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#33720838Monday, September 13, 2010 3:10 AM GMT

Look, I joined this game for one reason: It stood out. It didn't just give you content to play, it gave you the tools to make your own. It was the ultimate "Online Building Toy"(As ROBLOX called itself back in about 2008.) Now look at it, it's turned into a big mess. Everybody in this game only plays levels now. And those who do build make horrible games. Back in the day, I remember you actually UPDATED the building tools. Yeah, so what if we got fire and smoke, but those things could have come in 2007! They're outdated even though they're new. You want to clean up this mess, or will you leave the pile to grow and grow, until, eventually, it collapyses, and falls apart. You've made over 2 million off of us, you want to keep it, listen to us, because we know what WE want, because we ARE we, and I'm going to stop before none of it makes sense. OK, here's some things you can do to make ROBLOX overall better: Stop the hatsplosion! If you want us to buy BC so bad, don't shove us off with all the lame hats! Fire some of the hat interns, they're just wasting your money! Suggestions for this: Make 2 or so hats a week, not a day. That way, you have more time to think of the epic hats you can post, that AREN'T total rip offs of other companies that have the power to put you out of buisiness in one lawsuit. More building updates! Put more people in the programming team and make them update building. If people get into building, they'll buy BC for more places, and, once they learn how fun BC is, they'll keep renewing and renewing it. Oh, and make sure to make building more easy and intuitive.(Whatever that means, I honestly have no clue.) Here are some good, COMMUNITY TAKEN, building update ideas: Gravity Points -- You already have to basic gravity, you can make it so that a certain brick has a gravity, right? Free Model Limit -- Yes, yes, people need free models, I use some as well, but this is a ratio thing. Like the posts for them say, only half your place can be free models, with a super-dooper free model to your bricks ratio. You figure it out. Social Updates Sure, maybe you want to be an "Online Building Toy AND Social Hangout", and I can live with that, as long as the first part stays. So here's some stuff that you guys should to to make the community better: Teach a Newb -- Take a player that has just joined ROBLOX less than 3 months old(To ROBLOX) under your wing and teach him one of the following: Bloxxing(Awards 20 tix), building(Awards 50), and scripting(awards 70). The new player then has to say "Yes" or "No" to say if he was tought well or not. Read the topic specific thread for full info More Moderation -- Hire mods with common sense.(No offense.) You don't know how many people I've seen go off cussing. And, plus, instead of just INSTABAN, for a mistake, let the player that is about to be sent to banland try to give a reason for his mistake, or try to explain the misunderstanding, and if they have a legitimate reason, they go with only a warning. TL;DR version I'm sorry, but the TL;DR version would still be too long for you to read. Just read it, it only takes 10 minutes at the most to read. OK, mods, I hope you get this message, because if you don't , then ROBLOX will probably go down the drain. Flush, flush, flush.
#33720924Monday, September 13, 2010 3:12 AM GMT

I Support! I can't go one day without seeing a "Slumber party" place -You don't need wit for a flamewar, you only need a caps lock and an exclamation point.-
#33720945Monday, September 13, 2010 3:13 AM GMT

i just read the first sentence and the rest was a blur so i dont really know what u said *so many words shorten it gosh*
#33721033Monday, September 13, 2010 3:15 AM GMT

@Crazy Go to school.
#33721035Monday, September 13, 2010 3:15 AM GMT

Crazysmith, get out, you 5 year old with no patientce! ROBLOX ill needs of idiots like you! OK, if you can't understand that, I'll just say it like this: There is no way to shorten it, because then nobody would get the full meaning of it.
#33721246Monday, September 13, 2010 3:20 AM GMT

JUST READ THE DANG POST! IT'S NOT THAT HARD, IT ONLY TAKES 10 MINUTES! And, unless you have a very busy life, you have that much time!
#33721642Monday, September 13, 2010 3:30 AM GMT

Bump. Just read it!
#33722348Monday, September 13, 2010 3:50 AM GMT

I read it in 10 sec. also, the newb training is semi-abuseable, yay for altz. >(Ax360)<
#33722706Monday, September 13, 2010 4:02 AM GMT

@"it only takes 10 minutes at the most to read." XD, it only took three I kinda agree with different points, and your suggestion to stop hat making is ill founded, the hat team just has the easiest job is all, i doubt they even have inters working on that, interns are mostly for coffee and sandwich delivery..
#33736516Monday, September 13, 2010 7:41 PM GMT

The Newb thing isn't abusable, it's just that I didn't list all the details. Read the thread called "Train a New Person" by me. Gives ALL the details you need to know.
#33738340Monday, September 13, 2010 8:08 PM GMT

I'm not letting my pure ignorance to incorperate greed die!
#33738527Monday, September 13, 2010 8:11 PM GMT

That teach a Newb system is genius
#33738591Monday, September 13, 2010 8:12 PM GMT

The original idea wasn't by me, I just improved it ten fold.
#33738993Monday, September 13, 2010 8:18 PM GMT

I agree with all, except "Teach a newb", because it can be abusable, if somebody has two different computers.
#33739491Monday, September 13, 2010 8:25 PM GMT

OMFG!!!! I see one of these thing 50 TIMES A DAY!!!!!!! It's super anoying! I normally read a whole thread, but I got your point in the first sentence, and I'm tired of it. Do you know why roblox is the way it is??? To appeal to everyone!!!! So read this: Roblox makes hats for robux to make money to pay for the dev team, the servers, the forums, and the updates. People buy robux and BC to get the hats and Roblox makes money. They do this for you. Yes they do it for the people who hate it most. They make money to pay for all that stuff, but if you complain about it on the forums they have to throw their money away for you to complain. Maybe if you STFU they would update.
#33743934Monday, September 13, 2010 9:24 PM GMT

Willyo, you shut up and listen to me. I know all that, but what if they influenced everybody to buy BC by having building be funner? That way, people wouldn't just buy ROBUX, but BC. And, they have enough money to run the site AND pay the employees AND buy server space for more stupid, un-needed hats nobody buys anyway. I'm not compaining about how they should stop making hats, I'm saying that they should make less hats and focus their team more on updates, but you wouldn't know, because you, as you stated yourself, didn't read my entire post. And I'm not complaining, I'm trying to give ways to improve the game. If you didn't read that, I'll shorten it for you: I KNEW ALL THAT, READ THE FLIPPIN POST!
#33744257Monday, September 13, 2010 9:28 PM GMT

Does anybody else nodice a pattern in which these massive threads attacking Roblox are created, especially after "The Quizessential Thread"? :P [sarcasm] I envy all of those thread creators' individualism O_O [/sarcasm]
#33744275Monday, September 13, 2010 9:29 PM GMT

I agree with willyo but I'll say it in a more... funneh way. So here: The game hasn't changed at all for building but solo mode building.
#33744530Monday, September 13, 2010 9:32 PM GMT

*Facepalm* Look, this isn't a thread attacking ROBLOX. It's giving ways to improve it. Why can't SMART people actually read my thread? ):|
#33744818Monday, September 13, 2010 9:37 PM GMT

It's genious. I put the same thread inside a thread called "NEW GEAR IDEA!!!" to grab there attention.
#33744973Monday, September 13, 2010 9:39 PM GMT

"Now look at it, it's turned into a big mess. Everybody in this game only plays levels now. And those who do build make horrible games. Back in the day, I remember you actually UPDATED the building tools. Yeah, so what if we got fire and smoke, but those things could have come in 2007! They're outdated even though they're new. You want to clean up this mess, or will you leave the pile to grow and grow, until, eventually, it collapyses, and falls apart" If you aren't attacking roblox, then what do you mean by "it's turned into a big mess.", and "And those who do build make horrible games.", and "eventually, it collapsyses, and falls apart"? That sounds like attacking to me. Also, you can't fix an opinion, the fault only lies within those whom hold it.
#33745887Monday, September 13, 2010 9:52 PM GMT

"Those who do build horrible games" I'm reffering the all those free modelers on the front page. "it's turned into a big mess." Reffering to how all they update is hats now. "eventually, it collapsyses, and falls apart"? Reffering to my theory of how ROBLOX will fall apart. Nobody remembers that, though. Hey, think things through. I know what I'm saying, and if your opinion is that I'm attacking, fine by me, but just ignore the post. But, I'm also giving suggestions to improve ROBLOX. And you probably didn't read the bottom half. If you did, good for you, get out, because you're not helping my cause in anyway. No, I can handle a person that says "No support", but I want a flippin' reason. That too much to ask? This has flawless reasoning and such, but if you don't bother to read it, I look like an idiot just trying to say to remove hats.
#33746419Monday, September 13, 2010 10:00 PM GMT

You know what, nevermind, just let this thread die. The mods are too stubborn and ignorant to realize what they've done, and THEY EVEN CANCELLED THE OGRE UPDATE! I'm just going to give up and play Little Big Planet for the rest of my life.
#33746428Monday, September 13, 2010 10:00 PM GMT

some of the ideas seem to be semi-copied, but still, it was you that put all the ideas together in a troll proof (cept for the tl;dr-ers), cohesive, suggestion. not a flame towards ROBLOX. You, sir, are an epic win. support. btw, most of the troll-proof ness is the thing where you aknowleged (is that how you spell it?) that there ARE two teams of mods, and suggested that some of them be laid off, and more to be added to the scripting/building update team. Not many people say that on here, I always think about it when I see people talk about it, but I never mention it ._. tl;dr version :D support, because it is an epic, non flaming, loophole free idea. you win the internet.
#33746493Monday, September 13, 2010 10:01 PM GMT

why cancel it? D: the mods SAY they check this forum, so if you keep it alive, it might actually get some attention o.0

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