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#36832886Thursday, November 11, 2010 6:21 AM GMT

June 19, 1692 In this cell,a week before I am to be hanged, my captors have given me pen and paper. I already know how to write, unlike many other people I've met. I was captured in my ship, Revenge. I'm known as Sword to most, Captain to others, and in my youth, John Allens. They thought my writing would be full of adventures and it would give me something to do in this rotten prison. I think one thing yo should know is I'm going to die on my birthday. June 26th is my birthday. Not many men remember their birthdays, but I guess I have acceptional memory. I suppose I should write how it started..... It happened when I 17-19, finishing school. I was going to be a scholar, but.. I was kidnapped- well, I was actually sold. My father was shot for the coins in his pocket. My mother was already dead, she died in birth. The parents of my father lived in another city. But my mother's lived here, so I was put under the care of that greedy, disgusting, evil couple. I really don't feel like writing down my experiences there down.. Lets just say, after 3 days, I was sold to a pirate bound for the Carolinas, who would, in turn sell me into slavery. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Give me your opinion, I'm half awake ight now, so it might be a little bad... I just thought it would cool to right the biography of an infamous pirate.
#36833032Thursday, November 11, 2010 6:28 AM GMT

Bad idea?
#36833234Thursday, November 11, 2010 6:39 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#36842871Thursday, November 11, 2010 5:09 PM GMT

June 19th, 1692 For days I was kept in the storage hold, tended to by one of the Mate/Doctors named Jose. He was kind of nice, but it seemed he was best when drunk. Sometimes he gave me bits of his food. The other person I talked to alot was the cabin boy, Louis. He always showed me his scars and lacerations from getting beaten. He took pride in them, I felt sorry for the poor boy, he was still young, maybe 14. From him I got all the ship's information, the other mate, the captain, our course, etc. The other mate, Mr. Jacques, was kinder when sober. Apparently, alcohol didn't affect the captain's behavior. After days in the cold dark storage hold, I developed a sickness, Mr. Jose noticed. He had to beg the captain to let me go somewhere else. They both came down arguing, the captain casting sideways glances of disgust. The doctor said if I wasn't put in the forecastle, I would perish, at this, the captain gave in, he didn't want to waste the money he spent on me.
#36843176Thursday, November 11, 2010 5:17 PM GMT

If this was an RP I might've joined it, but I'd rather a straw-hat pirates roleplay (one piece)
#36843203Thursday, November 11, 2010 5:18 PM GMT

It's a good read, yeah. How I want to roleplay pirates so much ._. Fifteen men on a dead man's chest. Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!
#36843739Thursday, November 11, 2010 5:32 PM GMT

June 20th, 1692 In the forecastle, in the midst of the pirates, I heard something, it rought music to my ears. I had boarded this ship right in time. I heard mutiny. Beautiful mutiny. A sailor looked at me and saw my smile, he got red in the face and said," If y-" I replied " I won't tell, and I might help." He raised an eyebrow and looked at his mates, they all slowly nodded. I was motioned over there. They were talking about how it would be too risky to invite Louis and I would be a good replacement. I asked," When is it and how many are we going against?" They returned," Tomorrow and we're going against the captain, Louis, Jose, Jacques, and 3 other loyal crewmen." I kinda felt guilt, knowing that Jose and Louis were going to be murdered, but I would rather live than a few pillaging, sinful pirates.
#36844291Thursday, November 11, 2010 5:48 PM GMT

Yaay. Pirate roleplay and new chapter.
#36844961Thursday, November 11, 2010 6:08 PM GMT

June 20, 1692 After the stormy night fulled wIth lightning, it happened. A cannon was rolled across the deck, it was the signal, my job was to kill Louis and get the keys to the armory below deck. I ran into the round house, where he usually works, and jumped over the ounter to deliver a punch. He looked up at me, pure fear in his eyes, I stomped on his face. I was his only friend and peer, and I was killing him. I yanked him up by the shirt and continuelly pounded him. I kicked him in the unmentionables and dropped him. He looked up, tears and blood all over his face. I grabbed a chair and ended his misery. I took the keys and unlocked the armory then continued to pass out the weapons. The captain and his mates were finished. One crewman was killed and the other two surrendered.
#36850394Thursday, November 11, 2010 8:21 PM GMT

June 21, 1692 I was now alowed on deck, everyone was nice to me, the mood lifted since the mutiny. We were headed to Tortuga to split the plunder and sell the ship, it's what you usually do after a mutiny. After a few days we reahed it. I knew nobody there, I had no career, and I wouldn't be able to get a job. I used my part of the pluder to purchase a new ship. I named it Revenge. Revenge on pirates. I yearned for revenge. I recruited a small group in the tavern, for it was only a sloop. I walked into the governor's house and requested a letter of marque. He eyed me suspiciously, for I was young to be a privateer. Eventually he handed me the paper.

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