#33885357Thursday, September 16, 2010 10:20 PM GMT

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#33885584Thursday, September 16, 2010 10:23 PM GMT

(note to everyone, I'm trying to keep this more lighthearted than most threads, so please don't be too serious.)
#33886028Thursday, September 16, 2010 10:30 PM GMT

I swung my legs over the side of my bed and stood up. The sun was peeking over the hills, hesitating the climb higher in the sky.
#33886424Thursday, September 16, 2010 10:35 PM GMT

Name: Jake Darkwood Gender: M 17 Gear: A small pouch of coins and a key -- I travel light. Weapons: Pureblade, a shining white sword. Why you came to Altori: I was found in the woods by Dr. Greg, Altori's eccentric scientist. I was unconscious, and I now suffer from amnesia. All I remember is a giant waterfall, a young girl and a man with dark eyes. I have a key in my pouch, but I do not know where it came from. Dr. Greg sheletered and raised me for a year, and I took a new alias and set out to find my past and my future. I start out with the woods on the very edges of Altori, where I was found. Appearance: Dark complexion, small scar on the back of my right hand. Blue eyes, long and dirty blond hair. Bio: While staying with Dr. Greg, I tried the key on every door I could find around his observatory and around the general store. None of them opened, but I did find a key just like it in a back room of Dr. Greg's house. He caught me and sharply rebuked me, and I never ventured back there again. There's a wooden chest in his room, and I'm desperate to know what's in there. (Woo-hoo, this is good!)
#33886720Thursday, September 16, 2010 10:39 PM GMT

(Tell me when to start)
#33886724Thursday, September 16, 2010 10:39 PM GMT

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#33886830Thursday, September 16, 2010 10:41 PM GMT

I gt dressed and slipped on my moccasins and ran to my makeshift kitchen. I didn't want to eat though. I slid out the door of the tiny building and started down the little dirt path that lead down to the bigger street.
#33886993Thursday, September 16, 2010 10:43 PM GMT

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#33888359Thursday, September 16, 2010 11:01 PM GMT

I walked to the main street and head to the village center, there was a beutifully sculpted fountain made by a famous artisan that lived here, but died several years ago. it had about 7 people here, this is about the average people around here. The path to the woods had the sun shining down upon it. I went back to my house and strapped on my armor, I was searching for that pheonix.
#33888781Thursday, September 16, 2010 11:07 PM GMT

I woke up and yawned, maybe I would just relax in the flowers for today, I thought as I got dressed in my usual clothes and fixed my hair, I walked out of the house, wandering around the village. Stopping to stare at flowers along the way.
#33890083Thursday, September 16, 2010 11:25 PM GMT

I snapped awake at about the sixth hour of the morning. The beginnings of dawn were streaking across the orange sky, and I could smell the wet wood of the front porch from the violent rain last night. That's strange, I thought, I usually would've woken up about three hours ago. Thanks to the dreams. He couldn't exactly call them nightmares, just dreams about a massive, beautiful waterfall. Some snippets of a young girl intruded the dream as well. I took a step toward the waterfall, but suddenly a man with dark eyes lashed out at me. Then a tall, powerful looking man with silver sword and strange purple eyes comes and steps the dark-eyed man, and the two battle. But before I can reach the waterfall, I wake up. Dreams or no dreams, today was the day I had planned to go out into the woods where he had been found and try to uncover the secrets of my past. I slid my feet out of bed and threw on my cloak. On the way out, I grabbed a small loaf of bread and a canteen for the long hike. As I passed through the main street, I saw a young woman striding toward the small flower beds in the square, recognizing her as Ella Roseque. Along the way, I also saw Kylin Excian emerging from his apartment. He waved. I gave a small nod. But then, as I pass by the general store, a man with a long dagger leaps out and points it at the clerk. The customers rush out onto the street in fear, and I took cover behind some nearby barrels. The store was being robbed.
#33890192Thursday, September 16, 2010 11:27 PM GMT

(Is there a inn there. If so what is its name I want to start there.)
#33891731Thursday, September 16, 2010 11:48 PM GMT

I walked out of the village, slightly scuff up, but only from an underbrush. Over my shoulder, was a dead hog, with a hardly visible insertion sliver. He kept a straight smirk, and tossed the hog on the butchers stall table. "I'll take my pay now. That little thing was extremely hard to tackle and kill..." I said while glancing at my left shoulder spikes, covered in blood, from the hog. I took a cloth and wiped it off, as it shined in the fresh light.
#33892129Thursday, September 16, 2010 11:52 PM GMT

I gathered some roses, daisies and some other of my favorite breed of flowers. Oh how I adore flowers, they make me so happy and remind me of pools of sunshine and rainbows. It always brought peace and warmth into my heart. I wondered if I could put them into a bouquet and sell them...I should open a flower shop one day, I thought, as I picked a few more flowers from around the village.
#33900961Friday, September 17, 2010 1:46 AM GMT

I walked to the edge of the woods, my lance shined in the light. I entered the woods, every now and then a deer pranced by, I eventually came to a meadow, flower patches dotted the field of tall grass. I walked through it, and eventually found a charred spot in the grass, I leane dover and found an orange feather, still glowing hot. Well, I found a feather, but from what I've heard, nothing a phoenix does is an accident. I picked up the feather, and wiped away the ashes from the ground. A wooden door. "Is this...?" I pulled the latch, it made a clunk, then opened, dust fell down, and torches lit up, showing a staircase leading down to darkness. "It is. A crypt, I better get some help." I took out a map of the woods I have, and marked down the spot where the door was. I started heading to the village.
#33901387Friday, September 17, 2010 1:53 AM GMT

The robber hasn't seen me yet. I crawl through stacks of barrels and crates, hoping to get the drop on him. He's currently looting the store, shoving everything that wasn't nailed down in a sack. I was about to jump him, when I felt a beefy hand grab the back of my neck. The robber's accomplice. "Where do you think you're goin, kid?" he asked gruffly. The robber still hadn't seen us yet. "Just, uh... looking for some ripe bananas..." I said lamely, playing dumb. He shoved me into a rack of fruit. "Take all ya want!" he chuckled hoarsely. The robber idly stands by, watching us. Suddenly, I come back up with a banana in hand, smacking the end of it into the big man's eye. He groaned and fell backwards. The robber dashed over to take me, but I threw the banana at him. Just as I was about to pull me sword, he had be pinned against the wall with a knife at my throat. This guy was quick. Then, a knife appears in the wall next to his hand. I look towards the entrance, wondering who was rescuing me.
#33914620Friday, September 17, 2010 3:31 PM GMT

Aénex was kneeling down at the front of the church. Nobody else was in there, just how he liked it. The church was one of the places he went to everyday. He knew everybody else thought he was wierd because he was the only one that went in, because it was sort of abandoned now. He always looked at the giant stained glass windows, they spoke out to him like it was his history. But he didn't just do that in there, he searched the whole place aswell. Usually who would here a loud banging or a crash, but everyone was so used to it that they didn't even notice anymore.
#33922618Friday, September 17, 2010 8:00 PM GMT

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#33923278Friday, September 17, 2010 8:09 PM GMT

As Aénex started to look around, he took notice of a strange wall, it seemed different to the others. He tried looking or sweeping over it, but nothing came up. Then, he knocked on it, all over, looking for a hollow spot. After a few minutes, he found something. It sounded like rock, like the type you find in a really ancient cave. Aénex then looked around for something to open up a passage, or at least something to let him look to it.
#33947171Saturday, September 18, 2010 1:33 AM GMT

Elle eventually grew tired of picking flowers, it was fun but boring after a while when there aren't any different, she took the bunch of flowers she had with her and sat down in a bench, enjoying their offer of sweet aroma.
#33964899Saturday, September 18, 2010 9:01 AM GMT

Aénex ddn't want to break the wall, just to open it. But he soon got irritated that nothing was coming up. "Uh!" He groaned, and hit the wall without even noticing. Suddenly, there was a crumbling noise, the hollow spot was opening up. When Aénex hit the wall, he managed to push a brick back.
#34071288Sunday, September 19, 2010 6:47 PM GMT

(I was on a canoe trip :P) I arrived in the village, I headed over to the park, there were only about a maximum of 3 poeple there, but at least there is someone. I walked to the park and lied down on a wooden bench made of tree stumps, everyone knew that I didn't usually wear my armor...
#34073713Sunday, September 19, 2010 7:15 PM GMT

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#34095755Sunday, September 19, 2010 11:38 PM GMT

(just to let kokiran know, those robbers can't be from the village, ok?)
#34142262Monday, September 20, 2010 10:43 PM GMT

I sat up, my back was a bit stiff, but I lied back and stared at a nearby tree, a squirrel ran around with a shiny bead or something in its mouth.