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#33136276Saturday, September 04, 2010 2:05 AM GMT

Okay, I think that ROBLOX should make a special branch of staves, that are quite cheap, but require experience in the lower staff, to use the better staves. Ill just start with a Light Staff Ameatur (Spelling is wrong, I know) Staff. Shoots light fireballs that do 10 damage. 3second cooldown. Pressing M would swipe the staff around the player, moving the foes away. Doing 15 damage aswell. Only useable when player is 5-10 (?) studs away. Requires: 100 robux. 0 kills with light staves. Intermediate Staff Shoots light fireballs on click, do 15 damage, 4 second cooldown. M swipes the staff, moves players back, does 20 damage. X, however, shoots a bolt of light from the tip of the staff. It does 25 damage, CD is around 10 seconds (?) The bolt of light would strike the player, like lightning from the staff, but the bolt is not 'shot' at the enemy. It strikes from the tip. Requires: 100 robux 20 kills with light staves. Advanced Staff Shoots light fireballs, 20 damage, 5 second cooldown, swipe, does 25 damage, bolt of lightning, 30 damage, 9s cooldown. The newer things: The staff is slammed into the ground, and a shield of light apears around the character. Can absorb up to 40-50 damage. (Use C, absorbed damage israndom) Requires: 100 robux 50 kills with light staves. Master Staff Shoots light fireballs, 20 damage, 5s cooldown, swipe 25 damage, bolt of lightning 40, 9s cooldown, sheild of light. Newer Things: Slam staff into ground, lightning strikes from the staff, doing 40 damage, 4 bolts hit 4 players, or less within 20 studs? 30s cooldown, also the lightning can chain from players. (Use M) Requires: 200 robux 100 kills with light staves All other staffs. Legendary Staff All abilities above, but sheild absorbs 60 damage. New abilities: The player grows wings and flies upward afew studs, then raises the staff in the air, and a beam of light comes from the sky, healing the caster 100% and summoning 1 light spirit with 70 health, does 20 damage every hit. (Use U) Another ability would be that the staff summons 2 spirits. The last 'master' ability would slam the staff into the ground and a explosion of light goes outward, doing 20 damage at first, then 50 overtime. Also slows charaters by 5 walkspeed. Cooldown is once a life. (Use F) (*Spell Idea for Legendary Staff: Summons a eagle to do your bidding. It is very large, it can be commanded to, follow, defend, or it can be ridden by the player with the staff. Lasts until death, but why eagle is summoned, player has 50 max health*) This idea is just debateable. Requirments of Legendary Staff 1 Legendary Shard (300 robux) 200 robux 200 kills with light staffs Must own all other staves All of the cooldowns, damages, and hotkey spells can be changed to Roblox's liking. TL:DR -------------------------- Get out, or read.
#33136333Saturday, September 04, 2010 2:06 AM GMT

I spent awhile typing this. I hope it gets SOME replies.
#33136445Saturday, September 04, 2010 2:07 AM GMT

No, ROBLOX isn't an RPG game.
#33136454Saturday, September 04, 2010 2:07 AM GMT

It gets my reply. Do you even know how staffs work?
#33136509Saturday, September 04, 2010 2:08 AM GMT

'No, ROBLOX isn't an RPG game.' I never said it was. A more detailed reply would be respectable.
#33136621Saturday, September 04, 2010 2:09 AM GMT

Not to be rude, but I doupt you all even read it, I just posted it nearly, 25 seconds ago.
#33137043Saturday, September 04, 2010 2:14 AM GMT

@3 above roblox has other staffs.. @above I read ⅓ of it. The ways spells work is you have 3 per staff, and r and f to switch through. I don't see how an xp system for them would work..
#33139971Saturday, September 04, 2010 2:48 AM GMT

Its not an XP system. You just get kills, and if you meet the amount of kills to recieve the staff, you will be able to buy it. Without the kills, you cant buy it.
#33140297Saturday, September 04, 2010 2:51 AM GMT

What ur saying is a prize that costs robux for combat badges, nty.

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