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#34161363Tuesday, September 21, 2010 2:49 AM GMT

You are a runecaster, a basic fortune teller or healer, minor powers like these. you use them to do great good, and you help people. the runes are made using the Elder Futhark runic system, the original 24 (Nordic) runes. however, somebody discovered how to use them to control the elements, so now everyone has started learning this new Magick. everyone quickly learned it, since it was simple. there was peace for 100 years, in which everyone used their elemental powers to care for the land. however, someone decided to use their power for evil. they burned down the house of one of their enemies. then someone used earth to create an earthquake to destroy a rival village. water likewise drowned a fishing boat of 10 people, and then air knocked people off mountainsides and cliffs. after this, wars started out. nobody could be trusted: you couldn't take a step outside without fire in your hands, water around you, air in a tornado, a shield made of diamond. so, 100 people got together into a colony and entered the Great Forest to the north. there, the trees protected them. the only way you could get through the forest was to be given bark from the trees. an added protection was that the trees were older than Runes themselves, so they were immune to their powers. the colony thrived for another 100 years, growing to the size of 5000. outside the forest, the Runecasters broke into 4 separate colonies: Earth, Fire, Water, Air. After they split, they began to work for more territory: to be the biggest, baddest, and destroy everyone else. so they began to look north: towards the Great Forest. the Colony was unaware, but the tree's were. word spread fast, through the animals and wind. the first people to arrive there was water. they used water pressure to attempt to rip off the bark, but the outer trees were Iron trees. their bark was as hard as iron. next was fire, and they tried burning it off. however, the water made them fire proof. next was air: they attempted to blow them over, but the trees roots were too far down. finally was earth: they created earthquakes, and knocked over a few trees. the ruckus was loud, and now the forest is fighting the war, and is sending messages to the Colony. YOU are a Runecaster. will you be from the evil colonies? (all 4 are evil) or are you from the good Colony? the 4 Elemental Colonies goal is to enter the Great Forest and destroy it and kill the Colony. the Colony's purpose is to defend the forest and end the war. there are no exceptions. the Colony contains the Elder Runecasters of fortune telling, healing, etc. they also contain the Young Runecasters of Elementals. Rules: (YOU MUST READ TO BE ACCEPTED) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +me and my admins are the law: there is no opposing them. +be realistic: you aren't going to be able to control all 4 elemental powers completely. +3 strikes and you're out. +put Futhark at the end of ur cs if you read this +if your cs is denied, do not rage quit. fix what we tell you to, then you'll usually be accepted. +no ubering, auto-hitting, godmodding, etc. +no making your person overly perfect. have some flaws. +don't be mary-sue. in other words, don't make your person know everything and be the center of everything: allow others to shine. +romance allowed, but keep it PG. (in other words, nothing ADULT.) +no temporary owners of the thread to change everything unless i assign them that job. CS: must fill out EVERYTHING to the REQUIREMENTS! read the rules to be accepted! Name: (make it original, don't be like "bob" or "sarah") A.ge: (make it above 15 or higher, i don't want any little kids.) Gender: (in case your name is impossible to tell the difference) Element: (pick no more than 2) Appearance: (be at least slightly descriptive: don't be tall, black hair, jeans, white shirt. give some specifics: HOW tall, HOW pale, HOW long is their hair, etc.) Personality: (don't be like "happy funny brave" give us something that describes your character. "kind, courageous, talented, etc" is a good personality.) Bio: (you must put something more than 3 sentences here. you CAN NOT put N/A or Nah here. if you don't want to reveal it yet, then put something like "he keeps his past hidden" etc etc.) Admins: Lynk101 Icey39146 Bloxette
#34161385Tuesday, September 21, 2010 2:50 AM GMT

Ooc; :D Epiknesh, first post :3
#34161428Tuesday, September 21, 2010 2:51 AM GMT

*leaves out all sorts of sugary items of deliciousness for people to eat* enjoy :D for joiners only! *places anti-non joiner barricade in place. shoop da whoops, lazors, jason's, and BEE'S!*
#34161643Tuesday, September 21, 2010 2:56 AM GMT

Ooc; Lol. K, I have to post mai Cs tomorrow D:
#34161655Tuesday, September 21, 2010 2:56 AM GMT

Name: Kim De Han A.ge: 23 Gender: Male Element: Earth, Air, Minor Healing Powers (if you allow) Appearance: Short Black hair. Asian facial features (Almond eyes. White skin. little to no blemishes.) Grey cargo shorts. Black T-shirt. (I'm not real sure of the fashion in this universe) Personality: Always quiet. Keeps to himself. He doesn't trust anyone and doesn't have many friends. Bio: He was born just a couple years after the Elemental Magicks were discovered. De Han (As he chooses to be called) taught himself the magicks of Air and Earth from Books and Scrolls he was given over the years. He isn't the best Runecrafter and has little experience in fighting. He chooses instead to defend the Forest colony and Heal those who are wounded.
#34161861Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:02 AM GMT

(all of that's fine except for one fact: you'd have to be just under 2.00 yea.rs o.ld. also, the healing and fortune telling is a given: you automatcally get it, but you can heal scrapes, bruises, even small cuts but nothing big. for one of your powers you COULD have like great healing, where you can heal torn muscles, but you'd use up one of your powers for that. otherwise, great :D)
#34161987Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:04 AM GMT

Name: Sigmund Osvengurd A.ge: 27 Gender: Male Element: Earth, Fire Appearance: roughly 6'5, broad shouldered, pale skin, thickly muscled, he has a thick orangish red mustache to match his rib length beard that is tied to a tip at the end, and a mess of tangled hair the same color, that falls roughly to below his shoulder blades. He has forest green eyes and a clear complexion. Often a plain brown tunic under boiled leath spaulders and chestgaurd, wirh boiled leath leggings and boots. Personality: Brash and violent, prone to fits of battle rage, impatient, yet in the midst of it all he is kind to those he cares for, as well as loyal. Bio: This scandanavian warrior is often left alone, for many fear his size and occasional bellowing. He has always spoken fairly loudly, and not many see through to his friendliness. He stands guard, not very good with magic, yet an excellent warrior.
#34162015Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:05 AM GMT

#34162121Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:08 AM GMT

(i knew i forgot something. Colony or Elemental? btw, accepted. nice work!)
#34162199Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:11 AM GMT

(colony. Hes dedicated to his forest home with his special brand of loyalty, thus elects to defend it with incredible fighting skills :D)
#34162211Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:11 AM GMT

Name: Kim De Han A.ge: 19 Gender: Male Element: Air, Major Healing Powers Appearance: Short Black hair. Asian facial features (Almond eyes. White skin. little to no blemishes.) Grey cargo shorts. Black T-shirt. (I'm not real sure of the fashion in this universe) Personality: Always quiet. Keeps to himself. He doesn't trust anyone and doesn't have many friends. Bio: He was born just a couple years after the Elemental Magicks were discovered. De Han (As he chooses to be called) taught himself the magicks of Air and Healing from Books and Scrolls he was given over the years. He isn't the best Runecrafter and has little experience in fighting but lots of experience in healing wounds. He chooses instead to defend the Forest colony and Heal those who are wounded.
#34162223Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:12 AM GMT

Name: Thomas Covenant A.ge: 23 Gender: Male Element: Earth, major healing Appearance: a little tanned like a brownish, long black hair (about mid neck, straight) bright blue eyes, quite muscular (like an athlete) charismatic facial structure, 6 foot 3 inches, quite slim. wears a Healing Runecaster's robe: a basic white robe with a red cross on it, and rimmed in green for his Earth Runecasting. Leather boots, thin fur socks, has a beaded bracelet on right wrist and an iron necklace. Personality: hates leading, hates following, independent, intelligent, always the first to come up with an idea, always optimistic, fun-loving. Bio: Thomas is very talented in the aspect of his Runecasting. he has a woman, someone named Lena. She gave him his bracelet, and his necklace is a gift from his mother. he leads a nice life, and he often goes into the forest and heals the wounded animals he finds. it's an old forest, full of wildlife. there are always some that need to be healed, or if not then helped in some other way. he helps them often, even when just building a nest or helping them get food or walk, sometimes even serve as midwife to an animal in labor. he is in good hands in the forest: he helps it and it keeps him safe. he keeps a short sword roughly a foot and a half long as protection against the occasional wolf or hermit. his life is incredibly simple, except for the fact that people often come to him for healing. he is the Colony's primary doctor, so spends what time he's not in the forest healing. his healing is one of the old crafts, before the time of the Elemental Magicks.
#34162261Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:13 AM GMT

(blobbob, again with the a.ge thing. how can he be 19 and be born just after the elemental magicks were founded, but that was almost 200 years ago? and you forgot something.)
#34162287Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:14 AM GMT

(I'm sorry I thought you meant 20 years... FUTHARK!)
#34162312Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:15 AM GMT

(also a note: in your bio please mention whether you're with the Colony or with the Elemental Colonies. if Elemental, then you must have ONE Element, but you can also have fortune telling, healing, etc. come up with your own, but if it's too overpowered i'll decline it.
#34162381Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:17 AM GMT

(I tried making an epic one... but roblox denied it... ya wanna see if you can fix it up? XD)
#34162391Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:17 AM GMT

(no problem, just that one little fix in the bio and ur good. also, the dress in this place is much like medeival, only Runecasters are more of a Wizard. and one more note: when you're casting magicks, you must use the correct runes, so if you're a newer Runecaster you must use your runes, but for Elder Runecasters you can do them simply by thinking of your runes, but they must be close by. oh my god i am such a fail at starting rp's, i always forget important things like this >.<)
#34162404Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:18 AM GMT

Name: Kim De Han A.ge: 23 Gender: Male Element: Air, Major Healing Powers Appearance: Short Black hair. Asian facial features (Almond eyes. White skin. little to no blemishes.) Grey cargo shorts. Black T-shirt. (I'm not real sure of the fashion in this universe) Personality: Always quiet. Keeps to himself. He doesn't trust anyone and doesn't have many friends. Bio: He was born just a couple years after the Elemental factions decided to try and take over the forest. De Han (As he chooses to be called) taught himself the magicks of Air and Healing from Books and Scrolls he was given over the years. He isn't the best Runecrafter and has little experience in fighting but lots of experience in healing wounds. He chooses instead to defend the Forest colony and Heal those who are wounded. He is aligned with the colony. It was the Colony that helped him first learn the Magicks.
#34162413Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:18 AM GMT

(post it in pieces if you have to jericho, roblox has a way of filtering out things that aren't that bad. i asked them for when that message pops up tel actually TELL you what's wrong with the message, so you can fix it >.< i was so afraid that this was too long and it wouldn't post.)
#34162625Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:25 AM GMT

(I lost it... because I accidently copied your CS...... Sobbbbb) (Ah well.. when are we starting?)
#34162644Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:26 AM GMT

(i know of at least one other person joining, so when she posts her cs then we'll start.)
#34162673Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:27 AM GMT

(Tommorrow then? I assume you mean icey.)
#34162708Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:28 AM GMT

(no, Bloxette. she's typing her cs now.)
#34162769Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:30 AM GMT

Name: Alex Sileha A.ge: 18 Gender: Female Element: Air and Water. Appearance: She has layered strawberry blonde hair that reaches down just past her bum in soft waves, her bangs partially cover her left eye and curves around her heart shaped face, she has slightly tilted midnight blue eyes which are hinted with a bit of a saphire blue along the edges and middle, she has long, dark natural eyelashes, a slim nose, full lips, a slightly pointed chin, thin, pointed ears, she is fair skinned, she has long nails (Not like SUPER long, just that they arent nubs), she is a slim, hourglass figure, petite, about 5'3", and she is very muscular. She is wearing a snow white air runemasters robe, it is a gracefull robe, with long, billowing sleeves, reaches down to her ankles, has two diamond shaped 'cutouts' on each side of her middle, its snow white hinted with a metalic silver, along with sturdy, light brown sandals, she is also wearing a silver chain necklace which has a single opal hanging from the bottom which is every color you can imagine, (for those who dont know, opals are like that.) And two small opal earings which are all the same colors. Personality: Likes to lead, a tad hotheaded, a bit quick to fight, clever, a bit quirky, hates nothing more than being bossed around or ignored. Bio: Alex is a bit of a loner, she lives by herself in the forest in a small hut made of wood, a bit of a shack. Alex often spends her time practicing her control over water and air, she is quite gifted with air and can make herself float around. She usually keeps her past a secret, but is overall a nice person, and fairly social if you will aproach her first. (Its official, my bios are unmatched in awfulness) futhark
#34162806Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:32 AM GMT

(accepted :D START!)

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