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#36689227Sunday, November 07, 2010 11:54 PM GMT

Previously, some stuff happened... I think. And now, we must.. Fix it? CUT! That was bad!! ______________________________________________________________ [Sonic Fan Characters Adventure 2: Chapter 3 ~ Reach for your Dreams ~] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continuing on from their adventures, all of the characters will come across a abnormal statue, but it's not happening to just them. Even others on other planets it's happening. The statue has a possesing nature about it, but for our heroes it doesn't seem to posses them. They are just warped to a puffy, cloudy place in the sky where you walk on clouds. How did they get into this place? .. More importantly, how will they get out? Rules: No goddmodding No bunnying No killing other characters (unless they will let you) No Spam Stay on topic! When you start off, you won't be IN the [Name cut for being spoilerific]. You will be doing something normal and you will stumble across the statue. Do whatever to it, and you'll end up in [Name cut for being spoilerific]. ______________________ [ Reserved Spots in the RP!] --------------------------------- D4n1el Masterchief1245 Darkian2 Form: Name: Nickname (opt.): Pet (opt.): Gender: A.ge: Appearance (only put if you don't have a piccy in your decals. If you do, just put a lonk or say "In Decals."): Weapon(s) (Opt.): Personality: Form(s) (Ex = Super): Bio(Opt.): You know my charries, so I don't have to post them.
#36755017Tuesday, November 09, 2010 2:27 PM GMT

(Yay, I'm reserved first. I'm going to revive this, by posting Peach's form again. I wanted to make a different plot-line for him, but that works out to...) Name: Peach The Mighty. Nickname: Peachy, Carrot Man, The Orange dude. Pet: None. Gender: Male. A.ge: 14, I think... Appearance: It's in the decals. Weapon: His gloves. Personality: Kind hearted (sort of...), Will happily help a friend in need, also a bit stubborn at sometimes. Forms: Super and Warrior. (Super = 7 Chaos Emeralds, he only went to this form once, but that's secret... Warrior = As a gift from his ancestor. Only twice a day, four times a week, 8 times a month, 20 times a year.) Bio: He used to live alone for a very long time, after his parents were framed. He usually likes to come from time to time to Mount Olympus, where the ancestor that was his origin, lived and is remembered as a statue. He has 3 different brothers which usually are there, and a sister, which became very ill. He also likes to be with his friends. Little does he care about history, he still wants to know everything he can about Zath the Unconquered.
#36761514Tuesday, November 09, 2010 7:54 PM GMT

(Bump because the thread is dying, and it only began. But you don't care...)
#36774350Tuesday, November 09, 2010 11:52 PM GMT

(I care! Its just that whenever I'm up my moms, I can't go on roblox. The computer glitches, because when I click it, it sends me back to google. Don't blame me for my brother's computer's fail. :I)
#36774503Tuesday, November 09, 2010 11:55 PM GMT

Ooc; Are you guys going to chat RP?
#36791007Wednesday, November 10, 2010 5:33 AM GMT

(I blamed the people that don't care, meaning the people that didn't even pay attention to this... And, I think we are...)
#36801397Wednesday, November 10, 2010 8:17 PM GMT

(Yet again, bump because it should work for around this time... Some why it does... Please, let this live...)
#36806362Wednesday, November 10, 2010 10:03 PM GMT

(Bump | pumB? Why not just start the rp?)
#36806555Wednesday, November 10, 2010 10:06 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#36807138Wednesday, November 10, 2010 10:17 PM GMT

( >.> )
#36838771Thursday, November 11, 2010 2:50 PM GMT

(...What just happened? I don't want to know... I'll just start Peach's story, and his location now, before this tries to suicide...) Greetings, welcome to another chapter. Let's begin with Peach the Mighty's location. Peach the Mighty, is now, after all of the events of the previous chapter, currently at Mount Olympus, standing right in front of the statue of his ancestor, Zath the Unconquered. Peach: Zath... Thousands of years ago, you made yourself a legend... Now, what's left of you is this statue... I knew this would happen... ~Suddenly, hears a metallic sound in the distance, so he looks into that direction~ Huh? Oh, that's just him... The metallic sound came from Gregon's Exo-Walker, which came to Peach~ Gregon: Hello there, Peach the Mighty. Peach: Hey, Gregon. So... What's up? Gregon: Up is a direction. Peach sighed. Peach: No, I mean, how are you? Gregon: Fine, thanks for asking. I came here to test my Exo-Walker, it works out great... Peach: Uh huh... Gregon: Oh, and I also came here to give you something. Gregon hands over a map to Peach. Peach: A map? Gregon: Yes, it's a map to your blood relative, which is, could possibly, relate to your very own ancestor, Zath the Unconquered. That relative is frozen in ice, but in theory, should be alive if defrosted. Peach: What? That's great! But... Why didn't you thaw out the relative? Gregon: I'm afraid you're going to have to do it... If that very relative is, connected to you in any sort of way, it would be a shock if it saw me... Peach: I guess you're right... Thanks Gregon, I owe you... Gregon: You're very welcome. Try to take it back here, I want to explore it's mind for anything. Peach nodded his head, and waved at Gregon, which waved back. And with that, Peach started making his journey to his relative, which is related to his ancestor. So he's starting his journey, step by step, down the mountain, and to the road.
#36870040Friday, November 12, 2010 2:07 AM GMT

(My brother's computer + ROBLOX = Glitchy failure. My brother's Computer + Warriors Forums = Epic. Basically, this explains why I wasn't here today. Now, I will start my story:) Riding a motor-powered scooter on the road, Kay is looking around. Kay: Wow, today is a nice day. . . Too bad it's boring. I wonder what I could do-- The statue pops up in front of her scooter, causing her to fly off. Kay: What was that?! Ugh... A statue? Statue: . . . Kay gets up and walks over to the statue Kay: What's with this dumb thing? Who put it here? I could've been killed! Statue: . . . Kay picks up the statue Kay: Why would this be here anyway? In the middle of the street?! Kay throws the statue Statue: . . . ! Kay: I hate little, tiny, annoying, random statues! D:<
#36878763Friday, November 12, 2010 7:07 AM GMT

(Yeah, I hate that... Specially when my brother uses both of the computers we have here, for some kind of game. I have no idea how he can do it...) Peach, while walking, tripped on something. Peach: Ah! What the heck? Peach almost fell, and than looked at the object that almost caused him to fall. It was a strange looking statue. Peach: What's this? Peach picked up the statue, and had a careful look at it. Peach: Hmm... I wonder if Gregon knows something about this... He wanted to turn around, but than remembered something. Peach: Wait a moment... I can't rely everything on my friends... I guess I'll just have to throw you... Statue: . . . Peach, after aiming, threw the statue away. Peach: That was short lived... Now, where was I? Peach became a bit confused. Peach: Maybe I have to try and re-awake my senses... He hurt himself from the confusion. Peach: No, doesn't work... Oh wait, now I remember... Peach has stopped being confused, and started running towards the Windy Valley.
#36896719Friday, November 12, 2010 10:08 PM GMT

Kay was playing tennis outside her house with Kara Kay: Oh! Kara did you see a small statue this morning? Kara: .. That one? Kara pointed to a statue behind Kay Kay: EEP! It's following me!! I SWEAR! Kay ran inside the house Kara: ...Awkward
#36925911Saturday, November 13, 2010 8:07 AM GMT

After being through the Windy Valley, Peach continued on his way, but was stopped by Zack, but something different was about him... Peach: Zack? Wh... What happened to you? Zack: Hand over the Chaos Emeralds. Peach: What? I have no Chaos Emeralds with me! Zack: Hand them over, or perish. Peach: Like I said, I don't have them. Zack: Very well, you shall die. Zack, without a warning, started attacking Peach, which quickly somehow dodged his attacks. Peach: Zack... Come to your senses! Stop your attacks! Zack: I will spare you, only if you present me the Chaos Emeralds. Zack continued with his attacks, until Peach returned them, right back at him. Peach: Fine, if you want a fight, bring it on. Peach, has started using advanced tactics against Zack, but he forgot about Zack's ability, and was slammed into the ground. Upon opening his eyes, he saw that statue he saw earlier. Peach: Huh? Peach got up, and approached the statue, but Zack surprised him, by taking the statue, and threw it into the lake. Peach, quickly smashed Zack into the mountain wall, and dived into the lake. Sadly, he got hurt because the lake was shallow, but still, he picked up the statue. Peach: Wow, it's actually the same... Upon saying that, Peach than quickly turned around, and saw Zack charging at him. With no other thing left, he threw the statue at Zack. Zack, upon getting hit from the statue, he had a quick glance at it, and than threw it away. Zack: What the hell was that..? I guess you are spared for now, but remember, if we meet again, you better have the Chaos Emeralds. And with that, Zack jumped off, and continued walking away. Peach: That was odd... I have to say thanks for the statue, though... Peach than continued on his way, however, he noticed that he was going the wrong way. So than, he quickly went into the Mountain, but stopping upon entering the Ice Cap entrance gate. Peach: Locked? I guess I'm going to have to find that key stone again... Peach, went back down the mountain, and than entered the Train to Station Square.
#37222626Friday, November 19, 2010 4:31 PM GMT

(Incase of emergency, such as the death of this thread, please, bump this up. And also, don't break the glass... It's fragile.)
#37698567Saturday, November 27, 2010 4:01 PM GMT

(After a long awaited time... Bumper cars! *slams into rp*)
#37698717Saturday, November 27, 2010 4:03 PM GMT

Name: Fast Nickname (opt.): None Pet (opt.): Slow the chao. Gender: Male A.ge: 21 Appearance: A red hedgehog with a black cloak. Weapon(s) (Opt.): None Personality: Over-Reactive, Happy-Go-Lucky Form(s) (Ex = Super): Super Fast. Bio(Opt.): He used to be with the pals, but mysteriously dissappeared. He now stays in the shadows, waiting for the right time to come out.
#37699443Saturday, November 27, 2010 4:15 PM GMT

Fast: *Is walking along a lake* Say Slow, why DID I run away? Slow: *Glare* Fast: Oh, right. Statue: *Falls on Slow* Fast: ... Uh... why is that statue there? Slow: *Shrug* Fast: ... *Walks away* Slow: *Follows while carrying statue*
#37700841Saturday, November 27, 2010 4:38 PM GMT

(Thanks for trying to keep this alive.) As the train stopped at Station Square, Peach quickly ran off, accidentally dropping Isabel's dairy products, but he didn't pay attention to it, as he ran by. Isabel: MY MILK! Oh well, there's no use crying about it, I'll just have to buy it, AGAIN! Isabel quickly runs to the supermarket. Peach was still on his way, looking for the ice stone, but what he didn't notice, that he fell into the sewer. Peach: Ow... Well, it can't get any worse, can it? Just as he said that, milk started spilling on him. Peach: I opened the mouth, I payed the price... Peach, than hurried into the right, which than got him into Twinkle Park. Peach: I'll hate this place more than ever... He than enters it, and goes into the door. Announcement: Welcome to Twinkle Park. Peach: Um, thanks? Peach than walked into another door, and sees the bumper car area. Peach: Cars, nice... Peach, after a while, took over the orange car. Peach: Time to see what it does... Than, he quickly drove into the locked door, which opened when he passed. Peach: Hey, wait a minute! I don't have a license! He bumps into the walls, back and forth.
#37701134Saturday, November 27, 2010 4:44 PM GMT

Fast: Slow, why are you carrying it? Slow: .. Uhh.. *Throws Statue into sewer nearby* Fast: Sigghh.. atleast we're close to home..
#37701921Saturday, November 27, 2010 4:58 PM GMT

After a while of driving, Peach entered a roller coaster, which stopped, and Peach was sent flying. Peach: Ah! Oh... Peach landed somewhere near the pond at Twinkle Park. Peach: Well, at least I didn't get hit by anything. Suddenly, a random statue, floats from below the pond, and hit Peach. Peach: Ow... That statue, again? Peach, than threw away the statue, and was thrown into the pond. Peach: Wow... Wait, I can't swim! The drowning music starts to play, as Isabel quickly arrived, and threw a life savor ring to Peach, which he catches it. Peach: Woah, thanks... Isabel? Isabel starts pulling him to shore. Peach: Thanks... Once Peach was one shore, he handed out his hand, but Isabel kicked him in the crotch. Isabel: That's for spilling my milk, and making me pay for it again... Isabel than ran off, along with her dairy products, while Peach was lying on the ground, suffering.
#37702326Saturday, November 27, 2010 5:05 PM GMT

Name: Fluff the Cat Nickname (opt.): Fluff(Y). T~T Pet (opt.): N/A Gender: F A.ge: 14 Appearance (only put if you don't have a piccy in your decals. If you do, just put a lonk or say "In Decals."): A black cat with white "mittens" (Paws, hands), A white muzzle, Green eyes, A blue short sleeved shirt with a green long sleeved shirt underneath it, blue jeans, Sonic's shoes, but inverted :D Weapon(s) (Opt.): Claws. Personality: Energetic. Form(s) (Ex = Super): Explained later. Bio(Opt.): She used to be a mechanic. (Flaze and diggy are out right now, please leave a message after the *SHA-BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM*)
#37704282Saturday, November 27, 2010 5:34 PM GMT

(Can you get me the... Wait a minute, this isn't the Burger Shop... ~Hangs up~) Meanwhile, somewhere near a lake near a town, Gregon is now practicing with his Exo-Walker, by throwing large boulders from out of nowhere, to the other side. Gregon: Exo-Walker. I wish I could have invented it before somebody actually did... Gregon continued throwing the boulders, some hit the lake, and splashed around, and some hit the end. Some also almost hit the houses.
#37783942Sunday, November 28, 2010 7:13 PM GMT

(Yaaaaaaaahhhooooooooooo for BUMPz!) (I name this post: The Refrances) Kay: *shaking in the corner* Scratch: *walks over* What are you doing? Kay: It's following me! That statue is following me! Scratch: You know, that statue reminds me of the Mani Mani statue from Earthbound, how it's all in Ness's dreams and-- Kay: SHUT UP, NERD! *smacks* Scratch: Sorry, I forgot you didn't finish that game yet. Kay: Just let me shake in this corner in peace! That thing is my very own stalker! Scratch: Wow... just wow. Why don't you BURN IT? Kay: BURN IT? Don't bring up the ROASTED again, NERD! *slaps* Scratch: OW! Stop it! D=< Kay: Ok ok... but burning a statue won't help. Scratch: How about letting Eggman dance infront of it? Kay: Good idea, I'll go find it! *runs outside* Scratch: ... Crazy.

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