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#36070074Wednesday, October 27, 2010 1:37 AM GMT

Info: You are on the UKS(United Ket Spartan) The UKS has been built before the Halo:Reach in 2517 It has been blown up by the time Halo:C E come out Although the UKS isn't really in the games, it has special properties. The UKS has spaceships called the PTA(Portal Teleporting Association) The PTA takes you anywhere you want...Halo,Reach or Earth If you want to get back to the UKS then Want special abilities?Take Sprint,Jetpack or any other ability You would also fight in space with Space Spartan Fighters(SSF) You want questions?Ask in {}'s ___________________________________________________________________________ Character Info: Someone could be a character from the games Only one person could be one of each Like:Jorge,Johnson,Master Chief,Noble Chief,Ect If you want, you may die in the RP ___________________________________________________________________________ Spartan Sheet: Name: A/G/E: Gender: Armor type: Armor color: Do you own a vehicle?(Yes or no): What type of vehicle do you own?(Examples:Chopper,truck,Ghost,ect): Bio(Optional): Weapons: Grenades: ___________________________________________________________________________ Covenant Sheet: Name: A/G/E: Gender: Type of Covenant(Examples:Jackal,Elite,Grunt,ect) Weapons: Grenades: Do you own a vehicle?: What type of vehicle do you own?: Bio: ___________________________________________________________________________ Rules No godmodding Standard ROBLOX rules apply Put "noble" in your CS is you've read these rules No destroying a planet
#36071035Wednesday, October 27, 2010 1:50 AM GMT

Spartan Sheet: Name:Noble Team:Jorge A/G/E:30 ish Gender:Male Armor type:ODST Armor color:Blue Do you own a vehicle?:Yes What type of vehicle do you own?:Falcon Bio:N/A Weapons:DMR,SMG,Sniper Grenades:3 plasma grenades and 2 regular grenades(From UNSC)
#36072063Wednesday, October 27, 2010 2:05 AM GMT

Covenant Sheet: Name: Thez' Valdarmee A/G/E: Not classified Gender: Male Type of Covenant: Sangheili (Elite) Weapons: Energy Sword; Plasma Rifle Grenades: Plasma grenade Do you own a vehicle?: Yes What type of vehicle do you own?: Covenant Warship (Bigger than Assault Carrier) Bio: Born on Decided Heart, he was taken two years after his birth, and was raised as a prodigy captain for the Covenant Empire, He played a role in the assault of Harvest, Glassing of Harvest, Assault of Kholo, Glassing of Kholo, Assault of Coral, Glassing of Coral, Assault of Arcadia, Glassing of Arcadia, and the Discovery of Installation 04. He also served in the Destruction of the Shieldworld constructed by the forerunners, which was infected by the parasite.
#36073591Wednesday, October 27, 2010 2:35 AM GMT

#36073729Wednesday, October 27, 2010 2:39 AM GMT

Sorry it took long to say accepted Want to start
#36073774Wednesday, October 27, 2010 2:40 AM GMT

Thez' Looked grimly over the Bridge. They were heading to the Human colony "Victoria" to glass it, for those who oppose the faith, oppose the prophets, and those who oppose them, opposed Thez'. He was leading a fleet of 62 ships in total. It would be an easy, precise and quick victory, and a good, satisfying clensing of the planet. (Clensing means Glassing;Glassing means Orbital Bombardment)
#36073799Wednesday, October 27, 2010 2:40 AM GMT

(I guess That means Yes)
#36073887Wednesday, October 27, 2010 2:43 AM GMT

Jorge (Is in UKS waiting ot go to Halo) General:Are you ready to go? Jorge:Yes... (Goes in spaceship to Halo) _____________________ Forgot this: Covenant and SPartan: Ability:Jetpack
#36074066Wednesday, October 27, 2010 2:47 AM GMT

-The Fleet arrived at Victoria, as they immediatly began attacking while the enemy was bewitted. They completly destroyed any stations, and sent down battle cruisers to drop ground teams on the planet, Thez' Watched from high above the surface, in orbit-
#36074212Wednesday, October 27, 2010 2:51 AM GMT

Jorge had arrived in Halo early,while seeing other groups of spartans, he saw Johnson. Jorge:All stand.Now Johnson,i've heard you've got the package? Johnson:Yes sir(Gives) Jorge:Thank you.Where is Cortana? Johnson:Unkown.
#36074219Wednesday, October 27, 2010 2:51 AM GMT

Spartan Sheet: Name: Six A/G/E: Idk, 30ish. Gender: Female (Ohhh yess >:D) Armor type: MJOLNIR Mark V (Assult armor) Armor color: Light Purple Do you own a vehicle?(Yes or no): Yes What type of vehicle do you own?(Examples:Chopper,truck,Ghost,ect): Mongoose :D Bio(Optional): Gained a reputation as an efficient lone-wolf assassin, having single-handedly broken organizations and made entire militia groups disappear. Weapons: Energy sword, Assult Rifle, Pistol strapped to leg. Grenades: Plasma and normal
#36074293Wednesday, October 27, 2010 2:53 AM GMT

-The Fleet pressed on the major cities; New Denver, Uridii, Vice, anything that has buildings over 4,000 feet. The fleet's Ground units wreaked havoc for quite a while before reinforcements appeared, thats when the Naval battles arose-
#36074339Wednesday, October 27, 2010 2:54 AM GMT

Name:Johnson A/G/E:Unknown Gender:Male Armor type:ODST... Armor color:Green Do you own a vehicle?(Yes or no):Yes What type of vehicle do you own?(Examples:Chopper,truck,Ghost,ect):Warthog Bio(Optional):N/A Weapons:Rocket launcher,DMR and the gun that you gun besides the DMR in games... Grenades:2 UNSC grenades
#36074407Wednesday, October 27, 2010 2:57 AM GMT

Johnson:(Gets on someone'spelican) (Johnson's warthog is carried by this pelican) Jorge:(Gets on with Johnson) (Accepted)
#36074531Wednesday, October 27, 2010 3:00 AM GMT

-New Denver was holding out well, aswell as Uridanii. The city was flooded with both Covenant and UNSC. ODST, marines and spartans were everywhere. The ONI base was also a very strong resistance, but battle cruisers were pressing hard. The Naval Battle was very agressive. The Shadow of Devout, Thez's Ship, along with the Prestigeouse Victory and Blessed Soul were the most effective ships on the covenant side. The Spirit of Fire was present in the battle-
#36074764Wednesday, October 27, 2010 3:07 AM GMT

We had arrived in the Montuse deserts where we'll see Master Chief...He said he'll be here...MAYBE (You could make up cities and places >:3) Johnson:(Gets in drivers seat in warthog) Jorge:(Gets in back seat) (3 grunts get in the back and 1 grunt gets in shotgun seat) Johnson:(Drives towards a old-place) Jorge:Good thing part of the Noble Team is here
#36074916Wednesday, October 27, 2010 3:12 AM GMT

-New Denver Was becoming a problem, they would now have to drop units in larger quantities. The Battle in space was going well, the human fleets were failing, The Spirit of Fire had warped away to one of their inferior human colonies, The Shadow Of Devout had taken alittles than 2 hits. Uridanii was falling to insertion units. They currently overran the northern region, and were seizing the South-
#36075019Wednesday, October 27, 2010 3:15 AM GMT

We headed into a scrab(Can't spell it D:).But Master Chief was the best at it.So someway to beat it..hm...
#36075133Wednesday, October 27, 2010 3:19 AM GMT

-Uridaniii's South/North dvision was rediced to a neigborhood of holdout with a squad of marines and ODST, Hardly a challenge. Uridanii fell to the Covenant, While New Denver was beggining to surcomb to the covenant forces of Direct Insertion-
#36081611Wednesday, October 27, 2010 12:50 PM GMT

Name: Vutox A/G/E: 19 Gender: Boy Armor type: Stealth Commando Armor color: Black Do you own a vehicle? No What type of vehicle do you own?(Examples:Chopper,truck,Ghost,ect): Bio(Optional): Found lurking around into UNSC base. Had excellent stealth and became a stealth operative. Weapons: Sniper Rifle, DMR Grenades: Frag, Smoke
#36088476Wednesday, October 27, 2010 7:28 PM GMT

-New Denver was beggining to fall seige to the hands of covenant elite squads. So far the held 4/6 of the City, still pushing, While the ONI base was holding out, they would simply mow-over it when they glassed the planet, but still keep their forces locked in so they can cause as much devastation as possible-
#36094879Wednesday, October 27, 2010 9:28 PM GMT

(@Bboy What's you're ability?Camoflague?)
#36096047Wednesday, October 27, 2010 9:47 PM GMT

#36096236Wednesday, October 27, 2010 9:50 PM GMT

(NVM) Johnson:(Driving towards Scrab)
#36096492Wednesday, October 27, 2010 9:53 PM GMT

-New Denver was falling, UNSC troops were pulling out. The naval battle was going excellant. The UNSC numbers were dwindling, soon, it would be time to clense the planet-

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