#34162857Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:34 AM GMT

Ooc; I will brb.
#34162893Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:35 AM GMT

I shamble down the path of the colony, my wooden buckler bouncing on my back and my one-handed battle-axe bouncing on my thigh. I sigh as yet the fifth person today makes a detour so as to stay away from me. I furrow my eyebrows, my mood worsening with every heavy laden footfall.
#34162910Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:36 AM GMT

i was in my hut, tending a hunter's broken arm. i slowly maneuvered it into place and numbed his arm as i did so. he felt nothing, and sat there with his eyes closed. after a few minutes i had realigned the bones and telling him to hold it there, pulled out 3 runes. i placed them in a triangle around his arm, and then spoke the Healing Spelle: "Upon these Runes of Ancient Power, heal this man's arm so he may hunt again." (epic fail there...) and his bones knitted together and with a crack became completely even. i then fell back. "there, it is done Quann. you may go and hunt again." i told him.
#34163003Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:39 AM GMT

By the time I had managed to arrive at the make-shift warriors practice arena in a nearby clearing, I was absolutely fuming. The only man willing to wrestle me was just about an inch shorter, and maybes a few inches more narrow. I shrug off the spaulders and the chestguard as He raises an eyebrow at me. Alec, I think is his name. I mutter to myself in norse, and then walk up to the crudely draawn circle. He quickly engages, and I just as quickly pick him up and slam him. I sigh and then shake my head.
#34163106Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:43 AM GMT

he bowed in thanks and left. i opened the door to my hut and called in the next person. i noticed they were sick and took one rune and spoke another heal spell: "Take this man's disease from the air and let us breathe in peace." (my spells FAIL!) once i did that i took 8 runes and told him to lie on the ground, inside my Runic Circle. it was like a Pentacle, only larger and was lined with healing and clean air runes. once she was on the ground, i placed my runes around her body in a pattern: Fehu here, Uruz there. once they were there i stood there and raising my arms, spoke the second spell: "drive this disease from the body, into the walls, guarded by runes." the disease left them and was taken into the walls, where it would be absorbed and it' power used to strengthen the Health runes everywhere. the woman had passed out, so i took her to my b.ed and lay her there. it was the end of the day, and there was no one else left to heal. i went outside and took a deep breath, then went into the forest for a walk. (i'll be implementing the plot now.)
#34163128Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:43 AM GMT

Ooc; Darn... Bai the tiem I get on again, it will already be 5 pages into it. I absolutely DESPISE having to go to bed so early. >.< I'll get up earlier and join in the morning.
#34163187Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:45 AM GMT

Ooc; You know what? I'mma post mai CS in the morning. I can easily copy and paste from the Demi-God one. :3 Mai appearance takes too long.
#34163221Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:46 AM GMT

As I begin to walk of Alec reaches out and twists my ankle hard. We all hear something pop fairly loudly, and pain courses through my leg and up through my body. I grimace, and then fall as I attempt to walk on it. The battle master sighs, placing his face in one palm, and then sends a messenger to go find the good doctor.
#34163323Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:50 AM GMT

(go ahead. i wake up early to take a shower, so i'll go ahead and check out ur cs then.) i went for a walk down a beaten forest path towards the battle arena. there was no doubt they'd need my help there for a while. i left a note on the door in case there was an emergency and walked briskly, absorbing the air.
#34163371Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:51 AM GMT

Ooc; What tiem do you get up? :O I get up at 6.... Sometimes earlier. Tomorrow ish an earlier day.
#34163412Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:53 AM GMT

I gritted my teath as I continued to attempt standing, much to the dismay of my peers and battlemaster. I cursed loudly in norse as I struggled to limp, my foot turned sideways, dragging on the ground.
#34163472Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:55 AM GMT

(i get up at 5.) as i was walking i passed by somebody. then they turned around and called me. "what is it?" i asked. "well, somebody got injured in practice in the ring. twisted their ankle." the messenger said. "very well, i was on my way there anyways." i said. at least i had my runes with me, like every Runecaster healer should. it would be a simple matter to do that.
#34163500Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:56 AM GMT

Ooc; Omg. That's early. I'll try to post it about 6, or maybe a little bit earlier, ish that OK?
#34163507Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:56 AM GMT

(i gtg to bed. if i don't, my mom'll catch me. sorry guys, cya tomorrow after school D:)
#34168966Tuesday, September 21, 2010 12:14 PM GMT

(yeah, go ahead. i'll check it out.)
#34169703Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:11 PM GMT

(post ur cs when ur ready icey.)
#34169811Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:23 PM GMT

(Ok. Almost done. :3)
#34169862Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:28 PM GMT

#34169876Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:29 PM GMT

CS: must fill out EVERYTHING to the REQUIREMENTS! read the rules to be accepted! Name: Hunter Melendie 20 Gender: Female Element: Water, and Air... (O.e, sowee Blox, these are mai usual elements, not trying to copy x3) Appearance: Layered light brown wavy hair that reaches halfway down her back and is highlighted naturally with blonde, and her hair frames her face. Her eyes are ice-blue with teal and sea-blue speckles with a ice-blue line around them, long eyelashes, a heart-shaped face and full lips, small ears, fair-skinned, long nails painted ice-blue with stars, slim, petite, about 5'5", and not very strong or muscular. She is wearing an aqua-blue runecaster's robe that's trimmed in white, it reaches down to her ankles, and leather combat boots. She also wears a teardrop shaped aqua colored necklace with matching earrings. Personality: Hates to lead, calm, hard to anger, but once she's angry there's no stopping her, protective and loyal to her friends, a loner, very independant, and smart. Bio: Hunter is talented in the Water aspect of Runecasting. She leads a simple life, and doesn’t have many friends inside the colony. She mostly keeps to herself, and practices deep in the forest, away from everyone else. Being a loner, she lives in a small one-room hut in the woods which is small enough to be called somewhat of a shack. She loves her life, and wouldn’t trade it for anyone’s, but sometimes wishes she wasn’t so…. Alone.
#34169884Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:30 PM GMT

Ooc; Tell meh what I need to change. There will probably be alot of things, since I'm kinda new to this kind of rp. -Sigh- Mai CS fails above all Cs's. XD
#34169893Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:32 PM GMT

(nope. it's great :D accepted)
#34194854Tuesday, September 21, 2010 11:16 PM GMT

Ooc; Btw.... Her name ish going to be Hunter.... But I need a betta last name D: Any help at all? :O
#34197745Tuesday, September 21, 2010 11:49 PM GMT

Ooc; Also, if it takes meh a long tiem to post later on, it's because I'll be on mai Wii.
#34495702Monday, September 27, 2010 1:11 AM GMT

(Hunter Helena? :3)
#34584210Tuesday, September 28, 2010 11:40 PM GMT

(UMG, THANK J00! :D Soooo good :D)