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#30508663Saturday, July 31, 2010 2:39 AM GMT

This entire post NOT part of the story. There's a question on the bottom that goes with these paragraph things. 1. One day, in a happy home in ROBLOXia... Brendan2991: "WHO PUT THIS MOUNTAIN RIGHT HERE BY MY HOUSE!? AND WHOSE GENIUS IDEA WAS IT TO PUT AN ELEVATOR IN IT!?" *crickets* Brendan2991: "I REALLY need to stop using free models. Someone must've hidden crickets in that last model." *goes to the RAT Rec Center* 2. Brendan2991 was in his happy home in ROBLOXia, building away when he noticed something was different. The mountain! He walked inside and looked around. "Alright. Whose BRILLIANT idea was it to put an elevator in a mountain? W-What if it breaks or something!? And it just looks dumb. Maybe it would be okay somewhere else, but not right next to my house," he said to his builders. Brendan exited his place without saving, then went to the R.A.T. Recruitment Center. (( Which way do you guys like it? Version 1- Scripted, or version 2, like a normal book? ))
#30509160Saturday, July 31, 2010 2:46 AM GMT

#30509175Saturday, July 31, 2010 2:46 AM GMT

#30509178Saturday, July 31, 2010 2:46 AM GMT

[OMG I can"t wait for my appearnce in this ^.^]
#30510480Saturday, July 31, 2010 3:06 AM GMT

(( Alright. I'll use 2. )) Brendan2991 walked down the streets of ROBLOXia, bored. Everywhere he looked, ROBLOXians had special BC-only bodies. -Ugh...I wish I had BC...I want the ROBLOXian 2.0 body.- Brendan thought. He saw a portal to a bread factory place on the side of the street, then jumped into it. (( In this version of ROBLOXia, its a huge city. You go through portals in the city to get to games. )) Brendan straightened the Perfectly Legitimate Business Hat on his head, then walked to the brick-creating button. He set the size to 2x4, and the color to a light skin-like color. Bricks began pouring out of the brick-creator. Brendan saw a guest walk to the brick-creator machine. The guest changed the size to 2x1, and the color to red. Small red bricks began coming out of the machine. "No, no, no! N00B!!! This is MY job! And what kind of person has tiny little loaves of red bread!? GET OUT!!!!" Brendan shouted. The guest stood still. The creepy smiling face's eyes were staring into Brendan's, and he started to sweat. The guest wouldn't leave, to Brendan switched servers. When he spawned in the new server, there was a person at the brick-creating machine already. Brendan looked up and saw the name 'Wertysas' above the person. "Erm...Excuse me. Can I use this machine?" Brendan asked. (( More VERY soon! Just stay patient, and give me a little bit of time to think about what could happen next, and I'll be looking at the most popular games in the games list for some ideas of where the characters can go. Just...Stay patient! Ooh, and anyone reading this, would you consider yourself a 'fan' of my work? ))
#30511112Saturday, July 31, 2010 3:16 AM GMT

I'm a fan now. Really good.
#30511483Saturday, July 31, 2010 3:22 AM GMT

Ahah! Thanks. =D Here it is...The new part! ______________________________________________________________________ "Um...Sure! I have to get going to a training session for my clan, anyway," Wertysas replied. "Alright. Thanks. What clan're you in?" Brendan asked, trying to be friendly. (( Grr... I have to look at something... The next part will be a lot bigger and better, I think. I hope. ))
#30511699Saturday, July 31, 2010 3:26 AM GMT

(I'm in UCR by the way.)
#30512005Saturday, July 31, 2010 3:31 AM GMT

"UCR. The United Clan of ROBLOX," Wertysas said. "Ah...I'm the proud co-leader of DOS. Once I get Builder's Club, I'm buying DOS," Brendan2991 said with a smile. "Maybe we could train together?" Brendan asked. "Alright," Wertysas said. His tone now was happier than it just was. "Join me in the game I go to," He said, and Brendan nodded. Wertysas disappeared from the server. Brendan exited the game and flew through the portal and back into the streets of ROBLOXia. Wertysas was standing beside him. "Alright. Where to?" Brendan asked. "Sword Fight on The Heights," Wertysas said. "Telamon's?" "Yup." "Alright. Let's go!" Brendan excitedly said, then ran to the portal. Wertysas followed, close behind.
#30512011Saturday, July 31, 2010 3:32 AM GMT

[Please put me in the next part :D]
#30512113Saturday, July 31, 2010 3:33 AM GMT

(Joey, I don't suspect that being hard for him.)
#30512525Saturday, July 31, 2010 3:41 AM GMT

(( lol werty. I went to your profile and looked RIGHT before you said that. XD )) Brendan and Wertysas leaped into the portal and began their training. Brendan had every sword and tool. He had 201 KnockOuts, and 93 WipeOuts, then Wertysas snuck up from behind and bloxxed him. "Aww! Why would you do that!?" Brendan asked, laughing. "Every knock-out counts," Wertysas said, bloxxing a guest and getting another knock-out. Wertysas had 209 knock-outs and 81 wipe-outs. -How does he do that? ...- Brendan thought, then bloxxed the same guest that Wertysas just bloxxed. The guest's forcefield JUST came off when Brendan bloxxed it. "Well...I'm getting bored here," Brendan said, "I'm going to another place." "Where?" Wertysas asked. "I dunno. I normally just walk around the city until I see a game portal I like." "Ah...Mind if I join?" "Not at all!" Brendan happily said. "Alright! Meet ya' in ROBLOXia!" Wertysas said, then disappeared. Brendan left the server and saw Wertysas standing right outside the portal. (( More soon! I write a little bit at a time so my fans don't get bored while waiting for me to write a HUGE post ))
#30513257Saturday, July 31, 2010 3:54 AM GMT

Brendan and Wertysas walked around, looking for a good game to play. Finally, they stopped at a Nintendo tycoon place. They leaped into the portal. Brendan got a tycoon, and Wertysas got a tycoon right next to Brendan's. They bought their first machines for free. Brendan ran around the whole map while he waited for the amount of money in his money giver to grow. He stopped at a tycoon that was finished. Everything had been bought. "Hey," a voice said. Brendan looked over and saw the owner of the tycoon. "Oh, hey. I was just looking at your tycoon," Brendan said, "Nice job." "Thanks. You might want to check your money giver. The money goes up fast here." "Alright," Brendan said, "I'm Brendan." He put his hand out "I'm Joey." Joey shook Brendan's hand. "Well...See you," Brendan said, then went back to his tycoon and got his money. He bought two more machines. Wertysas came to Brendan's tycoon, and Joey soon came, too. Joey donated some money to Brendan, and Brendan bought another machine. "Thanks," Brendan said. "No problem," Joey replied happily. Joey noticed that Brendan had a scratch on his arm, and Wertysas was wearing military-like clothing. "Are you guys in clans?" He asked. "Um...Yeah. I'm in DOS, and Wertysas is in UCR," Brendan said, "We've been training together and playing games together." "Oh, cool. Can I join?" Joey asked. "If it's okay with Wertysas, then I guess you can," Brendan said, then looked at Wertysas. Wertysas nodded. "Alright! You can join!" Brendan said, then got his money and bought the last few machines. Wertysas bought some machines, then Joey donated some money to Wertysas so he could buy the last machine. "Well...Our tycoons are all done. Where to, now?" Brendan asked. "Um...I've got an idea. Follow me," Joey said, then the group went back to ROBLOXia together. (( MORE SOON!!!! ))
#30513757Saturday, July 31, 2010 4:04 AM GMT

You know, I'm only going to keep writing if you guys keep commenting. Give me feedback, advice, suggestions, and comments.
#30513805Saturday, July 31, 2010 4:05 AM GMT

(Keep going and add the others.)
#30514095Saturday, July 31, 2010 4:10 AM GMT

Am I in it? Do I get to make fun of lordnathan?
#30514370Saturday, July 31, 2010 4:15 AM GMT

(( The longer each comment is, and the more comments i get, the bigger each part i write will be. =) )) The group, led by Joey, walked to a portal and jumped in. Brendan looked around. There were buildings. There was a spot in the middle of the place with building bricks. His starterpack had building tools. They were in Appartment Life! Brendan ran to the cafe and took it. Wertysas took the town hall. Joey took the club. They began building things in their places in Appartment Life. Brendan put a cashier, a table with chairs, some food, and some drinks in the cafe. Wertysas built a computer with a desk and some furniture. Joey built a dance floor, a food bar, and a beverage bar. -This game's pretty fun.- Brendan thought.
#30515006Saturday, July 31, 2010 4:28 AM GMT

sure it seems fun
#30520934Saturday, July 31, 2010 6:46 AM GMT

Can u put me in it? I really like ur stories. Maybe some noob should destroy one of ur places and u completly obliterate his/her account?
#30527267Saturday, July 31, 2010 12:49 PM GMT

I really enjoy how you keep the story going by finding random places to visit and we meet friends and such. I would enjoy it if you noticed that my left arm was shorter than the other.
#30527669Saturday, July 31, 2010 1:01 PM GMT

Brillant can't wait for me to appear. It would be cool if I'm leading an army in some war place.
#30539141Saturday, July 31, 2010 4:43 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#30544548Saturday, July 31, 2010 6:06 PM GMT

I wanna make fun of lordnathan.
#30546801Saturday, July 31, 2010 6:38 PM GMT

After about an hour or two, the three got bored with the game. Brendan yawned. "I'm tired. I'm going home. See you guys tomorrow?" "Yeah; you'll probably see me tomorrow," Wertysas said. "Me too," Joey added to the conversation. "Well...Alright. See you guys," Brendan said, then went home to his happy home in ROBLOXia. Wertysas and Joey said bye to each other, then went to their homes, too. In the morning, Brendan got a bottle of BLOXiade from his refridgerator, then went to the bread factory and met up with Wertysas. "Hey Wertysas," Brendan said. "Hey, Brendan. I think I already made enough bread today for both of us. We can leave," Werysas replied happily. "Wait...So you did my work?" "Yeah. Since you come in right when I'm almost done, I just decided to speed up production a little bit. See those guests over there? They've been making as many bricks as possible." "So...You enslaved the guests?" "Yup. So where're we going today?" Wertysas asked, then scratched his head. Brendan saw that the hand used to scratch his head did not have a hand. "Erm...Not trying to be rude, but what happened to your hand?" Brendan asked. "Oh, that. I lost it in a RoWar. I lost my brother in the same war." "Oh...I'm sorry I asked. Are you okay?" "Yeah. It happened a loooong time ago, so it doesn't bother me THAT much any more." "Alright. So where to now?" "I dunno. Let's just wander around the portals and find something to do." "Alright." And with that, Brendan left the server, shortly followed by Wertysas.
#30547458Saturday, July 31, 2010 6:47 PM GMT

You guys are MCAdo-ist. You guys won't include me in your story!

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