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#35516533Saturday, October 16, 2010 1:38 PM GMT

(Look guys, if I leave a Roleplay of mine, even just for a day, or if I don't even join, I expect you to keep it alive. Don't just stop posting because I left.) ========================================================= It is the fifth @ge of this world, the @ge of Revolution as it has been called. There have been four @ges before this, The @ge of Awakening, the period of a Thousand Years when all Sentient Life on this world awakened to itself. The @ge of Intellect, during which our greatest minds gave us Magic, Technology, and Civilization. The @ge of Monarchy, when our Governments were formed, and Civilizations were united under their own banners. And the @ge of the Sky, when we discovered the usage of Airships, which lead to even more discoveries. The @ge of the Sky has just passed, and we are in the first week of the new @ge. The @ge of Revolution. The name is from what is planned for this @ge, Revolution. Over the next Thousand Years, people will rise against their Rulers, and if it is for better, or for worse, only time will tell. But still, life goes on in this World, the World of Roiveness. ========================================================= ROIVENESS Roiveness has Two Suns, Three Moons, and Five Continents. The Five Continents are: Roddyn - Linked to Arhat by a Mountain Range. Mostly Temperate Grasslands and Plains. Arhat - Linked to Roddyn by a Mountain Range, and to Usker by a chain of Volcanic Islands. Mostly Mountains and Alpine Forests. Usker - Linked to Arhat by a Chain of Volcanic Islands. Mostly Desert and Rocky Hills. Atver - Isolated. Very far south of the other islands, and covered by Permafrost. Nyryn - Isolated. Central Continent, which is surrounded by the others. The Largest Island, with a wide range of Landscapes, from Lush Forest, to Rocky Mountain, to Scorched Desert, to Barren Tundra. ========================================================= TECHNOLOGY Technology in Roiveness is mainly what Terrans would call 'Medieval'. They build with Wood, Thatch, Straw, Stone, those sorts of Materials, and they fight with Sword and Shield. They do however have what Terrans would call 'Steampunk' Technology, for example, they have Airships, ranging from a 'Zeppelin' to a sort of 'Winged Boat'. These Airships are powered mainly by Magic and Steam, and are easily recognizable. After Airships were modified into Warships, Anti-Airship Cannons sprung up. Cannons had been around for years, but were never very effective, because unless you had a Mage enchant the Cannonballs to make them explode, they weren't much good against armies, and were too heavy to be pulled along to a Siege. Airships could easily be torn apart by cheap, easy to produce steel spheres, so Anti-Airship Cannons were a huge success. Magic is one of the driving forces in Roiveness, being used for everything from Warfare, to Healing. But Magic requires training and discipline, and although easy to use once the theory is known, it is volatile, and not everyone has the potential to be a Magi. ========================================================= ORGANIZATIONS This is not a complete list, just a list of some of the most well known organizations. INTERCONTINENTAL ---------------------- Sanguine Nights - The Sanguine Nights are Assassins, working across all the Continents, they are secretive, and recruit through finding a likely member, and trying to kill them. If they survive, wether it be through luck, or skill, they are welcomed with Open Arms. One just has to hope that those arms aren't holding more daggers. Golden Feather - The Golden Feather is a huge Guild of Merchants, that controls trade and protects it's members. The only requirement to be a Golden Feather, is to own a Business, and for it to be completely Legal in the Continent that the Business is in. Roiven Blades - The Roiven Blades are the best Mercenaries in all of Roiveness, from Veterans, to Dragonslayers. They are proud and arrogant, but some are quite good, and are known as 'Heroes'. Sephlinet Overwatch - The Sephlinet Overwatch is a Body of Powerful Senior Mages, who watch over all Mages in Roiveness. They do not care if a Mage was not taught in an Academy, only that he or she obeys the law. If a Mage is suspected of Illegal activity, they are not punished as a normal person would be, instead they are handed over to the Overwatch for Judging and Punishment. They also control the Flow of Sephlinet. High Court - The High Court is the highest body of Law in Roiveness, setting down Universal Laws, and judging only those who are either too powerful or too reputable to be judged by a normal Court of Law. RODDYN ---------- Royal Family - Roddyn is a Monarchy, with the Royal Family in Control. The current Royal Family is the Ronyds. The Druids - Roddyn has a massive forest by the name of Erdvor, which stretches for miles. The Druids live in this Forest, experts in Natural Magic and living by the laws of Nature. They often link themselves with the forest, and so do not take kindly to anyone who cuts down trees. They still allow Woodcutters and other people who need to make a living off the Forest to do so, so long as they don't go over what the Druids allow. ARHAT -------- The Council - Arhat is controlled by a Council of Senior and Respected Members, elected into power by the People of Arhat. USKER -------- The Tribes - Usker contains hundreds of Tribes, some Wandering, some settled. They each have different ways of doing things. The Raiders - Usker is covered in Ruins. Raiders search these ruins for Treasure. They aren't often liked by the Tribes, and often make a fortune if they survive. The Marauders - Marauders murder, loot and pillage. They revel in Violence and Torture, and love making your life a living heck. ATVER ------- The Theocrats - Atver is a Theocracy, with the people in charge being about 6-7 people, who got to the position by saying the Gods favour them, and that the Gods wanted them to control Atver. There have been very few that the Gods actually HAVE favoured. NYRYN -------- The Guilds - Nyryn is controlled by Guilds. There's a Guild for just about anything that has a place in society. Merchants have many Guilds, including Clothiers and Jewellers. Miners have a Guild, Farmers have a Guild, just about everything has a Guild. ========================================================= MATERIALS Sephlinet - A Powerfully Magical Ore, found only in Atver. It is unstable, and small amounts of it are often used to help Mages regain their strength after injury. It comes in many colours, even some that don't exist. Samak - A Lightweight, Heat-proof Fabric used most often in Usker, and produced from the Root of the Samogh Tree. Used in most clothing in Usker. A Pale Cream-Brown Colour. Banare - A Heavy Material which distorts the World around it. Very dark in colour, and seems to absorb light. Gained its name from the first person to use it, a Necromantic Knight by the name of Banare. Achrom - The Engineer's friend, Achrom is a Metal of Medium Weight, with brilliant Insulation properties. Engineering clothes are plated with this to prevent Electrocution from the Magical forces in most Devices, and to prevent Engineers from being cooked by the High Temperatures they often work with. It is a Golden-Amber. Tinlora - Tinlora is a very light and durable wood, often used in Airships. It cannot protect from the force of an Anti-Airship cannon, but it can defend against most weapons, and is very difficult to set alight. Once it is set alight however, it is almost impossible to put out. It is a Dark Brown-Green. All other Materials from Terris (E.g. Diamond, Graphite, Steel etc.) exist as well. ========================================================= SPECIES Sapen - Sapens are similair to humans, but much more varied. Anrop - Anrope are Anthropomorphic Animals. Simple enough. Fer - Feri are what Terrans would call Fairies. Angi - Terrans would call them Angels. Domin - What Terrans would call Demons. 'Cubi - They'll steal your soul, or not. Depends on the Cubus. Sho'tal-kiz - Just plain freaky. http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=34691769 Other - No one has actually bothered creating a document to document all the species. Lazy, Lazy People. ========================================================= RACES Ter - Sapen - Ters are basically Caucasian Humans. Not very interesting. Sarl - Sapen - Sarls are the Dark Skinned Desert Sapens, boasting Tough Skin, a high Resistance to Heat, and a heavy build. Fri - Sapen - Frie are the Pale, Blue Skinned Arctic Sapens who are coated in Ice, and enjoy the cold. In the heat, they pretty much melt, so when they travel outside of Atver, they wear Enchanted Clothes or Armour to keep themselves cold. Nei - Sapen - Nemi are the Green-Haired, Green-Eyed and Ruddy-Skinned people of the Forests, most often druids. Eli - Sapen - Elvi are, well, elves. Sti - Sapen - Stei are.. Dwarves. Anrop - The Races of the Anrop are Animals, quite simple. Fer - There are literally too many different kinds of Fer to document, from Nature Sprites to Imps. Angels - Angi - http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=34677030 Devils - Domin - http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=34676363 Demons - Domin - http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=34676005 Dragons - Domin - Dragons can range from Small Forest Dragons, which make good pets, to the Massive High Dragons. The slaying of a High Dragon has made many an Adventurer into a Hero. Incubi/Succubi - 'Cubi - http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=34609501 and http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=34568404 Sho'tal-kiz - The Sho'tal-kiz only have one Race, themselves. Other - As I said, lazy lazy People. But a few others can be found in a very Tattered Encyclopedia. (http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=34834084#35515656) Please Note: Angels, Demons and 'Cubi come in two forms, Sapen and Anrop. If you are an Angel, Demon or Cubus, please note if you are Sapen or Anrop. And after this, note what race of Sapen/Anrop you are. ========================================================= WEAPONS Many Weapons are quite inexpensive, but a lot have very expensive Ceremonial Versions available for Purchase. Sword - One of the most Versatile weapons, ranging from the Claymore, to the Rapier. Very Common, and most are quite cheap. Dagger - Ranging from Dirks, to Hunting Knives, these are usually far cheaper than Swords, and are commonly used by Mages and Rogues. Spear - Including the likes of Halberds and Harpoons, Spears are often used by Pikesmen and Battlemages, as they can act as a sort of Battlestaff. Good at piercing most armour. Mace - Includes the likes of the Flail and Club, a Mace is basically a lump of Metal on a stick. One of the Cheapest Weapons, as it can be made from a stone and a stick. Very Reliable though, and good against heavy Armour. Hammer - Another Cheap weapon, the most commonly used being a War Hammer, a Hammer with a Spike on one end for piercing Enemy Armour. Akin to a mace, but a bit more refined. Bow - Bows come in many forms, from the Expensive and Powerful Compound, to the Simple, Dirt Cheap Self Bow. Very Reliable weapons, and some are made from Sharpened Metal, making them deadly Melee Weapons as well. Shuriken - Shuriken are basically Small Metal Spikes, often left to rust, that are easily concealed and used by Assassins to quickly take out Targets. Some ceremonial Shuriken are the Sterotypical 'Throwing Stars' which are actually quite difficult to find. Handcannon - Handcannons are relatively new, and very expensive. They are volatile and unreliable, and while good against plate, are useless against the underlying Chainmail, as the projectile simply sticks in the Chain loops and causes no damage whatsoever. Gauntlets - Gauntlets are commonly associated with Armour, but Gauntlets can also be used as Melee weapons, to increase the force of a punch and bash an Opponents face in. Other - Many other Weapons are commonplace, and it is not uncommon to stumble upon an entirely new brand of weapon. ========================================================= CURRENCY There are Five Kinds of Currency in Roiveness. JUL - The Jul is the International Currency, used mainly in Nyryn. It's denominations are: Jul - The Largest Kind of Jul. It's a thin Rectangle of Golden Metal, with a Glass Center, which has a J embossed upon it. Wa - Twenty Was in one Jul. A Wa is a Thick Metal Disc, Copper in colour, with a large W on one side, and a picture of the continent of Nyryn on the other. Ki - Ten Ke in one Wa. A Ki is a small octagon of Achrom, with a K upon it. RYD - The Ryd is used in Roddyn, and is a Coin marked on one Side with the Head of a Member of the Royal Family, and on the other side a picture of the Continent of Roddyn. It has no Denominations, and a Ryd is the size of a Human £2 coin. CON - The Con is the Currency of Arhat, and is a small block of Silver, embossed with pictures of Council Members. It only has two denominations, the Con itself, and the Ins, which is a small Golden Sphere. There are Two Ins in a Con. MAL - The Mal is the Currency of Atver, and is used Reluctantly, as it is a cuboctahedron of Sephlinet, prone to Combustion. It has Three Denominations. Mal - The Mal itself. A Cuboctahedron of Blue-Orange Sephlinet. Fet - The Fet is a Rhombic dodecahedron of Pink Sephlinet. There are Five Fets in a Mal. Nu - The Nu is a Cubohemioctahedron of Bright Grey Sephlinet. There are Seven Nus in a Fet. SU - The currency of Usker. Five Denominations: Su - Largest Denomination. An Octahedron of Dull Steel. Lu - Eleven of these in a Su. A Tetrahemihexahedron of Copper. Ku - Two of these in a Lu. A Sphere of Iron. Bu - Fifteen of these in a Ku. A Cuboid of Bronze. Ru - Three of these in a Bu. A Small Square Tile of Rock, with an R scratched into it. ========================================================= If you guys want the CS, read through that, tell me if you think it's a good idea, and answer this short quiz via PM. 1: What is the Smallest Currency of Usker? 2: What family rules over Roddyn? 3: What weapon is sometimes used by Battlemages as a Battlestaff? 4: What @ge is the world of Roiveness in? 5: I want to fly from Nyryn to Arhat. I do not have Wings, and I am no Mage. How could I get to Arhat? Once Two or Three people have done that, I will post the CS.
#35517025Saturday, October 16, 2010 1:51 PM GMT

I'll also accept the Quiz if it's posted on this. Also, tell me that I didn't just break everyone's brains.
#35517199Saturday, October 16, 2010 1:56 PM GMT

I finished reading all that. Boy, is it long. I'm thinking of joining.
#35517322Saturday, October 16, 2010 1:59 PM GMT

1: What is the Smallest Currency of Usker? Ru. 2: What family rules over Roddyn? The Ronyds. 3: What weapon is sometimes used by Battlemages as a Battlestaff? Spear. 4: What @ge is the world of Roiveness in? The fifth @ge, The @ge of Revolution. 5: I want to fly from Nyryn to Arhat. I do not have Wings, and I am no Mage. How could I get to Arhat? I must get on an Airship.
#35517373Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:00 PM GMT

Just one or two more quizzes to be answered, then I post the CS.
#35517375Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:00 PM GMT

And you didn't break my brains XD I love roleplays like this :D
#35517433Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:02 PM GMT

Is it ok to cheat? You know, if I looked at the thing over and over again to find the answers. I'm not saying I did, though.
#35517456Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:02 PM GMT

Just pust da cs dis is beastly good!
#35517492Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:03 PM GMT

Well, I had to keep looking back over it just to get the names of the Continents again. It was a simple quiz, but to answer it, you had to read everything, which was the entire point of it.
#35517674Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:07 PM GMT

Well I did, and it was the kind of rp I love, but have never been able to join somehow.
#35517758Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:09 PM GMT

Spread this around a bit and recommend it to some people if you like, I can wait. I can wait for a very long time.
#35517791Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:09 PM GMT

What is the Smallest Currency of Usker? A Ru! 2: What family rules over Roddyn? Their Highnesses, the Ronyds. 3: What weapon is sometimes used by Battlemages as a Battlestaff? Spear 4: What @ge is the world of Roiveness in? Revolution! 5: I want to fly from Nyryn to Arhat. I do not have Wings, and I am no Mage. How could I get to Arhat? Take a winged boat thingy, Zeppelin, or take your local flying zebra! (I’d take the last option) What is the equivalent of a pound in America?
#35517873Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:11 PM GMT

A Pound is equal to about One and a Half of your Dollars. A two pound coin would be a little bigger than a silver dollar. Anyway, CS is now being made out. It's a big one.
#35517983Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:13 PM GMT

What should be the average age range? I hate joining and then being like, I'm an old lady/little kid compared to them...*failfaceofannoyingpostsmadebyyou* >_<
#35518082Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:15 PM GMT

The Sapens alive as long as we do., but for the Elven and Dwarven, the Dwarves live twice as long, the Elves can live for Five Times as long. Anrops live the same length of time as we do, and many Fer can live for up to 5,000 years. Angels, Demons and Cubi are immortal, as long as they aren't killed (And they can be killed by Normal Weapons. You don't need any Blessed stuff or anything) and the Sho'tal-kiz are also immortal. Others, you make it up.
#35518170Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:17 PM GMT

Name: @ge: Gender: Species: Race: Affiliations: (Any Organizations you are part of, or regularly do business with.) Continent: Appearance: Clothing: Armour: Weapons: Magic Potential: (Yes or No.) Occupation: Inventory: (If you have a Bow or a Handcannon, remember that you need ammunition.) Purse/Wallet: (How much currency you have.) Bio:
#35518187Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:17 PM GMT

(You completely failed that question)
#35518253Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:19 PM GMT

Is it possible to be a halfbreed? I was to be a human, but I also want to be an elf.
#35518261Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:19 PM GMT

(How did I fail that question? If you're looking for an average Age Range, it's 0-Dead.)
#35518296Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:19 PM GMT

(Halfbreeds are indeed Possible Eco.)
#35518318Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:20 PM GMT

(Eh, nvm. I might be gone for half an hour. Character sheets take me FOREVER.)
#35519772Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:48 PM GMT

Name: Jasmine Jewel. @ge: 22. Gender: Female. Species: Sapen. Race: Nei and Eli. Affiliations: She is a traveller, mostly between Roddyn and Arhat. In Roddyn, she trades the little ore found in the mountains. (If you don't approve, I'll take away the ore and think of something else she trades.) Continent: Roddyn and Arhat. Appearance: Dark and light green hair, mixed in with brown-black. Green eyes, with medium-dark spots. Tanned skin, molding in with the fair skin of the elves. Clothing: While in Arhat, she wears a green dress and shorts with brown lace around the edges, of vice versa. In Roddyn, she wears the same, exept that the colours are golden/silver and purple. Armour: None. Weapons: Cheap bow, which comes with only ten arrows. Magic Potential: Umm...yes. Occupation: She is a druid, and a trader. Inventory: Ammunition, (Whatever it is,) attach on pockets, which have the colour and lace of the dress they go with, emergency food pack, with water in it, and rope. Purse/Wallet: 100 Ryds, 200 Ins, and 100 Cons. Bio: Born from a Nei mother, and an Eli father, her homeland is Arhat, but she often goes to Roddyn. Nobody else knows why, but she has often been seen wandering on a certain hill. Her mother and father died, and their last wish to her was that nobody should know where they were buried. She buried them on that hill, and as the people of Roddyn respected her wish that nobody try to pry into her personal matters, it has remained her secret. Even though trading was originally just a coverup, she has grown to like it over the years so much that it has become more. She is currently at Roddyn.
#35519833Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:50 PM GMT

Accepted, mine are on the way.
#35519991Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:53 PM GMT

In a minute, I'm going to make another one, a dragon, who'll be Jasmine's pet.
Top 25 Poster
#35520298Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:59 PM GMT

1: What is the Smallest Currency of Usker? Ru 2: What family rules over Roddyn? Ronyds 3: What weapon is sometimes used by Battlemages as a Battlestaff? Spear 4: What @ge is the world of Roiveness in? Fifth 5: I want to fly from Nyryn to Arhat. I do not have Wings, and I am no Mage. How could I get to Arhat? Airship.

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