 3): Charging, aiming, hand to hand combat Speciality: Juggernaut Name: James Alexander Eagle A.ge(18-45): 21 Gen.der: Male Signature Weapon: Model 1887 Skills(Max 3): Parkour, hand to hand combat, sprinting Speciality: Shotgunner(Sometimes a runner)
#29915143Friday, July 23, 2010 8:09 PM GMT

(Masterdylan = admin) (Btw, agility meant parkour, like masterdylan)
Top 100 Poster
#29923889Friday, July 23, 2010 9:40 PM GMT

~JuggerCharge & James~ I walked around with JuggerCharge, we walked around, exploring. "Fascinating..." I mumbled. JuggerCharge smiled behind his mask/helmet; he had been the first Juggernaut I've seen. A man came up to us, "Hello boys... You will be going through sets of courses to see if you have what we got. Go show them what you're made of." The man said, he seemed to be the Drill Sergeant here... One of them anyway. "You ready for this, JuggerCharge?" I asked my old friend. He nodded and we walked to the courses, ready for training.
#29946123Saturday, July 24, 2010 2:43 AM GMT

I jumped through a door. I saw a scientist get to me. "Very impressive." The scientist said. "Next test is the speed and agility test. You need to get through a course of climbing, jumping, rope swinging and much more."
Top 100 Poster
#29961773Saturday, July 24, 2010 9:28 AM GMT

~JuggerCharge & James~ I got in a running position & stared down the obstacle course... I looked over at JuggerCharge, he looked at me & then we both stared down the obstacle course. "Go..." The drill sergeant said. We both bolted; I vaulted over the wall & then JuggerCharge charged through the other side of the wall, that was breakable. I quickly blew through the parkour part course, being extremely trained at parkour. I looked behind me, JuggerCharge crashed through 5 walls, he never stopped in the progress. I ran up to a door at the end of the parkour course, JuggerCharge ran up beside me... "What do we do?" I asked. JuggerCharge looked around & noticed a laptop, for hacking... "I got it, James." He replied. He started typing things into the laptop, hacking the door.
#29961977Saturday, July 24, 2010 9:38 AM GMT

Name:Cyhar A.ge(18-45):21 Gen.der:Female Signature Weapon:Somewhat a Scythe/Uzi mix. Skills(Max 3):Agility, Tactics, Inventing. Speciality:Scouting
#29962253Saturday, July 24, 2010 9:52 AM GMT

Name: Mark A.ge(18-45): 25 Gen.der: M Signature Weapon: Sharpened Bayonet w/out a gun Skills(Max 3): Running at high speed,jumping high (about 10-15 feet thanks to the suit),running silently Speciality: infiltration
#29998446Saturday, July 24, 2010 9:30 PM GMT

(Borderlander, the suit is also heavy. You should only jump 10 feet while the others jump 5 feet. 7 feet for parkours.)
#29999432Saturday, July 24, 2010 9:44 PM GMT

I ran through the obstalcle course, when I was finished, I saw 2 people wearing spiker armor. 1 is big, while the other one was the same size as me. I walked up to them. "I see I'm not the only one."
Top 100 Poster
#30032505Sunday, July 25, 2010 7:23 AM GMT

~JuggerCharge & James~ I turned to Deku, another person here... "I guess so..." I replied. JuggerCharge hacked into the door & it opened, me & him passe through. It was about to close so I pulled Deku with us... The door closed behind us all & we were in an outside court... A very big court. I looked around, 20 men stood in front of us... Military men for this place; I had a bad feeling... I looked around & saw a sign, 'Combat Training'. Then a alarm went off, starting it off... 8 ran towards JuggerCharge, it would take a lot to take him down. 3 ran towards me, JuggerCharge & me went into fighting positions & got ready.
#30097614Monday, July 26, 2010 3:19 AM GMT

(This is futuristic, btw) I quickly scanned the area, aha! I saw a weapons rack, bursting for it first. I duel-wielded a pair of Crowd Control Laser Pistol's, pistols that cause pain, but no wounds or harm, I never really liked hurting my own allies.
#30103726Monday, July 26, 2010 4:57 AM GMT

Name: Ephinx A.ge(18-45): 24 Gen.der: M Signature Weapon: Pistol,Knife Skills(Max 3): Spying,Sneaking,Agility Speciality: Spying (I'm kind of new to roleplaying.Go easy on me.)
#30104925Monday, July 26, 2010 5:29 AM GMT

My test started.I needed to get past the robots by sneaking past them,to get to the finish line.I hid behind the boxes advanceing through the course.I ran to the finish line,finishing my test.
#30104990Monday, July 26, 2010 5:31 AM GMT

I jumped onto one, tazing him.
#30105249Monday, July 26, 2010 5:38 AM GMT

"Peace of ca-"I was interupted by the sight of more obsticals,fire,Spikes,everything.
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#30361286Thursday, July 29, 2010 6:38 AM GMT

~JuggerCharge~ I charged & clotheslined 3 of the men... They fell down, one tried to leg sweep me but it had no effect. I kicked one in the face, dazing him, almost knocking him out. Suddenly, a wire was wrapped around my neck & started taking me down, but it would take a while. I flipped the person over my back & then knocked down another one, you couldn't take down a Juggernaut with hand to hand combat. ~James~ I got into a fighting position & one threw a running punch; I ducked & flipped him over my back. One bolted into me as he knocked me down; I was on the ground now. I tried to leg sweep a man, he grabbed my legs & twisted me on my stomach... I twisted around with my legs & knocked him to the ground, ha!
#30431038Friday, July 30, 2010 3:16 AM GMT

Suddenly, the humans moved out of the area, and robotic combat drones were moving in. On top of us, there was a helicopter dropping weapons. "Were also going to test your Xplod ability. Every Spiker Armor has the power to unleash a small electrical forcefield when their armor is heavily damaged. It lasts for 30 seconds, though."
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#30437140Friday, July 30, 2010 5:05 AM GMT

~JuggerCharge & James~ JuggerCharge looked up & got a machine gun, one of his favorite weapons. I saw a shotgun on the ground; I picked it up & placed it into my hands, holding with both my hands. JuggerCharge stared down the robots, ready for action... I gripped my shotgun tight, ready to pull the trigger.

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