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#36164836Friday, October 29, 2010 9:54 AM GMT

(The format of this post is inspired by robloxkid08's thread: "ROBLOX FORUMS ARE FAILSAUCE! DELEIT DEM!" Also, some events are entirely fictional. And on that two notes, let's continue.) Welcome, random viewer, to today's show "Thread Hunt". We consist of a group of crew, scouring the S&I forums in search of threads that catch our attention. Today's main thread is not one, but many of them. This episode is a special! Yaaay! Okay back to business. Threads on the forum Suggestion and Ideas, their main purpose is to, well, give suggestions and ideas. Sounds nice, right? You would expect experienced players to post in what they think may improve our web, have a few forum moderators to drop by and browse those threads, and hopefully some of those ideas may be implemented. But no. The only correct statement I made is players posting in their ideas. Those players are NOT experienced, no forum moderators browse our posts, and our ideas never crossed those administrators' minds. The majority of them just thinks up ideas of rolling in more of the 'dough', and some others just trying to cover up their ulterior motive. Those players who think they're so-dang-good, just post in their ideas without giving it a second thought. They just let their thoughts flow around the web, including ridiculous ones. They never do their research. They never bothered to think whether those suggestions were practical. They never even check whether what they suggested had already gained existence. They even posted in their stuff with illegible-style nooblish (Noob-English). Lousy grammar, poor vocabulary, countless spelling mistakes, and even getting their definitions wrong! Those that occasionally make mistakes may be spared, but majority of those lunatics just tend to go over the limit. And these players outnumber our experienced players. -Commercial break- *Beep* Our racing cars! Guaranteed to bring your kids' faces to smile! Over 100 different models of racing cars! And even an RC version? Collect them all today! Call us at 500-DO-NOT-BUY for more information. Each set sold separately. Batteries not included. -Commercial end- Our experienced players try to squash those threads that recommend impractical ideas and improve those with flaws, but receive back myriads of insults and profanities. Words ranging from "noob" to "idiot", from "moron" to even "-censored-"!? What is going on with those kids? They can't take criticism at all! We meant good, and receive bad. How ridiculous. Sure, there may be troll-kiddies who are just out to mess up stuff, but our experienced players are trying to improve your idea! Not trying to kill it, or make you blow off your top. I seriously have no further comments on this. Those little kids need to control their temper and see things through. The What Not To Suggest thread (stated as WNTS onwards). It regulates our ideas, sort of. It tells us what we are not supposed to suggest. It's our hero stickie! But it has been taken down. Yeah, excellent. Now we can't prove that Pets can't be suggested or recommending to undo an update is prohibited. We can't even prove the existence of the stickie! Some say it's being updated. Oh sure fine, but do the administrators need more than a month to update a single thread? The prescription of your medicine is suggested as follows: -Before posting a thread... ---Do your research. Find out if your suggestion is actually possible at all. ---Find out if your idea already exists. You don't want to get owned. ---Learn to type and spell proper english. Stop trying to look like a 3-year-old. ---Be mentally prepared for criticsm. It happens all the time. -We need moderators to browse our ideas. If not, the S&I category loses its purpose. -WE NEED THE WNTS STICKIE! WE REALLY NEED IT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And there you go, this is the end of our special episode. On that bomb-shell, see you next week on "Thread Hunt". Good night! -Hosted by The Roll-Channel, sponsored by Werewolf Manufacture-
#36164978Friday, October 29, 2010 10:13 AM GMT

Buy Uber Magnificent Pie.
#36165452Friday, October 29, 2010 10:48 AM GMT

Not really good reception aroun' here...
#36165667Friday, October 29, 2010 11:01 AM GMT

Because I don't see any suggestion/idea in there?
#36167200Friday, October 29, 2010 12:38 PM GMT

Please refer to the last few paragraphs. THOSE are the suggestions.
#36218576Saturday, October 30, 2010 12:02 PM GMT

P.S. This is for all S&Iers.

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