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#34612111Wednesday, September 29, 2010 6:20 PM GMT

(Yes, This is unoriginal, But I can't figure out what else to make..) A group of apparent civilans, Past the guards. And into the Dark zone. The military police soldiers. Missing these Escapee's. Wondered. Then the main zone went dark. The Comunication, transport. and bullet fire. The slience was thought to have been going forever. a small team of Special Operatives, Nicknamed SLT. Short for Short line T.E.A.M. These special operatives, biologically modified. And bearing the latest technolgy. 'Smart' AI's, Making them very strong. The Intelligence, on the attack. Is unknown. And maybe classified. -Standard Weaponary- AK91 Friens AR: A Grey SCAR-H, Modified to be lighter, Larger barrel, The Scope is a ACOG, And the lens are green. The AK91 is rather inaccurate, And is best of close combat, The bullets have more effect when the range between you and your enemy is medium, Or close. Long range firing will result in countless misses. and sometimes a stray shot will hit. Using this at close range makes it the 2nd most dangerous Close combat weapon, The shotgun becoming in front of it, It is the 3rd best weapon in long range, And the 3rd best in medium range. The AK91 fires SY hollow point rounds. PRRS-191 Shotgun: The PRRSs has a soft handle with a easy grip. Only able to carry at only 5 bullets in the cartridge. And only 25 bullets packable. This is the worst gun in longe range combat. A O.K gun in medium combat. And the best to rip up some brains! So you arrive at brainoptopia? No? SSR-192 Sniper: This is heck of a beauty. Able to rip apart 5 hostiles in one shot. Fairly hard to reload. And stupidly inaccurate when the scoping lenses are not being used. The snipers will be pleased with this. This is also fairly easy to hold. Vuy, Want squirty shots? Well. Here you have one. Other weaponary is custom. This is the Weapon CS sheet. Name: Accuracy rating: Appearence: Class: (Sniper, LMG. SMG. Rocket etc. Clip size: History: -NOTES- The hostiles are unknown, So no "I Know what these are." This is in las vegas. Just for your appor. Weapons are not required..If I trust you, YOUR ADMIN! If I have told you what the enemies are, No spreading it! It ruins the whole point! -Rules- No cussing. Gory is aloud. No romance (We have kiddies now! Since the forums have been infested with them!) No ubering. No godmodding. No trolling. No instant kills. You don't have to be a member of S.T.L. -S.T.L Squad 1 Unit numbers.- S.T.L 1: Squad 1 Commander (Taken.) S.T.L 2: Gunnery Sergeant 8Free8 S.T.L 3: Staff Sergeant 8Free8 S.T.L 4: Lance Corporal Grade 4 8Free8 S.T.L 5: Lance Corporal Grade 2 8Free8 S.T.L 6: Specialist 8Free8 S.T.L 7: Specialist 8Free8 S.T.L 8: Private Grade 2 8Free8 S.T.L 9: Private Grade 1 8Free8 -S.T.L Squad 2 Unit numbers. ALL FREE- S.T.L 10: Squad 2 Commander 8Free8 S.T.L 11: Gunnery Sergeant 8Free8 S.T.L 12: Staff Sergeant 8Free8 S.T.L 13: Staff Sergeant 8Free8 S.T.L 14: Lance Corporal Grade 4 S.T.L 15: Lance Corporal Grade 1 S.T.L 16: Specialist S.T.L 17: Specialist S.T.L 18: Private Grade 2 S.T.L 19: Private Grade 2 S.T.L 20: Private Grade 1 -IMPORTENT- Each S.T.L unit has a brown rectangle shoulder, With their rank, Number. And squad. -Character Sheet- Name: A.ge: Gender: Biological enhancements: (Robotic arm, Stronger punch. Faster. Etc,) Physical Appearence: Causal Appearence: (When not working.) S.T.L Number: S.T.L Squad: 1 or 2. Rank: Personal Items: Equipment: Weaponary: (The weapons listed, Or custom.) Armor appearence: Armor:
#34612755Wednesday, September 29, 2010 6:43 PM GMT

My gun(its custom :D) Name: SSR-5000 Accuracy rating: 7/10 Appearence: Like barret but bolt action,is TOTALLY black,long barrel,no handle for the trigger,small scope(but not too small),lazer sight and has a scilencer that dosen't damage range or power just flash and sound. Class: (Sniper, LMG. SMG. Rocket etc.)Sniper for sure. Clip size: ten bullets and clip is a light grey. History:Used in the military for a long time.Has been used by many heroes. -Character Sheet- Name:Jak(duh) A.ge: 30 Gender: M Biological enhancements: (Robotic arm, Stronger punch. Faster. Etc,) Faster Physical Appearence: Thin but mucular and very tall. Causal Appearence: (When not working.) Jeans,coat stuff like dat. S.T.L Number: #48 S.T.L Squad: 1 or 2.:1 Rank: Private 2 Personal Items:None except food and water. Equipment: C4 Weaponary: (The weapons listed, Or custom.)SSR-5000 Armor appearence: Camo sweater but some protective armor under it,Gasmask Armor: Protective armor under camo sweater,gasmask.
#34612818Wednesday, September 29, 2010 6:46 PM GMT

#34612835Wednesday, September 29, 2010 6:46 PM GMT

(Just change the number!!)
#34612883Wednesday, September 29, 2010 6:48 PM GMT

#34613008Wednesday, September 29, 2010 6:52 PM GMT

(Read the squad numbers!!)
#34617588Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:23 PM GMT

(Where are they?)

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