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#34151661Tuesday, September 21, 2010 12:32 AM GMT

Group Advertising: Yes, I know in the OBC cast they said they would make it but they are currently not working on it, anyways here is how it would go. 1. Under changing the group picture, there would be a button saying "Advertise Group" 2. It would be a bit different from normal advertising, they basically use your group emblem to advertise the group. Why? Many people will use comic ads, which have nothing to do with the group. ------------------------------------------------ Music: Being able to record Music using Roblox made gears to avoid profanity, and copyright issues. ------------------------------------------------ Name Color Changing Self explanitory ------------------------------------------------ Real Forums: Even Telamon said retarded monkeys could make better forums on Twitter, we need emoticons,quoting,reputation,etc! ------------------------------------------------ Optional Bevels Bevels are the rounded parts of a brick, some old timers don't like bevels, this should be an on site feature also. ------------------------------------------------ Please, upgrade your physics engine The physics are so bad, if I used a car, and crashed into a humanoid, the car would spaz out. ------------------------------------------------ Fix your motors! They spaz out everytime, guaranteed, motors are very imporant in Roblox building. That's all 8D
#34152025Tuesday, September 21, 2010 12:36 AM GMT

Auto IP lockout after 6 fails logging in Will prevent PGing, they will be locked out for 30 minutes
#34152182Tuesday, September 21, 2010 12:38 AM GMT

You should make robux less expensive my mom won't let me buy BC bacuase "I'll waaste my moey" or whatever and i have to wait 600 or more days to get the gear i want because i get a robuc eachday now even less.
#34152284Tuesday, September 21, 2010 12:39 AM GMT

@sea Terrible idea, it's only 5 dollars
#34155423Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:17 AM GMT

actually 6 dollars but same point in general
#34385831Saturday, September 25, 2010 4:49 PM GMT

i don't have a grude agienst you. i can be nice on one thread with you and at the same time hate you on another. i shall now critisize each one. Group Advertising: support. ------------------------------------------------ Music: Being able to record Music using Roblox made gears to avoid profanity, and copyright issues. support. ------------------------------------------------ Name Color Changing no. red/blue is a rare colour, so most people will want red/blue. takes away varitiy. ------------------------------------------------ Real Forums: no. the fact the roblox fourms are makeshift actully is a benefit. ------------------------------------------------ Optional Bevels: support. ------------------------------------------------ Please, upgrade your physics engine oversuggested. ------------------------------------------------ Fix your motors! they don't spaz out for me. only if you put a wall on them. support.
#34389128Saturday, September 25, 2010 5:37 PM GMT

@Frozen Motors usually spaz out because of the physics, the physics engine should be upgraded, not the graphics engine

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