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#33400625Tuesday, September 07, 2010 8:21 PM GMT

-This roleplay is a sequel to Warrior Cats: Whitecloud's Prophecy, which is a sequel to Warrior Cats - Five Cat's Quest. I suggest you read those threads before you roleplay on/read this, as it will help with your understanding of the characters. This is semi-private. Old characters are automatically in, New characters have to be accepted. FILTER ROLEPLAY, PEOPLE. K. Now, in the prophecy we need one more cat, that is a kit, or a 'paw. The user must have read at least the first series, or be on the 6th book, "The Darkest Hour" YA HEAR THAT? WE DONT WANT ANY FREAKIN SPOILERS LIKE SOMEBODY (You know.) SAID TO ME. Prophecy cats: Whitecloud (Dandelion212) Foxpaw (angel91170) Grasspaw (cutiepiesyummy) [New kit/paw here. I talked about that above] Essencepaw (yumia) (Formerly Essencekit, but she was 5 moons when entered, so it's basically been a moon because of how much we've been RPing. I usually do 20-25 pages, then new thread. So, that thread will be for the journey. I'm hoping for 5+ threads, so that would be 100 or more pages!) Whitepaw's (Whitecloud's) prophecy: "Five cats will embark on a quest that will change the ways of the clans, and may help them learn a valuable lesson" Rules: *Typical RP/ROBLOX Rules *1 Leader, 3 Elders, 2 Queens, 6 Warriors, 6 Apprentices 1 Medicine Cat, 1 Medicine Cat Apprentice, and 5 Kits for each clan. No exceptions. *No ubering. Clearly you don't understand (Excluding da mods (You know who you are)), explaining the first thread being 5+ pages of olololol i kill [cat's name here] blahblahblah *All cats MUST start as kits. No exceptions. *All cats must be approved by me. *If you have read the rules, put "RainStar" at the end of your CS. ThunderClan: 1/25 Cats Leader: Rainstar (Dandelion212) Deputy: Featherfur (iheartchocolate777) Medicine Cat: Waterpool (justin44) Medicine Cat Apprentice: Grasspaw (cutiepiesyummy) (Amirite? Or is it Essencepaw? Earlier in the thread there was mention of her?) Elders: N/A Queens: N/A Warriors: Fawnfur (angel91170) Apprentices: Whitepaw (Dandelion212) Foxpaw (angel91170) Shadowpaw (leopard358) Essencepaw (yumia) Kits: N/A (CS) Name: Clan: Appearance: Clan-born?: Any scars or injuries/permanent injuries? (If yes, describe): Gender: Connection with Starclan?: Mentor (If a 'paw): Moons (If a kit): Family:
#33400758Tuesday, September 07, 2010 8:23 PM GMT

Meeeeeee Name: Rainstar Clan: Thunderclan Appearance: Midnight black pelt, Shimmering blue eyes. Rank: Leader Clan-born?: Yes Any scars or injuries/permanent injuries? (If yes, describe): No Gender: Female Connection with Starclan?: Somewhat low, for a leader. Mentor (If a 'paw): Moons (If a kit): Apprentice (If a warrior): None yet (NOTE: I AM A LEADER. NOT A WARRIOR. LEADERS CAN HAVE APPRENTICES) Lives left: 6 Family: N/A, Will be revealed later.
#33404375Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:17 PM GMT

Hi, er, you might not really know who I was but I signed up for your old onee... I was offline a whole lot...
#33404381Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:17 PM GMT

DONT DIE MAI PRECIOUS THREAD. Also, If you are from the previous thread(s), CS NAO.
#33404404Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:18 PM GMT

Name:Waterpool Clan:Thunderclan Appearance:BLue-gray fur,White spots Clan-born?:Yes Any scars or injuries/permanent injuries? (If yes, describe):No Gender:Female Connection with Starclan?:Above average for a medicine cat Mentor (If a 'paw):N/A Moons (If a kit):N/A Family:Grassfur(Deceased)
#33404425Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:18 PM GMT

#33404894Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:24 PM GMT

Name: Hawkkit Clan: ROuge... soon-to-be thunderclan Appearance: brown tabby. Clan-born?: yes - shadowclan Any scars or injuries/permanent injuries? (If yes, describe): Scar on left eye where father tried to kill me. Gender: F Connection with Starclan?: Sometimes Mentor (If a 'paw): no Moons (If a kit): no Family: LostHearts, shadowclan cat, my father - Graytail, shadowclan cat, my mother who died in labor.
#33404949Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:24 PM GMT

And dont you call me no lady! i are Anna the Destroyer. XD.
#33405398Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:29 PM GMT

#33405471Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:30 PM GMT

Read my posts on your other one, please. then you'll get why I say - Soon-to-be-thunderclan.
#33405782Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:34 PM GMT

#33405868Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:35 PM GMT

Hai cutie. :D
#33405957Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:37 PM GMT

Name: Grasspaw (=3) Clan: THUNDAH BABEH Appearance: Grasspaw is a young she-cat with a sleek, gray pelt with lighter spots and curious green eyes. Clan-born?: Yup Any scars or injuries/permanent injuries? (If yes, describe): Nope, not really Gender: Female Connection with Starclan?: Beyond very very high Mentor (If a 'paw): Waterpool, the medicine cat Moons (If a kit): (Well, shes 7 moons...) Family:All dead....
#33406053Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:38 PM GMT

(norly what's with the THUNDAH BABEH?)
#33406125Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:39 PM GMT

Name: Honeykit Clan: thunderclan Appearance: silver fur with black stripes. blue eyes Clan-born?: no kittypet Any scars or injuries/permanent injuries? (If yes, describe): no Gender: F Connection with Starclan?: no Mentor (If a 'paw): Moons (If a kit): 6 Family: N/A
#33406155Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:39 PM GMT

(Its for, PIZZAZ!)
#33406224Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:40 PM GMT

THUNDAH BABEH. I are like chicken. The voices are telling me to kill you. Ceiling cat is watching you masterbade. MONORAIL CAT. Can I has cheezburger? Hold on, I think I fixed it.
#33406304Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:40 PM GMT

#33406493Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:43 PM GMT

#33406585Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:44 PM GMT

lolcats. xD.
#33406642Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:45 PM GMT

@anna's 2nd to last post WTH MAN, THERE ARE FREAKING KIDS RPING ON THIS THREAD. Reread your fourth sentence, pl0x?
#33406695Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:45 PM GMT

@Alexa11042 Accepted. @everyone K RP NAO.
#33406712Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:46 PM GMT

(-.-) Grasspaw woke up in her nest and yawned. She stood up and shook the pieces of moss out of her fur and stretched. She could smell the sharp aroma of the herbs in the den.
#33406856Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:48 PM GMT

Ooc; Lol. Big deal. xD. Thats the way I roll. _________________________________________ I sit patiently at the thunderclan camp, waiting for the leader. I lick my paws and rub my ears, trying to get the dirt off from falling out of a tree after a bird had almost pecked me to death after coming to close to her nest.
#33407040Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:50 PM GMT

Grasspaw blinked and the sunlight filled her gaze. She had dreamed about a journey of some sort, into some mountain. she slowly padded out into the waking camp, seeing cats ready to leave for the dawn patrol.

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