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#35392024Wednesday, October 13, 2010 9:50 PM GMT

My life is different. I will admit it. Since the day I was born, I was hated. My parents put me up for adoption, and no one liked me since then. I have always lived in an orphanage all my life. Why? since the day I was born, I have had un-natural but beautiful violet eyes. People call me Violet Eyes. Halloween night is coming, and every Halloween, something strange happens. Since I turned 13, it seems strange, but I hear or see things. It only happenson Halloween. But, this year, it starts earlier. I don't know what it is, but I have to find out!! Name: Ag.e: Gender: Appearance: Bio: Do you hate Violet Eyes?: RULES~ No being all 'special' like Violet Eyes un less I say so. Just do what I say. Admins~ ALL OF MY RP buddehs!! :)
#35393108Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:03 PM GMT

Name: Serena DeAleracia Ag.e: 16 Gender: F Appearance: Curly dark brown hair, violet eyes, 5'6, bone thin, beautiful Bio: She is nicknamed Violet Eyes. No one seems to like her. Do you hate Violet Eyes?: YUSH!! Nu....
#35393334Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:06 PM GMT

Name: Justin Timbers Ag.e: 16 Gender: M Appearance: mud brown hair, pale blue eyes, 5' 8", extremly thin, sheet white Bio: Lived semi-normally, but was bullied a lot for being blind Do you hate Violet Eyes?: No.
#35393607Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:10 PM GMT

Name:Vanare Sensus Lopire Ag.e:17 Gender:Male Appearance:Dark black hair emo style, dark brown eyes, 6'0, Super thin, Tannish-Pale. Bio:Blah blah blah parents died, blah bla- Ok, he is dislexic... and thats the only 'Special' thing about him. Do you hate Violet Eyes:Nooo.
#35393642Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:10 PM GMT

Accepted Tuxedo.
#35393663Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:11 PM GMT

Name: Lilly McCane Ag.e: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Long, chocolate hair, VIOLET EYES IF ALLOWED, lightly tanned, 5'6, slim Bio: Is pretty much normal. Has friends and family who love her and think her eyes are just a cool gift, while some tease her. But she likes them. But when she hears and sees strange things on halloween, she thinks it's pranks...is it? Do you hate Violet Eyes?: Not really.....yet...... (Can i have violet eyes or can only u? here i'm asuming i can)
#35393699Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:11 PM GMT

(Lol, I forgot Serena has ADHD and is also dyslexic. You are accepted HELLOGOODBYE!! xD)
#35393786Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:12 PM GMT

(Hmmm.......<:( Pwease no??? I like being different....But, you can be Violet Eyes's bff!!
#35393947Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:15 PM GMT

Name: Kelli Gagne[Gone-yay] Ag.e: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Dark brown hair,emerald green eyes,5'5,Tanned skin,faded jeans,a blue dress[shin-length] over jeans,purple flats. Bio: No one really liked her,due to being fierce,and harsh when talked to.Has ADHD,but not badly. Do you hate Violet Eyes?: Nope.
#35394133Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:17 PM GMT

(Accepted, But some people gott hate her, or no point in the thread..)
#35394209Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:19 PM GMT

Name: Roland Shmit Ag.e: 77 Gender: M Appearance: 5'11", walks with limp, wiry muscle, snow white hair, one eye is milky white (caused by an old war wound), has a few scars on his face and arms, mustache, medium build, his good eye is a pale blue, the lense in his glasses over his bad eye is cracked. He generally wears muted tone clothing though occasionally he'll wear an incredibly bright color. Bio: He is a part time janitor at the orphanage, he rides a bicycle to it and back. He used to be in the military, he got his limp, scars, and bad eye from where he got caught in a blast from an artillery shell. Though generally he speaks quietly he is often best described as feisty. For a man of his age he is in very good shape, possibly all the bike riding to and from his job. Do you hate Violet Eyes?: No
#35394218Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:19 PM GMT

(Why do they hate her? If it is just because of her eyes, then that is just plain discrimination, and really has no point.)
#35394291Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:20 PM GMT

(Acepted. And, the first two together, I guess. I just got the story in my brain one day and wrote it down....)
#35394338Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:20 PM GMT

(Like I said, it just popped in my head..)
#35394383Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:21 PM GMT

Name: Charles Ag.e: 17 Gender: M Appearance: Same as my other appearances. Bio: Not much really to explain. Do you hate Violet Eyes?: No.
#35394442Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:22 PM GMT

(Can someone please hate her??)
#35394454Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:22 PM GMT

Name: Chris Johnnason Ag.e: 17 Gender: M Appearance: Black hair that extends right over my eyes, Brown eyes, 5'11, Torn up jeans, Grey T-Shirt. Bio: Is Half-British with a slight British accent, liked by a few of his friends but mostly hated by most people he met, he has no idea why. Do you hate Violet Eyes?: No
#35394456Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:22 PM GMT

(The trick to this is maybe people just find her unnerving the 'there's just something about her' concept. I had started making my sheet when there were 3 posts so you can't blame me for having a character who doesn't hate her.)
#35394579Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:24 PM GMT

( I guess your rite. And I understand why a janitor wouldnt hate her.. xD ACCEPTED!! START!!)
#35394724Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:26 PM GMT

Name: Scott Ag.e: 13 Gender: M Appearance: 5'6", bulky upper torso and skinny lower torso, agile lower body, hazel eyes, moderately long moderately dark brown hair, skinny arms, brown cargo shorts, white button up shirt, black felt fedora that has a black band Bio: I saw a Violet eyed girl today, she had beautiful Violet Eyes that just made me have to stop and process what I saw. Do you hate Violet Eyes?: Not in the least.
#35394803Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:28 PM GMT

(@Raz Oh, you so nice!! Lol, accepted.) Violet Eyes (V.E.) I walk into my last class of the day.
#35394840Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:28 PM GMT

(Wow Raz, I haven't seen you in a year...)
#35394909Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:29 PM GMT

Charles I was walking down the hall, racing for my last class. But I then accidently ran into Violet. I get up and help her up. "I'm so sorry!"
#35394910Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:29 PM GMT

#35394969Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:30 PM GMT

Roland I walked down the hall pulling the janitor's cart behind me. I could've retired years ago but if I had done that I would have did of boredom.

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