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#33789773Tuesday, September 14, 2010 8:43 PM GMT

People are randomly selected when they are born to hold a terrible curse. they where born with what people say looks like a star with an open point. The curse of the insane. when they where born they lashed out at anyone near. People called the ancients came and gave them a necklace (You choose what it looks like) that kept them sane. But when a group shows up that thirst for power they start trying to steal the powerful necklace. the ancients come and kill The Insane in terrible ways for their own entertainment and they're necklace would loose its power and would be nothing more then a ordinary necklace (in other words you lose the necklace you gonna die). Name: A.ge: Bio: Appearence: Group member?: An Insane?: Human?: Name: Star Ag.e: 16 Bio: she lost most of her memory. she doesn't remember how. she's street smart. She's a theif. she told her 3 friends if she lost her necklace to kill her. she found a way to put the power of one necklace into another. Her original necklace was a star but she transfered the power to the cross. Appearence: dark brown hair to middle back, blue eyes, cross necklace around neck, star necklace tried around wrist, black tank top, ripped up blue t-shirt, black jacket, ripped jeans, knee tops, colorful skull bandana tied around head to hide the symbol. Group member?: no An Insane?: yes Human?: no
#33791052Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:02 PM GMT

#33791871Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:14 PM GMT

(I don't quite understand the plot but I'll read it over again.) Name: Rita. A/g/e: 16. Gender: Female. Bio: She only remembers her name. Her memory was completely swiped. The only thing she has is her necklace now. Appearance: 5'8", 95 pounds. Quite slender, long almost spider-like legs. Dark brown, worn tank top, white t-shirt over it. Navy-blue jeans with the knees teared apart. white sneakers covered with dirt. Her symbol is on her right-shoulder blade. Her necklace is a black obsidian necklace with a gold chain that is strung around her neck. Group member?: No. An Insane?: Yes. Human?: No.
#33792045Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:16 PM GMT

(What part are you confused on?)
#33792181Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:18 PM GMT

(The ancients and stuff. >.>)
#33792324Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:20 PM GMT

(they're just the people who watch the insane.
#33792448Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:21 PM GMT

#33792466Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:21 PM GMT

#33793112Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:31 PM GMT

Name: West A.ge: 7 Bio: He was given the curse at a very early age and strangely he remembers it all, how he killed his parent that one stormy night. The necklace is all that keeps him from killing but he doesn't remember how he got it. He constantly has nightmares about that one stormy night. Someone or something doesn't want him to forget. Appearence: Pale skin, Plain black hoodie, Plain black tracksuit bottoms, Black trainers, Shaved hair, Dull brown eyes, Strange tattoo markings on the top of his head, A circle with a eye in the middle necklace. Group member?: No An Insane?: Yes Human?: No
#33793123Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:31 PM GMT

(back it be nice if we had a theif so i'm gonna wait and see if anyone else joins)
#33793605Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:39 PM GMT

Name:Ace A.ge:17 Bio:I've been trained to steal necklaces at all costs. Appearence:Short blond hair and brown eyes. 6'2. Medium weight. He has on a black t-shirt and ripped jeans to look less suspicious. He also has a scar above the right eye from a fight. Group member?:Yes An Insane?:No Human?:No
#33793748Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:41 PM GMT

(k! we can start! woot!) Star I sat quietly in a tree deep in the woods. i tried to stay away from citys just incase.
#33794017Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:45 PM GMT

Ace I stood on a roof top. They told me a Insane would be in town but I couldn't spot them.
#33794110Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:46 PM GMT

Star The group stayed in towns. i guess they think we like what we are. if only they knew.
#33794271Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:48 PM GMT

(May we have an encounter? You'll escape obviously) I ran forward and jumped onto another building.
#33794316Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:48 PM GMT

Name: Zephyr (last name classified for now). A.ge: 25. Bio: (Classified for now). Appearance: Tan skin with many sars on face, black, messy hair, reddish-black eyes (Normally covered with black sunglasses), deep, grim voice, about 6 foot 5, wears a black trench coat, his necklace is a raindrop, but keeps it covered with his trench coat, wears a grey T-shirt under trench coat, beige cargo ants, black penny loafers. Group member?: No. An Insane?: Yes. Human?: No.
#33794331Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:49 PM GMT

(sure!) I sighed and jumped down landing gracefully on my feet.
#33794438Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:50 PM GMT

(Do I need to be accepted?)
#33794439Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:50 PM GMT

I noticed someone a little ways off in a forest. I figured they were either an Insane of knows one. I ran foward and jumped off the roof. I continued running for them.
#33794546Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:51 PM GMT

#33794548Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:51 PM GMT

Star "What did i do to deserve this?" i muttered. i looked up at the sky.
#33794575Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:52 PM GMT

Name: Grayson Verran A.ge: 21 Bio: A killer. Ruthless, no sense of mercy. He has only one thing in mind, that's to kill whoever pays. His allegiance is money, and money alone. He is currently employed to hunt Insane, no more is known. Family, friends, none. Just contacts. No enemies. None, alive, anyway. Appearence: all. 6'4" with a tall lean body with slightly muscular build and is slightly pale. Black combat boots, black tight jeans, black short sleeved shirt under a trench coat that skims the ground. His long shoulder length straggly black hair is topped with a black fedora that casts his face in part shadow, showing only two green eyes and a strong jaw that is always smirking. Group member?: no An Insane?: no Human?:Yes
#33794750Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:54 PM GMT

Verran: I shoved my black 17 inch serrated knife into a man's back and pulled it out. "This is why I live." I hiss and kick his still standing body away. I race into a forest, knowing there were more.
#33794936Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:57 PM GMT

I finally get to star. "Tell me where some Insane are or else." I hiss. (I suppose I'll be fighting Verran...)
#33795019Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:58 PM GMT

(Yes you will! Look forward to it) Verran: "I think I found one." I hiss, my gun pointing at (yugioh, I need to check char name in a sec. G2G, though. D:)

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