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#35407749Thursday, October 14, 2010 1:18 AM GMT

[Yes, I made this a while ago but decided to start it again] It was 2010. You were snowboarding in Colorado. Everything was perfect, until you heard a rumble behind you. You turned around and looked. Avalanche! You tried to speed up, but it was too late. It buried you and a few others. You were being pushed down the moutain by tons of snow. You fought the urge to stay conscious, but you blacked out. ~~~~~~~~~ You suddenly wake with a start. Where are you? The mountains are gone. The snow is gone. You're in a city. The city seems abandoned and mostly destroyed. How long were you out? It's seemed like years. You get up and look around. There's not a single person. You hear a spark above you. You look up, and it's an electronic billboard. It flashes a date. What did it say? It flashes back, and it dawns to you how long you were out. The sign reads 3-28-3089. ~~~~~~~~~ You see a man running. His coat is bloodstained, and his pants are ripped. You start to ask him where you are, but he see's you and screams for you to get out of the city. Suddenly you se two figures behind him. They look human, but when you look closer, you can tell that they're not. They have long, sharp claws, and freaky yellow eyes. They have blood smeared around they're lips, and very sharp teeth. You duck behind a crate. The two figures run at amazing speeds. One's tongue extends and lashes out at the man's back. It has a spike on the end. It goes through his back, and he falls down. He gets back up and starts running. They close in on him. The other figure slashes at his neck with it's claws. The man falls again. The two jump on him and start devouring him. He screams for a long time, but after a while his screams die down. You silently start to creep away. ~~~~~~~~~ It's 3089 and zombies have infested most of the major cities. They're not technically alive, but they sure as heck aren't dead. There are five types of major zombies. 1. Lasher - If you know what a smoker is from left 4 dead, this is basicly the same thing. It uses it's powerful tongue to strike people. The tongue has a spike at the end for extra killing power. 2. Clawer - Has extremely sharp and long claws. fatal when closing in on prey. It usually lunges for the final kill, then eats the prey off of it's claws. 3. Flyer - These zombies have gained the ability to fly. They have wings that attatch from they're chest to the wrist of they're arm. They swoop in and pick people up, usually eating them in the sky. 4. Spliter - Extreme agility, and can run up to 70 miles an hour. If it is chasing prey, it will not stop until it has it. It can climb up mostly any surface. 5. Brawler - Extreme strength. Brawlers are known to be able to rip through steel to get to it's prey. Just like Spliters, they will not stop until it has they're prey. Brawlers sometimes go on rampages, which are very dangerouse. All zombies eat flesh and can run fast. All zombies are stronger than Humans. ~~~~~~~~ Rules: No Gmoding No ubering Follow the roblox rules ~~~~~~~~ CS: Name: A.ge: Appearence: Personality: Gender: Weapon: (Pick this up later in the story, don't just start out with it) Bio: My CS: Name: Jake Johnson A.ge: 18 Appearence: Blonde, Jeans, T-shirt, about 5,8, and muscular Personality: Funny, Kind, Caring, responsible Gender: Male Weapon: Enchanted double edge stainless steel blade (Find out the abilities later) Bio: [N/A]
#35408675Thursday, October 14, 2010 1:31 AM GMT

#35409257Thursday, October 14, 2010 1:40 AM GMT

(Well I'm going to start. You can join in anytime you want to, I just have to accept you.) I backed off slowly. I realized that my heart was pounding. I kept taking slow steps backwards. "It's just a dream... just a dream..." I mutter to myself, feeling extremely lightheaded. Suddenly I bump into something. A breathe of hot air on my hair sends shivers down my spine. Slowly I turn around. Sitting there, is a zombie, eyes glowing, and razor sharp claws waiting in anticipation.
#35409776Thursday, October 14, 2010 1:49 AM GMT

It growls and lunges for me. I turn back and trip , falling backwards uttering a cry of suprise. It turns around and I start to run. Pretty bad mistake. It jumps at me again and grabs onto my back this time. I try to shake it off, but the beast is really strong. Suddenly I have a streak of memory that passes through my head. I knew how to fight. I took lessons. I GAVE lessons. As memories flow through my head, I almost forgot that there was a blood thirsty zombie on my back until it dug it's claws into my shoulders. I feel the panic running through my body, but then I lower my eyes. "GET... OFF.. OF... ME!" I scream, turning my fear into strength. I grab the zombie's leg and flip it around until it's pinned to the floor. You might have thought that I would go down, fighting heroicly. Instead, I stepped on it's chest and took off running.
#35412081Thursday, October 14, 2010 2:28 AM GMT

Name: Jake A.ge: 16(before He Went To The Future...) Appearence: Brown Long Hair Like Roblox Character,Jeans,Black Jacket With Black Tshirt,Dark Blue.Green Eyes Personality: Acted Funny Before He Got here,Now He Often Acts Scared..Cautious...But Will Try To Act Happy IF There Is A Time For It... Gender: Male Weapon: Bio: The Funny Guy For Almost All Of His Life...Someitimes His Comidic Personality Would Get Him Out Of Trouble,Sometimes Into it...Like The Fact Hes Here Right Now...He Dared His Freinds To Go Down This Insanely Large Mountain...Only His Best Freind..Jackson,Came WIth...Worst...Dare..EVER...
#35412250Thursday, October 14, 2010 2:31 AM GMT

I Silently Back Away..Crouching..I Then Look To My Side..Seeing A Broken Crate..I Take Off a Board From It..Walking Up To The Zombie,Smashing It Over The head...THe Zombie Then Pushed Me At Least 5 meters Away..Ran At Me..''nonononono,NO!''I Then Kick it In The Chest As It Was About To Lunge On Me..I Then Run Behind...
#35420180Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:12 PM GMT

(My name is Jake... >.>) I run as fast as I can. remembering what that zombie did to the man and how fast it lunged, I knew I didn't have much of a chance. I saw a dome shaped building and ran inside. Once inside, I bolted the door and found some duct tape and taped it shut. I knew it wouldnt do much. I stood back to admire the door, when suddenly there was a huge BOOM, on it, and the bolts started to crack. I looked around for a place to hide.
#35420235Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:19 PM GMT

(In this future do we get advanced tech weapons?)
#35420260Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:21 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#35420280Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:23 PM GMT

(@ ark Yes, you can. @ Paladin, No, we don't have super powers or anything)
#35420302Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:25 PM GMT

Name: ZD (That will be my nickname). A.ge: 56 Appearence: Grey Hair, Grey Beard, Eye patch, red eye, a ripped black leather jacket and ripped blue jeans. Personality: A bit stubborn, but wise. Knows the best protection and knows how to survive. Gender: Male Weapon: Hunting Knife (I find it from my bag later) Bio: An expert survivalist. Spent 5 years in the Marines when he was 21-26. Later finding himself working in a mine for 11 years. After that he became an expert survivalist. His parents died when he was 5 and he became an orphan. He has many scars from past fights.
#35420352Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:31 PM GMT

(Accepted) I find a big wooden chest. I hurridly hop inside and shut the lid. Something is poking my back.
#35420362Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:33 PM GMT

I use my hand to feel what's behind me. Cold steel. Sharp edges. I pull out a sword handle. In my hands is the most beautiful sword I had ever seen. It has a gold hilt with a big ruby encrested on either side. Memories flash back. Sword master. Suddenly I remember. Sword tournament. The sound of the door breaking down brings me back to the real world. I hold my breath as I hear sniffing around the chest. I grip the sword handle, ready. I throw open the lid and jump out as high as I can go with a "HIYAAAAAAA!!!". The zombie turns around, suprised. Still in the air, I swipe the sword onto the zombie. The sword cuts it cleanly in two vertical pieces.
#35420480Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:46 PM GMT

Name: Noland A.ge: 25 Appearence: Grey t-shirt, ripped blue jeans, brown bedraggled hair, turquoise eyes Personality: Polite, cautious Gen.der: M Weapon: Shock blade (A sword with an electrified blade) Bio: N/A
#35420547Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:52 PM GMT

I wake up in the middle of a cellar. I am locked inside the cellar with bars. It is dark, but I could make out a flashlight on a small table. I pick it up and try to turn it on. Drats! No battery. To my luck, I find batteries on the table. I put the batteries in the flashlight and turn the flashlight on. Now I could see. The cellar is grey with brown stains. It is empty, and mold is growing on the walls. "Hello?" I yelled, "Is anyone here!?". "Huuuuuuuuuuuh.........." came a strange noise from the distance. "What was that?!" I screamed with fright.
#35421292Thursday, October 14, 2010 1:56 PM GMT

Name: "Ven" Ventus Denonno(That will be my nickname). A.ge:21 Appearence:Black messy hair,Silver-lined glasses,slightly tanned, has a ripped black jacket ,and a white T-shirt,and wears black jeans Personality: Intelligent, and persistent. Gender: Male Weapon: Fists,feet,small pistol Bio:He has been through many fights, and so has been toughened up.Alltough there are some things he will be frightened off.He knows how to survive and what to in case of an emergancy.he will fight to the end
#35421301Thursday, October 14, 2010 1:57 PM GMT

Ooc;Aw man forgot to get rid of that
#35431618Thursday, October 14, 2010 8:21 PM GMT

(All accepted) I stare in amazement at my sword. From what I remembered, a sword shouldn't be able to cut a human in half, let alone a zombie. Not a normal sword at least.
#35432377Thursday, October 14, 2010 8:35 PM GMT

"Crap crap crap crap!" Noland said as he hid inside a large box. Two Clawers grudged past the box Noland was hiding in
#35434133Thursday, October 14, 2010 9:09 PM GMT

(Did I mention that all zombies have a superior sense of smell? >:3) I walk outside, a little more comfortable with a sword at my side. Before I went out, I found the sword's sheathe and picked it up along my way out so I didn't have to hold it.
#35434323Thursday, October 14, 2010 9:12 PM GMT

Name: Taesung A.ge: 26 Appearence: MY Avatar Personality:Quiet and Solitary Gender: Male Weapon: (Pick this up later in the story, don't just start out with it) Katana Bio: NONE!!!
#35434350Thursday, October 14, 2010 9:13 PM GMT

(accepted?) (or is it??)
#35434377Thursday, October 14, 2010 9:13 PM GMT

The clawers growled "Crap" Noland said jumping out of the box. He threw the boxes lid at the clawers to distract them "Help me!" He yelled running into the street
#35434439Thursday, October 14, 2010 9:14 PM GMT

(Joining ;3) Name: Zero Astyaguiya (Pronounced At-sa-guy-ya) A.ge: 17 Appearance: My Avatar, Except With A Sky Blue Hood With White Trims Personality: Kind, Fearless, Determined, Considerate, Nimble, Couragous, Accurate Gender: M Weapon: G36C MOD, L115A3, Combat Knife Bio: Suffers from Amnesia, Excellent at aiming and shooting, etc.
#35434536Thursday, October 14, 2010 9:16 PM GMT

(could i be chuck greene? dead rising 2? )

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