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#35764975Thursday, October 21, 2010 5:00 AM GMT

~STORY~ It all happened in the blink of an eye. One second, you were going through your normal, day to day life, when what appeared to be a rip in the world itself opened up. You felt a tugging sensation, as if you were being dragged towards it. And within seconds, you were pulled inside of it. And then, just as quickly, it was gone. Leaving no trace of ever have been there. The world was black. When you awoke, you were somewhere else. A completely different world. Your world. But you weren't the only one. There were others out there, just like you. Dragged into their own personal world, just like you. It isn't as safe as it seems though. There are things lurking out there, waiting for their time to attack. Back on your own world, civilization is in utter chaos. Civilization groups close together for protection, from some unknown fate. Could all this perhaps be one person's doing? ------------------------------------------------------------------ ~INFO~ 1. People will meet up eventually. Travel between worlds will be completed by traveling through rips found. 2. Consider it a, "Sandbox," game. There is only main goal, which is to group up with the others and take down, "The Big Bad." But it's not important to go straight for it. 3. Combat will not be directly focused upon. Don't think of it as a combat based RP. It is an important aspect, true, but exploring and such is also important. 4. Your world has a direct theme. A desert, a jungle, underwater, etc. 5. There will be settlements of friendly creatures found, sparingly though. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ~RULES~ 1. No killing other players. 2. No ubering. Think of it as an RPG, you get stronger as the "Game," goes by. By the end of this, we will be able to destroy a world as easy as snapping our fingers. 3. No general dumbness. As in, don't do stupid things for the sake doing stupid things. Feel free to be silly, but not TOO silly. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ~CS~ Name: (Can be as outlandish as you want. Who says you all came from our universe?) Age: Gender: Race: (As in, "Are you human? If not, what are you?") Appearance: Weapon: (Was found next to you when you awoke) Element: (Will be awakened later, choose 1. It consists of: Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air)
#35765380Thursday, October 21, 2010 5:37 AM GMT

Name: William McKnight Age: Sixteen Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: William has slightly sun tanned skin, leanly built muscles, a medium build, and stands at 6'1. William has chocolate brown hair, hazelnut co,ored eyes, and a well rounded face. William wears a white t-shirt, dark blue pollo jeans, shirt white socks, and Vans high tops. Weapons: Morningstar Element: Dark
#35765485Thursday, October 21, 2010 5:52 AM GMT

Heh, this'll be my first roleplay on forums... should be fun thing to waste time on just before midnight... Name: E. E. Boidsie Age: Fifty Four Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: Tall, slightly heavy, hair slightly gray, dresses in 1930's attire with a fedora, glasses, and a gold wristwatch. Hazel eyes, neat blonde hair under my hat. Weapon: 1985 Boidsie 200 QTN Turbo (run people over) Element: ????? Heh, I look stupid. Maybe this isn't my thing...?
#35765908Thursday, October 21, 2010 6:49 AM GMT

(It's actually pretty good. My only problem is your weapon. I was aiming more for a handheld sort of thing. Anyways, didn't plan to start this tonight. IMPORTANT: PLEASE, PLEASE, BOOKMARK THIS THREAD. FOR YOU CAN CHECK BACK FOR WHEN YOU NEED TO POST ON IT.)
#35766085Thursday, October 21, 2010 7:11 AM GMT

Ok. I did a little research on guns... my weapon is a small, black .32 caliber revolver, and my transportation is the '85 200 QTN.
#35766276Thursday, October 21, 2010 7:46 AM GMT

Name: Lewis Walsh A.ge:17 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: Blonde hair, black jacket, white shirt, black sneakers, black jeans and brown eyes. Weapon: Sword Element: Water
#35767345Thursday, October 21, 2010 11:16 AM GMT

Name: Bird of Flightless Wings A.ge: 23 Gender: Male Race: Nackiki Appearance: Shaggy black hair, pale skin, purple eyes, 7'2 200 pounds, average muscles. Black boots, jeans, a white shirt and black jacket. Weapon: Colt Pistol Element: Air Bio: Nackiki have actually been on Earth very long and were called Albino, fact is all those "Albino" creatures are Nackiki.
#35803119Friday, October 22, 2010 1:39 AM GMT

(That's odd. I keep trying to put up my CS, put it keeps getting filtered. How strange!)
#35803199Friday, October 22, 2010 1:41 AM GMT

(Alright great. This is shaping up to be pretty good. Sorry for the delay in starting. Been pretty busy. Also, wow, my character seems to look sorta like yours, Wertysas.) Name: Mokie Remmington ­A­g­e­: 17 Gender: Male Race: Alrunian (Basically, paler, and get to be very tall. Character is short for his race. Appearance: Shoulder length black hair, pale, dark red eyes, 7'0, black jacket with a red X across the back, black jeans, black gloves, red shirt. Weapon: Sword Element: Dark
#35803502Friday, October 22, 2010 1:46 AM GMT

(Just realized. Sorry once again! Transportation is ON FOOT only!
#35803550Friday, October 22, 2010 1:47 AM GMT

(I think it'd be safe to start now, anyways. Considering it doesn't depend on other people early on.) I made my way down a path, glancing around nervously. One second I had been with my brother, and the next, I was in what appeared to be a forest. A particularly gloomy one, as well. I heard some rustling among the leafs. Pausing, I rested my hand on the hilt of my sword, which I had found rammed into a tree nearby where I awoke. Thankfully, I already had some training with using one. A few seconds passed, nothing happened. I relaxed, and decided it was just wind, now continuing down the path.
#35803758Friday, October 22, 2010 1:51 AM GMT

I woke up with a major headache, as my vision was a bit blurred. I was in the alley of a gloomy city, and I was puzzled. I was just shooting hoops in front of my house, and now I was stuck in the alley. I saw some sort of weapon imbedded in a dumpster, until I realized it was a MorningStar. I smiled before pulling it out as I sat up. I stood up, looking around. I shrugged before walking.
#35803923Friday, October 22, 2010 1:54 AM GMT

I walked around, I had been in the Nackiki military back where we were from. We lived in a swampy land which made up the place I was in. I saw a green creature and fired at it a few times and it spassed and fell limp. Continuing I rustled thru to a clearing and made a basic camp and warning material of anything. A small tent like structure with a fire and surrounded by trees with a moss bed. I had caught a fish with a make shift fishing rod and cooked my food.
#35804159Friday, October 22, 2010 1:58 AM GMT

(Okay great. Also, there will not be any transporting between world till at least page 3 or so.) I really had no idea where I was going, honestly. I just found a path and had started following it, hoping it could to lead to a way out of this forest, perhaps. Up ahead, I noticed a lack of trees, finally, the exit! As I finally exited this forest, a grin I had been wearing since I noticed the exit, faded. I looked around, shocked. It was not the exit. I was simply standing on a cliff. I was high up, as well. As I looked down at this strange place, I realized almost the whole thing was covered in an endless expanse of trees. Far off the in the distance, I could see a faint glow. I decided, that would be my destination.
#35804412Friday, October 22, 2010 2:03 AM GMT

I ate my catch enjoying it and started carving from rocks dagger's and making weapons. Looking around I tested a bow and arrow, it shot and nailed a tree. "Good, now for more arrows." I whispered but then grew very sleepy, need some sleep." whispering, I laid down and my eyes went shut. In my mind pranced images of the Nackiki war that I had survived and learned my skill's from. I had enlisted and fought valiantly but soon went to Earth to relax. Rolling in my sleep I would look for life tommorow.
#35804870Friday, October 22, 2010 2:11 AM GMT

I walked out of the alleyway to find dead bodies scattered everywhere, buildings in ruins, and a dark gray sky. "What the..." I said aloud before noticing some weird human with grey colored skin eating someone. Seeing the figure have blood red eyes, claws, and eating someones guts I froze. It looked up at me and hissed, before darting at me. "Kill it!" my mind screamed, before I finally swung the MorningStar, and it connected with the things head. "Son of a...." I muttered, before looking around. ( Zombie Apocalypse, :D )
#35805039Friday, October 22, 2010 2:14 AM GMT

I heard some rustling once again, coming from behind me. And as before, my hand had rested itself on the hilt of my sword. More rustling, followed by the sound of wood breaking. I spun around, quickly unsheathing the sword. So that's what had been making the sounds. It appeared to be humanoid in shape, although distorted slightly. It appeared to have no hands or feet. With its stump of a wrist, it reached out and hit me with it. Instead of a bruise, it had actually cut open my cheek. Angrily, I slashed at, strangely, cleaving in in two.
#35805810Friday, October 22, 2010 2:32 AM GMT

I surveyed the area quickly, before going back into the alley. Seeing a fire escape I climbed it, and ended up on a roof. A man with his chest ripped open lay there, with a backpack in his outstretched hands. I took the backpack, and looked threw it, seeing it was full of supplies I took it from the man and slung it on my shoulder. Running to the edge I looked down onto the street, seeing it zombie infested.
#35806673Friday, October 22, 2010 2:57 AM GMT

Name: La'Freak A.ge: 27 Gender: M Race: Mix with human and zebra. Don't ask why. Appearance: A human's b.ody with stripes, and has a head of a zebra, has wierd funky shades, has green shorts, with a neon green shirt with short sleeves... Weapon: A wooden staff Element: Dark
#35806891Friday, October 22, 2010 3:03 AM GMT

Wakes up on a dance floor. Tons of neon lights. Then I get up. I see people dancing. Then,as I go with the crowd. I danced. Then people start clapping. I did the robot. Then I was the king of the dance floor! I was in a paradise.
#35807061Friday, October 22, 2010 3:07 AM GMT

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Top 100 Poster
#35807768Friday, October 22, 2010 3:31 AM GMT

Name: Acoiris (Ah-kuh-why-or-es) Age: lost in time Gender: Male Race: Ethereal (once human, but physical body destroyed) Appearance: Flowing energy (changing purple-red-bluish) in a human shape; Held together in a messy mummy-style wrap. http://www.danscottart.com/Images/EtherealPlunderer.jpg Weapon: Magic Element: Light
#35807914Friday, October 22, 2010 3:36 AM GMT

Name: Alena Negra A.ge: 15 Gender: Female Race: Nergal Demon (Humanoid in figure but they can sprout tenticles or wings from their back) Appearance: Short black hair, light brown skin, gray eyes. Black tennis shoes, violet sweat pants, White T with unique black design on it. Black sweatshirt usually worn as scarf. Weapon: Sword or Bow and Arrow that creates with Demon abilities. Element: Dark(lol lotta Dark people)
#35808023Friday, October 22, 2010 3:40 AM GMT

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#35808109Friday, October 22, 2010 3:43 AM GMT

I bust down with a moon walk. Now,I was tired. So,I went to the juice bar. I said "Get me a water." Then a wierd octapus with one eye gives me my drink.

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