#35965418Sunday, October 24, 2010 11:00 PM GMT

"My name's Taliac. Yours?" He asked. The dark in his eyes slowly faded.
#36012035Monday, October 25, 2010 11:08 PM GMT

Callie "Callie." I said casually.
#36106916Thursday, October 28, 2010 12:24 AM GMT

Now that I had entered the criminal city, I was forced to stay alert for even the smallest sign of warning. Death comes fast anywhere if you aren't careful, but here death comes unusually quickly for a sophisticated metropolis... of masterminds and their henchmen. Some of the notable syndicates that were first established here are the Iwonian Mafia, the Blahsheviks, and of course, Awning Corporation (if you don't get it, these are ripoffs of the Mafia, the Bolsheviks, and Umbrella Corp.). But enough of criminal history! It was getting dark, and business is best done in daylight here if you want to live (and, if you're lucky, get a good deal), so I went into a nearby tavern-inn and paid for a room. It looked like there would be no trouble, but I slept with a knife under my pillow anyway.
#38716378Tuesday, December 14, 2010 10:26 PM GMT

"Can i take you outta here? There are some...Beasts, roaming these woods." Taliac said protectivley. He said Beasts as if it shouldn't be uttered. Taliac's eyes darted from place to place. Hovering over them, on the tree cover, was Darkseed. "Guess my distraction fell for the distractee."" Darkseed said, narrowing his eyes. "I must rid of it then." Darkseed said, and clutched his hand. Taliac fell on the ground, screaming. He clutched his head, and tried to roll like getting off a fire.
#43402828Thursday, March 03, 2011 9:00 PM GMT

Callie "Taliac?!" I asked urgently, barely avioding getting tripped by his spastic rolliing. I felt a chill from behind me that made the hairs on my neck stand up. I had that feeling of being watched. I slowly turned around to face the trees.
#43703126Wednesday, March 09, 2011 4:35 PM GMT

Darkseed I stood behind my would-be champion. "Hello there. And goodbye." I said, swatting my hand. She flew in a mass of dark energy into trees, felling them. A sword suddenly appeared at my neck. A writhing mass of limbs and other things was infront of me. "Never thought you would stand up." I said.
#43765035Thursday, March 10, 2011 11:18 PM GMT

Callie It all happened too fast. One second, there was a figure in front of me, the next I was sent flying through the trees. My head crashed into a rather large trunk and my vision went black.
#43780550Friday, March 11, 2011 3:06 AM GMT

(Wow, that must've been a pretty big necrobump. I never expected it! Probably not a good sign...) I woke up to some sort of commotion. After quickly checking myself to see that nothing was missing, I went out of the inn and saw a sizeable crowd in a cluster of heavily scarred trees. Despite my need to get a ship, I decided to investigate the crowd and find out what could cause such a gathering in a city of thieves.
#43926113Sunday, March 13, 2011 1:15 PM GMT

A huge blast of shadow answered that question. The theives were blasted back in all which directions, and scarred horribly. When the smoke cleared, you saw Darkseed picking up a writhing mass and a girl. A deathly laugh emnated from it, and they disappeared in a flash of darkness. Then, on a hill overlooking the city, demons of Darkseed spawned in the way a virus might... The battle was just beginning.
#44003039Monday, March 14, 2011 8:56 PM GMT

Callie Consciousness returned with a wave of pain. My head felt like it had gotten bashed in with a hammer and then roasted in an oven. I slowly opened my eyes and let out a low groan of pain. I coughed hoarsely and blinked slowly.
#44049481Tuesday, March 15, 2011 8:35 PM GMT

What you saw was the strangest thing- A gray locked room where there were no bars. No visible door. There was was some food and water set out, in actually very nice plates. Across your lap was a non-moving Taliac. Checking for breath, you saw he had almost none.
#44064095Tuesday, March 15, 2011 11:53 PM GMT

It's that Darkseed again, I thought. But more immediate problems were at hand. The shadow was lingering and rotting the trees. In a few moments, they would lose all strength and topple over. Seeing that I did not want to be crushed by falling trees, I ran quickly away from them. As I predicted, the trees soon were falling, crushing some of the buildings nearby in the act. Frankly, nobody was too concerned with that. Instead, they were focusing on the incoming demon force. Being the assassin that I am, I saw that this would be a perfect opportunity to steal a boat. But before I could get to the docks, the demons had already penetrated the walls and were flooding in. Seeing that I would not be able to run fast enough to outpace the force and get onto a boat, I took shelter in a nearby building and readied my weapons for the assault.
#44110913Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:46 PM GMT

Callie "Taliac?" I said desperately. I shook his shoulder gently. I shook it again when he didn't respond, except rougher.
#44229343Saturday, March 19, 2011 3:22 AM GMT

The demons break through your house, and a cloaked figure stands behind them... You gasp. ________________________________________________________________________________ Taliac gave movement. Turning him over, you see blood is ridden all over his torso and face. He looks like a red mess. Oh wait. He is. He is twitching, and has little pulse. You yell for a medic, but all that answers you is demanding shadows.
#44233599Saturday, March 19, 2011 4:49 AM GMT

"You again! What is your problem with me?" I did my best to attempt to fight off the demons as long as I could.
#44306872Sunday, March 20, 2011 12:18 PM GMT

"What? Well, hm, lets see, oh ya, you killed my only family member." The demons slash deep into your cheek. "Payback's a *****, ain't it?"
#44310204Sunday, March 20, 2011 2:13 PM GMT

Callie Tears were streaming down my face, I hated losing people that I cared for. I hadn't exactly known Taliac long, but he was nice and caring. I placed my hands on his blood-covered chest and began to push up and down on it with my hands, counting in between my sobs.
#44322462Sunday, March 20, 2011 5:57 PM GMT

I was feeling a lot of pain. "What do you mean I killed your only family member? You must be mistaken!" I tried to reach the nearest window and jump through before I was dead meat completely.
#44487581Wednesday, March 23, 2011 11:56 PM GMT

The window slammed shut, and the figure roared. "MY MOTHER! YOU SLAYED HER IN A ROBBERY!" The creature roared, and the robe dropped. A fury of black energy was beneath the robe, pulsing for your blood. ________________________________________________________________________________ Taliac's eye's flickered open. "You..Saved...Me?" He asked weakly.
#44492108Thursday, March 24, 2011 12:59 AM GMT

In a panic, I swiftly broke the window open with my dagger and went through, suffering many scratches on the way out. When I hit the ground, however, I blacked out because of the impact as well as blood loss from all my injuries.
#44520897Thursday, March 24, 2011 8:51 PM GMT

Callie I burst into tears of relief. "Of course you big dolt." I laughed through tears. "Why wouldn't I?"
#44701244Sunday, March 27, 2011 8:33 PM GMT

The flaming skeletal mass laughed. "Prey." ___________________________________________________________________________ "Why are you crying?" Taliac asked weakly, stroking the tears off your face. He got up slowly, and a few small black holes opened and closed on him. he looked pained, but managed to sit up in the small cell.
#44864782Thursday, March 31, 2011 2:51 AM GMT

Callie I sniffed. "I thought you had died on me. Left me in this creepy old cell all by myself."
#44895943Thursday, March 31, 2011 11:18 PM GMT

"Oh, you wouldn't be alone." A roar emitted. An enormus face of a black dragon clashed aganist the cell wall, and licked her lips. The dragon was female, you could tell by the feminine eyes. "Master Darkseed said to just wait and wait patiently, then dinner will be served on a stone platter." The female hissed. Looking around, she motioned to the walls. "Looks like someone ordered human."
#44901398Friday, April 01, 2011 12:35 AM GMT

I woke up. Yes, I ended the sentence there because that fact was quite astonishing. Before I blacked out, I had expected to not live again. But fate had other plans for me, so I apparently was spared from death. Now that I got over the fact of my continuing existence, I came to my senses and looked around.