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#36167969Friday, October 29, 2010 1:21 PM GMT

I think they should make at least 1 package non bc its not fair for the people who dont have bc they could still make it robux but why wouldent they make it for non bc roblox is a very famous game you know and there is a very large amount of non bc owners so im pretty sure they feel kinda left out and the staff probly do it for money,they make packages for only bc so others (people who dont have bc)cant buy it and they want it soo bad so they get their parent to buy it for them like staff tell ROBLOX to make a package for non bc owners
#36168032Friday, October 29, 2010 1:24 PM GMT

How it it not fair, they paid for it. Note: They'll make them for NBC when they reach 30, be patient.
#36168106Friday, October 29, 2010 1:27 PM GMT

30, i wont be playing this in that time i'l be older i think they shud get nbc packages that wud be great like its hardly fair if sum1 call u a noob cus u dont hav a package cus it has happened to me before.
#36168211Friday, October 29, 2010 1:31 PM GMT

@ n there's 20 now 30 will only be about 1/2 a month (I think

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