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#31026128Friday, August 06, 2010 7:54 PM GMT

Thousands of Years ago,there was a creature named Xyteria. It lived peacefully among Mobians,no-one knew of his power. When the time was right,he grabbed the Planet's greatest treasure,the Mystical Orbs of Energy. The orbs kept the planet alive with their energy,each one controlling a different element of Mobius. They also gave the holder Unbelievable power,at the cost of the planet's weakening. If all were taken,the planet would die,but the beholder of the orbs would be invincible. At the last moment,the elders of the land sealed him away in a temple,for eternities to come. He was reawakened,he yet again started his Rein of terror. He is unbeatable,incredibly dangerous and bent on revenge. With his elite team and power,can the heroes stop him from regaining the Orbs? PROLOUGE- After a month of peace for our heroes,reports all over the planet went around that a group of 5 elite warriors were rampaging and destroying cities,looking for "Orbs."Though no-one knew what the orbs were at the time,these menaces were still neeeded to be stopped. Right now,our heroes are preparing to figure out where these criminals will strike next,Not knowing that this would be their biggest adventure yet. Rules:Story Mode ONLY. You must READ THE FIRST POST. Have fun! CHAR SHEET: Name: Species: A.g.e.: Occupation: Relatives/Pets/Friends: Personality: Favorite Things: Least Favorite things: Enemies: Side:(Good,bad,neutral) Powers/Weapons: Bio: Appearance:
#31026648Friday, August 06, 2010 8:00 PM GMT

Name: Virt Anderson Species: Fox A.g.e.: 12 Occupation: Time Traveling Relatives/Pets/Friends: Two Siblings, Cirt and Flirt. A Tails Chao, Li'l Buddy. Knows Cody the Cat, and Sonic and Friends Personality: Jumpy, serious, jokey Favorite Things: Mechanics, Pizza Least Favorite things: Cody's Chao, Kuma Enemies: Skull the Hedgehog, Tails Doll Side: Good Powers/Weapons: Can turn any part of his body mechanical Bio: After helping defeat Metal Sonic, Virt decides to stay in this Time Period. Appearance: A Blue fox with goggles, a blue bandana he wears as a scarf, a brown belt with a golden buckle, brown gloves, and shoes like Tails'. (I know I'm accepted already. I was in the last RP. Let's wait for some more people to join until we start)
#31026701Friday, August 06, 2010 8:01 PM GMT

Name:Marth Species:Hedgehog A.g.e.:19 Occupation:None Relatives/Pets/Friends:Drew the chao, Kate the hedgehog [Mom] Jon the hedgehog [Dad] Personality:Nice, charming Favorite Things:Summer, cola Least Favorite things:Eggman Enemies:Eggman, metel sonic Side:(Good,bad,neutral)Good Powers/Weapons:Two katanas Bio:Marth is a guy whos ready for anything, he always wanted to destroy eggman Appearance:White fur, Sonic hairstyle, blue Sonic eyes, the rest of his appearance is my avater
#31027362Friday, August 06, 2010 8:09 PM GMT

Name: Cody Magna Zander Species: Cat A.g.e.: 12 Occupation: None. Relatives/Pets/Friends: Kuma(Pet)Virt(Friend.) Thonx(Best Friend.) Personality: Cheerful,Childish,Protective over Kuma, Favorite Things: does anything for a good laugh. Least Favorite things: Villains,being kidnapped,fighting. Enemies: Xyteria,Metal Sonic,Tails Doll. Side:(Good,bad,neutral) Good. Powers/Weapons: None.(For now.) Bio: Cat Kid,loves to adventure. Apperance:Decals Name: Thonx Species: Voxai(Big Manta Ray things from Sonic Chronicles.) A.g.e.: 13 Occupation: Cody's Guardian and Buddy. Relatives/Pets/Friends: Cody.(friend.) Personality: Protective,friendly,nerdy. Favorite Things: Hanging with Cody,bossing around people. Least Favorite things: Fighting Enemies: Anyone who Cody hates. Side:(Good,bad,neutral) Good. Powers/Weapons: None. Bio: Cody's best friend,he's known him since he was young and he always tries to keep Cody out of Trouble. Appearance:Normal Voxai.
#31027969Friday, August 06, 2010 8:16 PM GMT

(Right, forgot about my siblings and Skull) Name: Cirt Anderson Species: Fox A.g.e.: 14 Occupation: Listening to new hot songs on his MP9 player. Relatives/Pets/Friends: Same as Virt. Personality: Teenager-like. Favorite Things: His MP9 Player. Least Favorite things: His sister. Enemies: Skull Side: Good Powers/Weapons: Basically the same as Vector. Bio: Keeps getting caught by Skull. Appearance: Blue Fox with headphones, green scarf, white gloves with green bands, green shoes. Name: Flirt Anderson Species: Fox A.g.e.: 21 Occupation: Chatting with Friends, working at a mall Relatives/Pets/Friends: Same as Virt and Cirt Personality: Girly, lol Favorite Things: Phone Least Favorite things: Dirt, Mud Enemies: Skull Side: Good Powers/Weapons: Brainpower, Feet Bio: Same as Cirt Appearance: Blue fox, light blue shirt, blue and purple scarf, white gloves, jeans, blue boots.
#31028149Friday, August 06, 2010 8:18 PM GMT

To let everyone know... I've been accepted in this roleplay.
#31028556Friday, August 06, 2010 8:23 PM GMT

(Start) Tails had a chart set up,having the Mobian map on it,"Alright,these brutes seem to be targeting Spiritual and Out of the Way locations,they seem to be looking for Orbs of some sort,anyone have any ideas on where they will go next,or why they want orbs?"Tails asked the heroes. They were all in Sonic's house,in the guest room.
#31028693Friday, August 06, 2010 8:25 PM GMT

"Lemme check my data banks," I said, turning my hand mechanical.
#31028736Friday, August 06, 2010 8:25 PM GMT

Name: Aviolos Aran. Species: Hedgehog. A.g.e.: 25. Occupation: Asassin. Relatives/Pets/Friends: All his relatives are dead, he has no friends, and he used to have a pet turle when he was 5, but It died. Personality: Normally always pissed off, but can be okay. Favorite Things: Wiping out enemies, Brawling, Acrobatics, the stealthy arts, etc. Least Favorite things: Being underestimated, being defeated, the police. Enemies: The people who he's paid to asassinate, and the people who don't pay him for asassination. Side:(Good,bad,neutral) Neutral. Hey, what can I say? He's an asassin. Powers/Weapons: Has extreme power, can even sometimes set things on fire. Can use guns extremely well. Bio: Has never known his parents, he was always made fun of as a kid, he dosen't talk much, and has sworn revenge on whoever defies him. Appearance: Charred black fur, Green dreadlocks, white heavy duty gloves (With bloodstains at times), leather jacket with brown jeans, white shoes, gruff voice, thick, gruff voice, red eyes, regular nose. Looks a bit like shadow.
#31029209Friday, August 06, 2010 8:30 PM GMT

(Do I have to be accepted?)
#31029306Friday, August 06, 2010 8:32 PM GMT

(Yeah, you do)
#31029510Friday, August 06, 2010 8:34 PM GMT

"I'm assuming there next strike would be somewhere around here,I mean,Station Square is the Capital."Blaze the Cat suggested,leaned up against a wall. "How about we just wait 'till they strike?"Thonx asked,Cody sleeping on his back. "Well,that might be to late.Considering how fast there last attack was..."Tails said,aware that they may be helpless to the Group's power. (Accepted.)
#31029913Friday, August 06, 2010 8:38 PM GMT

Marth:*At home sleeping*
#31030083Friday, August 06, 2010 8:40 PM GMT

(k.) I was on a rooftop in the day. Mobius is too peaceful at the moment. well, at least right now. I heard of these people looking for orbs, the government will probably want me to put them out of the picture. I Pulled out a lighter and a Cigg.erate to pass the time. I Want to quit, but it's hard, Y'no? After a few minutes of quiet, I was paged to go to the base Alpha-D. The bases keep changing every day, so the blues don't bother us. I Started to run downtown, where my base was. because of my rare charred fur, I was perfet for my job. It can get annoying at times, but it's a living.
#31030579Friday, August 06, 2010 8:46 PM GMT

"Yeah, I have the frequency from the other orbs, there seems to be the same frequency in Station Square," I noted.
#31030777Friday, August 06, 2010 8:48 PM GMT

Once I got to the base, a seemingly abandoned place where teenagers sometimes go there to get was.ted, or do dr.ugs. I Went on the rooftop, and removed the loose shingles, annd went in the building. I was greeted by Nikolai, Our thech, who knows mobius inside and out. I was expecting him to give me a file of someone who we were hired to make him kick the bucket, but instead, I got a package, whapped in paper. 'What's this?' I said, examining the box. "It's a delivery. We need you to bring It to base Omega. Don't ask what's in it, you'll get shot if you do." Nikolai said. "Hey, I'm no delevirry boy. You can't make mee do this-" But before I knew it, nikolai had a handgun to my head. "Go." Nikolai said. And I ran. Sometimes Nikolai can be like that.
#31031260Friday, August 06, 2010 8:53 PM GMT

Sonic flicked on the News with the televsion mounted upon the right wall,an explosion was shown on the television,5 figures stepped out of the Fire,all holding Machine guns. "Guys,I think they are at the old jewelry shop."Sonic said,turning his head towards the rest of the group.
#31031460Friday, August 06, 2010 8:55 PM GMT

Name: Joe Species: Hedgehog A.g.e.: 5 Occupation: None Relatives/Pets/Friends: Unkown Personality: Quiet, shy Favorite Things: Food, dogs. Least Favorite things: Cats, being told what to do. Enemies: Shadow (Atleast he thinks) Side: Good(Good,bad,neutral) Powers/Weapons: Sonic's speed Bio: A little kid who loves sonic. Appearance: Looks like sonic, only with yellow on the top of his quils, a blue sonic cap, and a jean jacket.
#31031631Friday, August 06, 2010 8:57 PM GMT

"Let's go then!" I stood up and turned my hands into laser blasters. "I'm ready. Is anyone else?" I asked.
#31032093Friday, August 06, 2010 9:02 PM GMT

"I am!"Cody volunteered courageiously. Blaze merely nodded her head. "I'll monitor you from here,take the Tornado."Tails commanded. A few G.U.N. soldiers arrived at the scene,confronting the 5. "Blast it,Cops always come when we do this."A rather attractive female figure spat to her coleagues. "The orb wasn't there,should we just shoot em?"A smaller figure,presumably male asked the Female.
#31032179Friday, August 06, 2010 9:03 PM GMT

I went to Omega, The base in the sewers under the station square, and I went Using the sewers in downtown, and got to the base in about 5 minutes, seeing that the sewers have so many shortcuts. I got there, and Keira and a bunch of other assasins were there. She noticed me come in, and greeted me with a nice hello. "I see you brought the package," Keira said, While I tossed it to her. "Yes, I did. Hey, do you know what It Is?" I said. She didn't reply back. Typical. I judt ignored her, and went back outside, where I heared commotion about the jewlery shop, and Police cars. I hushed out, and I ran to where The shop was. And there was smoke, gunfire, and People getting hurt. Normally, I would like this, but seeing that I wasn't causing it, I was worried. I Stuck to the shadows, when I got another page. It was from Keira. It was saying; "No time to get back to he base. Just follow those People outside, and FOR GODS SAKE, Don't get seen! More info on the way." I heeded that warning, went to a rooftop, went prone, and waited for them to make a move.
#31032358Friday, August 06, 2010 9:06 PM GMT

(Sorry about my typing, my laptop sucks right now.)
#31032538Friday, August 06, 2010 9:08 PM GMT

"What if they brought snipers?'A larger,muscular being asked. "Forget the details.Master told us to stay in line and not cause a fuss."The female spat at him,pulling out a knife from her belt. "Follow my lead."She whispered.
#31032756Friday, August 06, 2010 9:11 PM GMT

I Heared a news chopper, and some other police oming. Sh!t, the news chopper'll see me, and My cover'll be blown! I went town, Into an ally, and Hid in the shadows.
#31033070Friday, August 06, 2010 9:14 PM GMT

(Can you cut down on the swearing?I have some younger friends RPing.) "Hands up!"The commander demanded,at that moment,she tossed the knife,knocking the gun out of his hand. Her other colleagues ran into an ally while she distracted the commander.

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