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#36365369Monday, November 01, 2010 11:20 PM GMT

Before you go "WTF DOES THE TITLE MEAN." Let me dumb it down. " And if you go SCRIPTABLE! Make it happen. SHOW ME. "Transparency = 0.6 = Light/Moonlight Shines through cracks of bricks./.5/.6/.7" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOW I CAME UP WITH THIS IDEA: While I was creating a Cave game at the end the sunlight is supposed to crack through the bricks depending on the lighting. 50% Light would probably have to be in the middle 49.999999%? No. Dont work. Wont. 51% and above Could work. If the moonlight. Same thing. 49.99999%? No. Above 51%? Yes. Will work. definitely [ Spelling? ]. I thought of this idea because its none of those "omg that'll remuv the blox out of roblox." Or "this breaks the rules dude." So. What do you think? -------INSERT ADD ON IF WANTED------- -------INSERT ADD ON IF WANTED------- That's all. =3 (C) Thermeus 2010 [ If you say 'omg thats fake copyrights nub' Please proove it. ]
#36365939Monday, November 01, 2010 11:27 PM GMT

To realistic. Where supposed to be Plastic. :3 Also, all you have to do is Cframe a transparent brick that's non collided, and BAM. Sun shine.
#36391064Tuesday, November 02, 2010 2:35 PM GMT

It's not TOO Realistic... I:

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