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#30752076Tuesday, August 03, 2010 10:16 AM GMT

This would allow links to websites in peoples descriptions. IDEA 1: Say someone wants a info website on their game, with guides polls and all that. They could pay 250 robux or something to have their websites checked regulary so they can display it in a box below the description. The high price is so its not an overload for the mods. Roblox could generate a new job called. Game Link Moderator. Also, the page HAS to be a page about your game. IDEA 2: Roblox creates a hosting service for the games. Because of the costs to run it, it's free for BC and NBC would have to pay either robux or real money. The website would have a word filter to stop inappropiate things being posted, and to upload images they would have to go through an image moderator. Please say which Idea is better, or if you support at all. MD
#30752971Tuesday, August 03, 2010 11:11 AM GMT

It would cost a fortune e_o and i kind of support,..

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