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#35803539Friday, October 22, 2010 1:47 AM GMT

You lie awake in the hospital after being bitten by some sort of animal. Without trying, you begin to mumble gibberish. The doctors don't know whats wrong. After two weeks of observation and tests, the doctors have let you out of the hospital, but strange things are beginning to happen, and before you know it, you are send on an adventure you never expected... Character Sheet: Name: Ag.e (14-17): Gender: Appearance: Animal Bitten By: Bio (Optional): Animal Companion (ONLY ONE; Include name, ag.e, and species): Other (In case I forgot something): Secret Code: Rules: 1) Have fun! 2) All regular ROBLOX Forum rules apply. 3) Please be respectful to others, especially admins. 4) Please use correct grammar and spelling. (This includes the refraining of using * *, unless you are labeling your character.) 5) "It's not in the rules!" is NOT an excuse. 6) Wait before you are accepted to begin. 7) Your "Secret Code" is the animal you were bitten by, and then the page number you posted on (if you say 9 and it ends up on page 10, its still accepted). (Admins to come! Admins are allowed to be bitten by two animals, have two animal companions, and accept/decline character sheets. If an admin believes you are constantly braking rules, or being an annoyance to others, they can recommend you to me for a temporary/permanent ban.)
#35803576Friday, October 22, 2010 1:47 AM GMT

Name: Aaron Ag.e: 17 Gender: M Appearance: Short brown hair, deep blue eyes, camouflage t-shirt, brown shorts Animal Bitten By: Cat & Dog Bio: N/A Animal Companion: 1) Species: Bombay Cat Name: Shadow Ag.e: 9 (human years) Appearance: Black fur with crimson green eyes 2) Species: Golden Retriever Name: Sunny Ag.e: 9 (human years) Appearance: Golden fur with chocolate brown eyes Other (In case I forgot something): N/A Secret Code: catdog1
#35838311Friday, October 22, 2010 11:11 PM GMT


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