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#35739578Wednesday, October 20, 2010 9:05 PM GMT

Zombies have overrun the world. Now, where ever you are, you must defend your position. Good luck Commander... You are all commanders and you must defend the postition. Your budget just now is $1000. Buy as much as you can. You'll get more money for destroying Zombies. If your base gets destroyed, your part of the world will get destroyed, and you must flee to somebody else's base. And if everybody's base gets destroyed, this mission ends. Rules: No uber powers. (You can make up your own buildings and things, but no SUPERULTRA LAZOR GENARATAR WHICH KILLZ U IN WON SHOT) You may walk around your base, but cannot flee until it is destroyed and you cannot destroy zombies. Also, be realistic with your prices for stuff. Thanks. GOOD LUCK!
#35739779Wednesday, October 20, 2010 9:09 PM GMT

Commander Supermarioliam at shop. $1000 Radio tower-$500 Power Generator-$30 Attack Tower-$300 Radiation Chamber-$1500 YOU BOUGHT: Attack Tower $300 Current Budget-$700
#35739901Wednesday, October 20, 2010 9:11 PM GMT

Aw snap. This looks like 'Tap Defense' only with zombies. ... I'll pass.

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