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#35297454Monday, October 11, 2010 9:05 PM GMT

READ THIS: This is a remake of blueclouds Aura roleplay (Though its overall got a few important differences, so even if you where in her original read, I also have her permission..) I shall put down the short version (Blueclouds original) Bellow the remake version, but read the notes wether or not you read the long one, because its just flat out important. A very long time ago, when dragons still ruled the skies, Wyverns, Kraken, and Sea monsters all existed, there was a young boy known by no one. he lived in a cave in a forest no one could find hidden by aura that allowed only people with his blood to find him. Many centuries would pass, this boy would still live, growing from a teenager, to a young man, grown adult, to an elderly old man, but how would he live for this long? Should he not die from old ag.e or some other cause by now? Usually yes, but this boy is no ordinary child, he has control over every Aura that ever existed, Water, light, wind, fire to name a few. You may wonder why this boy would stay hidden away instead of going out and using his powers for his own wants? Well, you see, due to his immense power, this boy must spend his time focusing, keeping things in balance, if he didn't, the whole world could fall into a horrible state, completely unhospitable to any form of life. To keep himself from failing this great duty, he took part of his power over each aura and transformed them into the form of stones, these would be placed in children born centuries later, giving them abilities over those auras. Now its modern times, that boy is still alive, but he's not a boy anymore, he is a very old man, the children have all been born, stones within them, concealed and unnoticed, only recognisable by a birthmark of a perfect circle somewhere on their body indicating the location of the stone, of course, they don't know that, they just know that they have a strange birthmark. Today, the dragons, Wyverns, Kraken, and (some) sea monsters no longer exist, but many magical creatures still do, including elves, werewolves, lizard people, etc. But one species still lives that was unknown to still have survive, they where thought to be destroyed, they are the shadowmen. The shadowmen have no souls, no hearts, but they are smart, VERY smart, infact, they are so intelligent that they faked their own demise. These shadowmen strive for one thing, power, they are bloodthirsty and cruel, they wish for the Aura's power, so after hiding out for centuries, finally they rose up again, searching for the children who contained the Aura Stones powers..... Blueclouds original version(Very few changes made for maximum original form): In the old ages there was a very young boy known by no one, he lived in a cave in the forest no one could find hidden by some aura the only people with his blood could find. After many centuries passed you and your friends go play in that exact forest. You and your friends felt something strange pulsing though your veins, You and your friends go farther in the forest and find that exact cave. You and your friends go inside to find a old man and he says "You have my blood,a special blood that lets you control _______ aura. I will teach you how to use it when we finish the dark forces will have risen and they will try and take your powers to control over the universe or even worse..." You accept and begin your training........ Notes:(EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, MUST READ) If you haven't read ether the large (Though its not THAT huge, if you don't mind I suggust reading it) or the small version, read ONE before going any farther. There are other species besides human, so if you want, you can be something else, though if you are, you can't have a stone. You can also be a regular human.. Though what fun is that? I will probably add more to this... Rules:(MUST BE READ) No mary-sue character sheets. If you are a human with a stone, you can only have ONE. No power-playing. NO CONTROLING OTHER PEOPLES CHARACTERS. I would like some player-vs-player fights, they make things much more interesting, just don't autohit or dodge everything. Romance is allowed, but don't make us puke. No ubering. If I say no, it means no. If something doesn't go your way or you aren't accepted, don't throw a hissy fit and ragequit, fix it and we can be friendly and civil. I may add more to this. ~*Basic types of aura(These are just pre-made ones, you can make your own and use it if its accepted*~ Angel Aura ~*Blueclouds*~ Musical Aura ~*Mine~* Light Aura Metal Aura Fire Aura Water Aura Wind Aura Emotion Aura Universe Aura ~*Admin*~ Dark Aura Life Aura Electic Aura Disaster Aura ~*Admin*~ Demon Aura ~*Admin*~ ~*CS*~ Name: A.ge:(16 recommended if you are a human with a stone in you.) Gender: Appearence:(BE DESCRIPTIVE. Anything you leave out I will assume is missing.) Aura:(Put N/A if you don't have a stone in you) Species: Do you have an Aura Stone in you?:(Only humans) Aura Appearence:(When you 'activate' your aura, you kinda transform) Aura stone:(Put N/A if you don't have a stone in you. This is what the stone looks like, its a perfect orb, but the overall appearance like color and such is up to you.) Main solo attack:(Aura only, its what you do when you use your aura to attack) Items:(Be realistic) Bio:(Required, it can be a sentence long if you really hate bios, but put something in.)
#35297639Monday, October 11, 2010 9:08 PM GMT

Name: Alex Sileha A.ge: 16 Gender: Female Appearence: She has layered strawberry blonde hair that reaches down just past her bum in soft waves, her bangs partially cover her left eye and curves around her face, she has a heart shaped face with slightly tilted midnight blue eyes which are hinted with a bit of a saphire blue along the edges and middle, she has long, dark, natural eyelashes, a slim nose, she has a few pimples and blackheads around her nose and cheek area, full lips, a slightly pointed chin, and thin, pointed ears. She is fair skinned, she has long nails (Not like SUPER long, just that they arent nubs), a mess of freckles cover her uper arms and shoulders, she is a slim, hourglass figure, a bit petite, about 5'2", and she is very muscular. She is wearing a formfitting snow white V-neck tank top, midnight blue formfitting denim jeans, sturdy black and white sneakers, four silver bangles, two on her right wrist, two on her left wrist, a silver chain necklace which has a single opal hanging from the bottom which is every color you can imagine hangs from her neck, (for those who dont know, opals are like that.) and two small opal earings which are all of the same colors are on her ears, one on each ear. Aura: Musical Species: Human Do you have an Aura Stone in you?: Yes Aura Appearence: She has layered strawberry blonde hair that reaches down just past her knees in soft waves and shimmers slightly with a bit of what can be described as stardust, though the color of her hair is a bit more golden blonde than before, her bangs partially cover her left eye and curves around her face, she has a heart shaped face with slightly tilted silver-grey colored eyes which are rimmed with a bit of a shimmery gold along the edges and a bit in the middle where it goes out in a bit of starburst, she has long, dark, natural eyelashes, a slim nose, full lips, a slightly pointed chin, and thin, pointed ears. She is fair skinned, she has long nails (Not like SUPER long, just that they arent nubs) which are painted a light saphire blue, a mess of freckles cover her uper arms and shoulders which sparkle like stars, she has a pair of fairly small wings coming from inbetween her shoulderblades which have the look and feel of silk, though to her they are as sensitive as her hands, they are shaped sort of like a dragonflies, though the ends are more pointed, and they reach out about three feet, they are a light saphire blue, and they shimmer in the sunlight, she is a slim, hourglass figure, a bit petite, about 5'2", and she is very muscular. She is wearing a formfitting strapless dress which is snow white but with a bit of light saphire blue rimming on the hem and top with a few swirl designs here and there, snow white strap sandles with a thin, but small heel, she has a snow white headset microphone which is hinted with a few saphire blue swirl designs here and there, a silver chain necklace which has a single opal hanging from the bottom hangs from her neck which is every color you can imagine hangs from her neck, (for those who dont know, opals are like that.) and two small opal earings which are all of the same colors are on her ears, one on each ear. Aura stone: Its a saphire blue orb with a silver musical note inside, its on her left side, bellow the ribs. Main solo attack: A glowing white orb of light appears around her and she sings, this hurts her enemies unless the orb is broken or they are a considerable amount higher in power than she is, then she is simply singing to them. Items: A swiss army knife, a wallet with $150, an ID. Bio: Alex is good friends with Blossom (Blueclouds char.. I am assuming she will name her character that since she usually does) and Siad (Lynk101's character, he usually names his character that) and she enjoys spending time with them, she is a bit of a geek and doesn't get out much, but she enjoys hanging out with her buds at the park as much as the next guy.
#35297723Monday, October 11, 2010 9:09 PM GMT

Name: Siad Nethers A.ge:16 Gender: Male Appearence: neck-length straight thick black hair, pale skin, dark brown/almost black eyes, rough and chiseled facial structure, broad shouldered, intimidating posture, about 6 foot 3 inches, quite lean and limber, broad hands. USUALLY WEARS: black@white/blue@white plad shirts with a black/white undershirt, blue jeans, white socks, white sneakers. Aura: Demon Species: Human Do you have an Aura Stone in you?: yes Aura Appearence: pretty much the same structure, except gains large, broad, and thick red scales, eyes turn pure black, gains about 7 inches in height, and becomes more muscular. Aura stone: deep black with one spark of flame in the center and resonate malevolence. Main Solo Attack: Demonic Soul Reach: can absorb all negative emotions (anger, madness, sadness, etc) and use them to make him stronger and faster and allow him to ignore pain for a VERY short time (like a minute) Items: cell phone and wallet. Bio: He may look intimidating or scary or just plain creepy, but that's the exact opposite of his personality. he is actually quite shy, very kind, intelligent, reasonable and logical, and very calm. however, the fact that he beats the living crap out of anyone who messes with him adds to the facade that he's a scary beast who eats brains and puts eyeball jelly on his morning toast. he does have some anger problems, but in general is a very nice person. he has led a almost-normal life so far. other than the fact that everyone's scared of him (including his 2 "normal" sisters, or so they call themselves) he leads a regular life. his parents are kind, his sisters are the normal arrogant beings girls are as teenagers and goes to school and has pets. he also recently got his driver's license and is usually the groups driver.
#35297787Monday, October 11, 2010 9:10 PM GMT

Ooc; Accepted Lynk :3 (Derp x3)
#35297809Monday, October 11, 2010 9:10 PM GMT

Name: Luke Knoxel A.ge: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: His hair color is pretty unique; it is a mix of brown, black, and blonde but mostly brown. He has a part in his hair that’s about in the middle of his left eyebrow. His hair spikes up at the part, and goes off wildly towards the left and goes down towards the right and goes off his head some. (The best picture I can give you is Link’s hair from Twilight Princess, or my bed head.) He has dark brown eyebrows, and his eye color changes from blue to green and vice-versa. Has a green/black flannel shirt on and has a white shirt with big, black diagonal stripes going from the left half of the shirt to the bottom. He wears blue jeans that have accidental wears in the fabric here and there. Finally, wears darkish red vans with white laces. Averagely muscular all around except his legs, which are very strong. Stands at about 5’8 – 5’10, he’s not sure himself to tell the truth. Aura: Storm Species: Human Do you have an Aura Stone in you?: Yes Aura Appearance: His hair style stays the same but becomes a silver color and his eyes become completely white. He gets what looks like silver face paint that curve under his eyes. He also gets what looks like golden face paint that are lightning bolts coming from both sides of his forehead and join at the area between his eyebrows. His eyebrows become dark silver and his ears become pointed, too. Has silver outlined torso armor that is pure silver on the stomach, and navy blue on the chest plates. Has what looks like a silver tunic bottom coming out of the silver stomach armor. Has silver sleeves and navy blue cloth that go into big, durable brown fingerless gloves that come down to a little before the elbow. Gets boots with light armor lined onto them that go up to a little before his knee. Any part of his leg that is not covered has durable, navy blue tights on it. He becomes much more muscular all around, and also gets a significant height gain in this form, about 1 or 2 feet taller than he originally was. Aura Attack: Shoots lightning bolts from any part of his body, normally his hands, at his opponents. Can infuse things with lightning for melee use, including his fists and legs. Also uses wind to become very agile and speedy, despite his huge size and armor. However, the time he’ll be able to conquer these skills without hurting himself is unknown. Aura stone: A Navy Blue/Grey perfect orb with a tornado design inside. The top of the orb at first glance looks like it’s cracked, but it’s actually lightning bolts. Items: A cell phone, a wallet with a picture of himself and his father when he was young and a random amount of money (He never counts it), durable brown fingerless gloves, and a flip whittling knife with his initials carved onto it that his father gave to him. Bio: Okay, it would not let me put the bio I want so I'll sum it up in a way that's appropriate for the kiddies. Luke's father died when he was young, so Luke felt he had to become the man of his house. He had gone from becoming a timid little kid relying on others to a brave, independent boy. When his mother re-married he found that the man had a boy to and became good friends with him. He has always felt since then that he has to do something to earn his step-fathers respect. A few other things are that he is quite nimble and agile and is able to pull off small feats like flips, and his favorite sports are baseball, hockey, and track. When he has to think about something he usually goes into the forest near his town where he and his friends had made a tree house when he was younger. Lately, every night he has been having very odd dreams. He hears strange voices and sometimes a split-second image, but the end of the dream is always the same; he is swept away by a vicious storm.
#35297813Monday, October 11, 2010 9:10 PM GMT

(:D first accepted joiner XD)
#35297876Monday, October 11, 2010 9:11 PM GMT

(remember, make it progress slowly. don't upgrade too fast, like i said last time)
#35297899Monday, October 11, 2010 9:12 PM GMT

(Yup, I know. AND YOU BEAT ME D:)
#35297982Monday, October 11, 2010 9:13 PM GMT

(lulz. and i had to input my solo attack too :P)
#35298004Monday, October 11, 2010 9:13 PM GMT

Name: Chocolat A.ge:16 Gender: F Appearence: She has pale, short brown hair. She wears a black t-shirt and checkered hankerchiefs. Her eyes are darkgreen , and she wears glasses. She has sad eyes and always looks down. Rather short, like shes 13. Aura: Hanabira maindo (Removed invisibilty and confusion) Species: Human Do you have an Aura Stone in you?:Yeah Aura Appearence: Pale skin, shiny yellow eyes and somewhat light red hair. Her hair makes her look like a rose, and she wears a colourful hoodie with checkered black & white pants. She still looks like a human, but if she smiles (rarely) she decieves enemies. (only if its serious enough and then she can shoot her petals.) Aura stone: White & blue orbs, with petals of different flowers. Items: Always carries books, broken recorder + cellphone and a sketchpad. Bio: She has apparanately no family, and shes always lonely. Her family has been murdered by a unknown killer. But she really cares for flowers. She has no friends, and always smiles even though shes sad. She craves to kill whoever murdered her family.. Look at the old post for Hanabira maindo
#35298043Monday, October 11, 2010 9:14 PM GMT

Hold on, im adding my aura attack.
#35298049Monday, October 11, 2010 9:14 PM GMT

Ooc; Accepted Sheal :3
#35298080Monday, October 11, 2010 9:15 PM GMT

Name: Stryker A.ge:17 Gender: Male Appearence:Black fur,I have a stripe of white fur going down from the back of my head to my tail,I wear a torn up black hoodie and pants, My feet look like paws except with claws coming out of the,(I stand on two legs) My arms are slightly longer than a humans...I have the head of a wolf, only it doesnt have that much fur, the fur isnt really bushy or long...My fingers have claws at the finger tips...My eyes are dark green, My tail isnt that furry, Infact the fur on it is really short...I stand 8 ft tall...My legs are bent back making it look like i only stand 6 ft tall...My teeth are sharp like wolves...I have no human form....For now Aura:N/A Species: Lycan Do you have an Aura Stone in you?:No Aura Appearence:N/A Aura stone:N/A Items:I carry nothing with me... BioI was a victome of lycanthropy...I dont remeber my parents or even my family, All I can remeber is being bitten by a strange dog...I dont even remeber what I use to look like...
#35298365Monday, October 11, 2010 9:18 PM GMT

Attack; She closes her mind and her eyes. That way, she can concentrate on her moves. The more prettier and soothing it is, the more deadlier her attack can be. Her flowers shoot right out of her hand, and they become petals. With deadly poisonous thorns on them. THARDONE
#35298391Monday, October 11, 2010 9:19 PM GMT

Name: Jack Grey A.ge: 15 Gender: M Appearence: Wild black hair, Intellegent hazel eyes, a small smile on his face, peach colored skin, a purple T-shirt, jeans Aura: Electric Species: Human Do you have an Aura Stone in you?: Umm.... yeah....... Aura Appearence: His right arm turns into a neon-blue arch of pure energy Aura stone: Stormy grey with a yellow light in the middle Main solo attack: Throws iron spikes everywhere, shoots at one of them, creating a electric field. Items: Iron spikes(He stabs stuff with them.), a Pity Stick, Oreos
#35298496Monday, October 11, 2010 9:20 PM GMT

Ooc; Accepted nototo, And one moment wert, I will confer with Lynk about your cs for a moment, I am going back and forth with it.
#35298998Monday, October 11, 2010 9:27 PM GMT

Ooc; Sorry, wert, not accepted, the items and powers are too over the top. Along with the appearance with the arm turning into energy, thats way over the top, have weaknesses, be fair, etc.
#35299024Monday, October 11, 2010 9:27 PM GMT

(( I don't think i'm going to join this one, sorry guys.))
#35299224Monday, October 11, 2010 9:30 PM GMT

Ooc; Why not? o.O
#35299321Monday, October 11, 2010 9:32 PM GMT

#35299361Monday, October 11, 2010 9:32 PM GMT

(( I don't like it as much as the old one. I miss my precious musical aura, and the threads you make just seem to attract the type of people I don't normally rp with.))
#35299408Monday, October 11, 2010 9:33 PM GMT

(oh, like me? lulz)
#35299620Monday, October 11, 2010 9:36 PM GMT

(( Well, yeah. Everybody here is just so faster paced, and less descriptive. I roleplay with the more descriptive, and slower paced. And everything was always taken easy in the old thread. And you changed the concept alot from what I had enjoyed.))
#35299729Monday, October 11, 2010 9:37 PM GMT

Ooc; Yumia......... This wasn't meant to be the exact same thread............
#35299775Monday, October 11, 2010 9:38 PM GMT

Name:Blossom Lina A.ge:16 Gender:F Appearence:Blonde long flowing hair,Sky blue sparkling eyes.Slim,5'2,Light blue(Not neon) T-shirt,White knee skirt. Aura:Angel Aura Species:Human Do you have an Aura Stone in you?:Yes Aura Appearence:She grows tiny angel wings that grow when she uses them,A long white flowing dress Aura stone:A pure white crystal orb Main solo attack:Feather Blossom Rush,White sharp feathers rush to the target and follow it till their hit. Bio:She is a nice and friendly girl who loves to learn all she can.She isn't much of a fighter but she does all she can.

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