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#29908334Friday, July 23, 2010 6:46 PM GMT

The year is 3010. Earth has fallen from it's peak of technology, into unimaginable chaos. The armies have dissapated, and hungry tyrants forget which country they actually rule, and fight over them if the little forces they have. And whilst the orders of law fall, chaos rises, bringing with it gangs, terroist groups, and death cults. But one small star of light remains. The Sanctuary, or so it's been dubbed, is a large underground vault system where everyone still linked to common sense can live. With 3 billion people living there, nothing to the 30 billion outside, it's a brilliant place to live, if a bit dark, and claustrophobic. Or so people think. In fact, the world upstairs is probably as close to Order as can get compared to the Sanctuary. In 3005, a terrible thing happened. The Underground Mental Hospitality Service, or the UMHS, created the Sanctuary, for everyone not in exact control of their enhancments. By this time, most people were cyborg, or mutatedly enhanced, and the ones who took the wrong ones probably ended up here. After First Strike, when this all started, the UMHS dissapated in fear of becoming a target, and left the Sanctuary, and it's patients behind. And now the patients wait, below the surface, waiting for their doctors to return, and letting their mental selves run free. In restrained chaos. Rules No God Mod No Uber Romance is allowed, but use common sense please. Again, use common sense. You can, basically, be a gang member/leader, cult member/leader, or a terrorist member/leader, or a Sanctuary Patient. All admins, listed below, are allowed to be Tyrants/Country Leaders, Sanctuary Scientists, who have stayed, or Their own choice. Note I do realise this will go down pretty quickly, but I'm not bumping. You can let an origianl thread go down. CS Person Name: A.ge: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Sanctuary/Surface: Cult/Gang/Terrorist: (If Surface.) Patient/Scientist: (If Sanctuary) Weapons: (Remeber, technology HAS NOT gone forward.) Items: Bio: CS Faction Name: A.ge: (Have you been around since First Strike (3006) Or are you new?) Leader: Population: Country: Type: (Gang, Death Cult, Terrorists.) Bio:
#29909150Friday, July 23, 2010 7:01 PM GMT

#29909223Friday, July 23, 2010 7:03 PM GMT

Name: Aénex Makander A.ge: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: Blue eyes, tanned, tall, white fur covered up till wrist, ankles and face. Jade necklace Personality: Serious, Courageous, Adventerous, Smart Sanctuary/Surface: Sanctuary Cult/Gang/Terrorist: None Patient/Scientist: Patient Weapons: Sword Items: Journal w pen, Jade crystal Bio: To be revealed.
#29909364Friday, July 23, 2010 7:06 PM GMT

(Oh I forgot. Admins Admins: Kyundi Midge707 bloxxernoob and the two who just joined.) (I'll join later. If taker makes a CS, you both auto accepted, and you can start if you wish.
#29911931Friday, July 23, 2010 7:31 PM GMT

Name: Micheal Aardvark A.ge: 21 Gender: Male Appearance: Short Brown Hair, Caucasian Skin, Blue eyes, 6'4, 190 Pounds Personality: Overwatching, Protective, Clever Sanctuary/Surface: Surface Cult/Gang/Terrorist: Loner Weapons: M16 Red Dot Sight and Bowie Knife Items: Cantine, Rations, Backpack, Rope Bio: N/A
#29913251Friday, July 23, 2010 7:45 PM GMT

CS Person Name:Erikon Rain A.ge: 16 Gender:male Appearance: black shaggy hair grey eyes Personality: Insane Sanctuary/Surface:sanctuary Cult/Gang/Terrorist: N/A Patient/Scientist: patient Weapons: no wepond yet(he is in a straight jacket) Items:a glass necklace Bio:N/A
#29913502Friday, July 23, 2010 7:48 PM GMT

(Oh yeah I also have a swalow made of glasswork.)

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