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#31888606Tuesday, August 17, 2010 3:32 PM GMT

A lot of places today are just one place with not much building room. Like a 'Space' place for example, pretend there are about 5 Solar Systems in the game you would like to build. So, you build a Solar System in that MiniServer. You could maybe call them 'Worlds' or 'Stations' or whatever. Although, you would only be able to see the players and bricks in that World. World 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Players: *'USERNAME' *'USERNAME' *'USERNAME' *'USERNAME' *'USERNAME' Also, your current World number will be marked as Blue Light. ========================= In the diagram on Section I, it is how to Servers should be put. In order to go into a new World, you would have to click on a new number or have a command to do it ( Not sure, but just clicking it will be easier to script ). The command would have to be something as "/World1". ========================= This is helpful to build more in one place, instead of building less in more places. Also, this would help for series, a build-on to one place ( Similar to 'Series' ), or just plain how you would like the 'Worlds' to be. Also, if you would not like 'Worlds' you don't have to put them on. You will be able to put as many as 10 'Worlds'. ========================= Support? Or no support?

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