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#36532859Friday, November 05, 2010 4:14 PM GMT

Hello dear readers. Before going to post another topic leaving this at the second and third page and so, As in only the smart will read this. I got something to say to you all... THE LOOK IS NOT ALL WHEN JUDGING. Example: When you want to judge people on how they look. You will go Topsy-Turner. Because you may be saying something exactly the oppisite of what he/she is exactly. Here are some Examples: EXAMPLE 1: Victim: Female Clothes: Beach Clothes. Action: Sitting infront of the waves You are walking on the side of the beach looking at some girls. When you past by the victim. You think because of the looks that she will except you as a boyfriend. Here is how the chat will go: You (Y) Victim (V) Y: Hello cutie face... V: Excuse me? Y: Yea you pretty chick. V: HUH? Get out of my... Y: Hey! Lets go out for a sec! In my new Ferari that was Free Modeled by Telamon... What do you say?! :D V: ... Get .. out ... of.. my... Y: ... View? Dont worry! There is a beautiful sunset next to my Free Modeled Hou... V: GET OUT OF MY WAY! Then she spills her orange drink all over your new free modeled shoes and spits in your face. Now not everyone that is wearing like a wh*re will except you to be a boyfriend. EXAMPLE 2: Victim: Male Wearing: Very Apropriate Suit. Action: Watching a film in the cinema. The victim is sitting in the front seats of the film. You are a poor lad looking for someone to take his robux from. As you see this guy. The first thing that pops up is that he is rich. You come closer to him... You (Y) Victim (V) ?? (V2) Y: Hello sir. The people out there want you to move your car. So if you mind... V: 0hHaiDer3 Y: Err... Yes. Now people need you to move your ca... V: D0NT 70UCH Meeeeeh!! Y: **Thinks: This is harder than I thought** Okay then. I will buy some popcorn and sit next to you! *After buying popcorn* Y: Hello! Remember me? Lemme sit next to you... V: okkkk You try to reach his pocket. Until... V2: Hello there young man! Y: *Pulls hand fast out of his pocket* Hello? V2: Oh it looks like you met my father! Y: Your.. Farther? V2: Yea. He has some brain problems. He is broke sadly so he cant solve this problem. Y: Then how does he have that suit..? V2: Oh that? Those were some of my clothes so he wont look wierd in the streets. Come on father! Time to leave! V: @lr1GHT MAN.. im cominnn And they leave the cinema. And you still dont have a penny. So you begin sobbing... EXAMPLE 3: Victim: Male Clothes: Professor Cloth Action: Looking outside the window. The Victim is inside what looks like a museum combined with a Scientifical Lab. Inside the museum he buys a pair of Science Man Jacket. So he got bored from the paintings and statues. So he begins staring into the window. Then a science guy comes out from nowhere asking for Another man to Stable Chemical Liquids before it causes to destroy the whole area. Then he sees the victim. You *The science guy asking for help* (Y) Victim (V) ?? (V2) Y: Come fast lad! We need you! V: Uhh.. In selling these paintings and statues? No tha... Y: NO! We need you to keep the area clear! V: What do yo... Y: COME FAST! *You hold his hand running to the lab* Y: Okay now. PB2 + CO2 = CPB3O2... V: Wha?! What do you need me to do... Y: Lad! Hold these! Dont let these bottles of chems fall or we all DIE! V: **Faints** V2: NO! ITS GOING TO KILL US IF T... *Boom!* And everyone dies. :P The point without reading all those wierd examples are that not only the looks are the thing you can only judge on. You can judge on how he speaks. The language he speaks. His positive side His way in seeing problems that come in his way. What free games he plays His way in building or scripting The way he deals with friends Who his friends are What is his fav. color. hat, gear, model.. etc. When did he join ROBLOX *As how much knowledge he has* What was the first place you visited since you joined ROBLOX. And so on. I hope you read this and had a good laugh Or a good idea of how to judge people. Have a good day Ya'll. :P

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