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#36137141Thursday, October 28, 2010 8:42 PM GMT

In this game you are a young wizard. You are the only creature that can harness s much power hat you posess although everyone has the powers but only wizards such as yourself can use them. New day every three pages. Here is a list of powers you can have: Fire: European School Air: Asian school Nature: African school Earth: South American school Water: Pasific Oceon school Ice: Antartican School Darkness: North American school Light: Cloud school Animal: African scool with Nature wizards. Everyone goes to normal school in America in the day but after normal school they go to their types school. R00LZ: NO Ubering NO FIRIN' YER LAZOR NO being an animal NO being a mythical creature(Although you can keep one as a pet) NO killing unless the victim allows you to do so. NO controlling others NO time skips. CS:(Charecter Sheet) Na.me: A.ge(3-15) Parents: (If any) Pets:(Optional. You can't get mythical pets unless it comes in the story) Do you know if you're a wizard o not?: Type: Appearance: Persnality: My CS: Na.me:Joseph A.ge:12 Parents: Julie+Ralph Pets:None Do you know if you're a wizard o not?:Yes Type: Animal Appearance: Not tall not short, blonde, always wears lime green robes in wizard school, wears school uniform in human school. Personality: Loves the out doors and animals, absent minded, not very sporty
#36137214Thursday, October 28, 2010 8:43 PM GMT

(Sorry if I mispell anything or forget to put spaces, my keyboard is weird today)
#36137660Thursday, October 28, 2010 8:51 PM GMT

Na.me: "Marke. Good to meet you." A.ge:"I'd rather not say.." Parents: "Why should I tell you? Pets:"I'll get a Pegases." Do you know if you're a wizard o not?: No idea. Type: Darkness Appearance: Cubiax Decal, minus sycthe. Persnality:Nice,Mysterious at times.,Timid,Eager
#36137776Thursday, October 28, 2010 8:53 PM GMT

(The a.ge and Parents are only for the Roleplay. You can make them up-Anyway..accepted)
#36137894Thursday, October 28, 2010 8:55 PM GMT

(I know...I'm RPing even in the CS.)
#36137941Thursday, October 28, 2010 8:55 PM GMT

I wait in school impatiently for wizard school to begin almost dying to turn the teachers necklace into a snake.
#36137980Thursday, October 28, 2010 8:56 PM GMT

(I'd like a power boosting wizard. Like, they use spells to temporarly increase their physical power. Like strength, speed, hand eye coordantion, etc.)
#36138133Thursday, October 28, 2010 8:58 PM GMT

Na.me: Jake A.ge 13 Parents: James and Suzanne Pets: Can i Have a dragon? Do you know if you are a wizard o not: yes Type: Fire Persnality: Strong, brave, a big show off and love to go camping and loves to eat s'mores
#36138238Thursday, October 28, 2010 9:00 PM GMT

oops forgot appearence Appearance:Long Shaggy Brown hair(covers eyes), Black ports Jacket with red stripe with red shirt under it, Blue Jeand Black Dc's and averge sized
#36138242Thursday, October 28, 2010 9:00 PM GMT

Na.me: Jenna Reel A.ge: 12 Parents: A mom named Taylor Reel, who is d8.in.g John McReef (she hates him) Pets: A small, dag.ger sized griffin named Jeffery Do you know if you're a wizard o not?: Kinda sorta. She believes in it and thinks she might be, but isn't sure Type: North American (Darkness) Appearance: Wavy, white blonde hair to her shoulders, sparkling emerald eyes, lightly tanned skin, red t-shirt, light and ripped blue denim jeans, red high-tops with black laces, no make-up. Persnality: Fun, funny, smart, kind, creative, not too athletic, etc.
#36138327Thursday, October 28, 2010 9:02 PM GMT

(Sure, why not?) I wake up in class as the teacher smacks a ruler onto my desk and I turn as quick as a flash to the clock. It was one hour before school ends. I jumped for joy onto my chair and everyone started staring at me, nervously I tried to think of an excuse so I stretched my arms out and made a obviously fake yawn.
#36138436Thursday, October 28, 2010 9:04 PM GMT

I am working on evaporating salt from salt water on my bunsen burner and am more than tempted to give it a nice little dose of extra heat but my teacher eyes me supsciously. wonder if she has an idea of who i really am?
#36138515Thursday, October 28, 2010 9:05 PM GMT

(Ok Strange, You two get accepted. Forget what I said about no mythical pets.)
#36138806Thursday, October 28, 2010 9:10 PM GMT

(And your parents can't know about you being a wizard either or any other family members.) I went to grab my pensil but it turned out to be a stick-insect "Whoops..." I wipsered nervously as the teacher walked away. I grabbed my backpack and stuffed te stick insect into a box of other objects I have turned into creatures throughout the day.
#36139011Thursday, October 28, 2010 9:14 PM GMT

I heard the bell ring, I woke from my day dream and shouted "YES!" Luckily nobody heard me because of the bell ringing louder then my voice. The teacher said "Don't worry kids! Just a fire alarm test!". "DARN!" I shouted which got me thrown out of the class.
#36139099Thursday, October 28, 2010 9:16 PM GMT

Name:Grean Greta A.ge:15, because we have to go to regular school. Parents:Well, he got lost one day and couldn't find his mom. Apparenlty, she killed herself. The dad divorced before he got lost. Pets:An animated box. It talks every ten minutes, usually saying anyone of these phrases: You've wanted to rob that bank for a long time. Why don't you do it? I have cake for you, you know. It's so delicious and moist. You are weak. Your heart will explode. Your friends will abandon you. You will betray your friends. They're everywhere. They're laughing at you. Death is close. Your courage will fail. You Will Die. You would never drop me into an incinerator, would you? The next time you're not looking, I'm going to shank you. Assume the Party Escort Submission now, or you will miss the party. That thing you picked up is probably some kind of raw sewage container. Go ahead and rub your face all over it. He also made a haiku about him: Bulky Buddy Box will not threaten to stab you. (The cake is a lie.) He calls it Bulky Buddy box. Do you know you're a wizard or not?:Yes. If so, he wouldn't have got that box to talk. Type:Power boostin' type. School's in Virgina. Apperance:He is 5'11, and is skinny. He isn't buff, but he wwill be if he uses one of his strength increasing spells. He wears the school uniform at all times.(Ack. Sorry for not being descriptive.)He is bald. But, he wears a cap to hide it. Personality:It'll show in the RP.
#36139270Thursday, October 28, 2010 9:18 PM GMT

#36139548Thursday, October 28, 2010 9:22 PM GMT

As I stood outside the door I began a conversation with the stick insect that I had created in my sleep "Do you have a name?" I asked kindly. He spoke back in a strange language I couldn't understand "Espaniol?,Cymraeg?,Francais?" I said in a strange voice.
#36139747Thursday, October 28, 2010 9:25 PM GMT

I felt like breaking a plastic coin because I was cool like that. I powered up with a spell and broke it. Yeeeah. Sure, I wore myself out, but who cares. Breaking plastic pennies are good for you, right? I threw the remains of the plastic coins away. Serves those ducks right for being stupid enough to eat them.
#36140034Thursday, October 28, 2010 9:29 PM GMT

He answeared back "Malagasy" I heard that word before and after a while I remembered how I knew it "Madagascar!" I answeared smartly "I did a project on that a year ago!" He began talking to me but I didn't understand so I put him back in the box.
#36140136Thursday, October 28, 2010 9:31 PM GMT

(AFK until tommorow. You guys carry on :3)
#36143525Thursday, October 28, 2010 10:25 PM GMT

There was only 10 minutes till schools out and wizarding school begins but i couldn't enjoy this moment we were out at recess and even though i was the best athlete in the grade some guy got mad and shoved me I started fuming literally and then the grass caught fire but i just stood there (i still not the best at controlling my powers) soon the entire kickball field was a flame i snapped back to realization and ran out of there pretending not to know what happened so now we wait for it to stop.
#36143955Thursday, October 28, 2010 10:33 PM GMT

(@Woohman Hah. Looks like your character failed alot of grades.)
#36145024Thursday, October 28, 2010 10:50 PM GMT

Not really
#36145420Thursday, October 28, 2010 10:55 PM GMT

After everything is cleared out noone seems to know how it happened i think i heard people saying it was a gas leak. Anyways in class I got detention obviously she suspects me of something. Anways in detention strangely noone was there but a few people i remember from wizard school. Now i was seriously worried. i dashed out of the classroom throwing fireballs behing me (thankfully noone was there they all left) except when i looked back i didn't see my teacher but an Ice Guardian. No wonder she knew about me my smell must have been obvious. I learned about ice guardians in wizard school and they are almighty golems which are the ice kings (not from adventure time) lst defense. As soon as i was out the door i summoned my dragon and we flew to wizard school

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