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#36425621Wednesday, November 03, 2010 12:39 AM GMT

Roblox made free models for a reason
#36425703Wednesday, November 03, 2010 12:40 AM GMT

OBJECTION! It's the users who made the models. Also, wrong forum.
#36425730Wednesday, November 03, 2010 12:41 AM GMT

Why didn't you just reply to the thread?
#36425737Wednesday, November 03, 2010 12:41 AM GMT

Fatal exception at Line 1, Column 43: Suggestion not found. ~Awright, who gave the zombie the TNT?~ ~Don’t try to outforum me, my fingers are at Mach 3 on a bad day.~ © robloxkid08 2010
#36427550Wednesday, November 03, 2010 1:01 AM GMT

roblox did make free models for a reason. To learn and to build off of. Not to rip off somebody's work and put random stuff everywhere. ~Everyone is entitled to my opinion.~ --Spacefield
#36428433Wednesday, November 03, 2010 1:13 AM GMT

You people disgust me. Some people arent as constuctivly skilled as others on roblox, and therefor need "Special help" which is in this case, free models (Not that I use them). There is no rule saying that a player can't use free models to make a place. If you think there is something with free models, then dont even visit the place. Ignoring it is the best thing you can do.
#36429520Wednesday, November 03, 2010 1:29 AM GMT

hes right so what if u use free models if u think people who use free models in games are noobs then ur probly a noob 2.Dont forget gear Are free Models 2 you no and when he said "roblox makes free models" he ment roblox makes them avalible" if they dont want other people to use them then they wouldnt make them free ever heard of copy right well that means that they have the right 2 do what ever they please with it thats basicly what they do with free models so read this again and just think of what fools u all were for dissing this. this form creator is right free mods. are not bad things suport
#36432122Wednesday, November 03, 2010 2:13 AM GMT

@ ThreadCreator, They were put there foor a reason. TO HELP ROBLOXIANS LEARN. Not to make a game out of them......
#36432379Wednesday, November 03, 2010 2:18 AM GMT

In my opinion, free models are there to help you. They have a reason to be there.
#36432509Wednesday, November 03, 2010 2:21 AM GMT

They are there to help.
#36432853Wednesday, November 03, 2010 2:28 AM GMT

They're there for a reason. Like steel. We just use it in a way we shouldn't. Like swords. Ex: Uranium:Nuke --Quote random statistics. 75% of the time people will believe you.--
#38833124Thursday, December 16, 2010 10:17 PM GMT

(referring to the reply 5 up) That guy dose make a good point, no one really dose modify the gear, but his grammar is bad. Support

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