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#36945772Saturday, November 13, 2010 6:58 PM GMT

Ow! You had been walking through an antique store for what ever reason, and had cut yourself while running you finger along a knick-knack or something. You just ignored it, and it was time to go home, anyways. Tomorrow was Saterday too, so that was good. But at home, that evening or Saturday morning, you felt weird. If at evening, maybe your parents had gone on a date and left you home, or if in the morning, they hadn't woke up yet. Either way, you walked to the bathroom, only instead of finding yourself in the mirror, you saw someone, or something different... Rules- No Mary Sues. Give your fingers a break and leave out the perfections. Do NOT fill out Birthgift Transformation. Then send your CS to me in a PM, I will finish it, send it back to you, and then you can post it on the thread. Pick an antique(Birthgift), and I will choose you powers. Please no weapons as antiques. Those don't leave much possibility. Remembering my bus trip to Pennsylvania last summer, this will take place in Scranton, Pennsylvania. CS- Name: Ag.e: Gender: Appearence: Birthgift: Birthgift Transformation: Birthgift: Bio: Other:
#36946556Saturday, November 13, 2010 7:12 PM GMT

#36950719Saturday, November 13, 2010 8:25 PM GMT

Name: Jasmine "Jade" Jewel. Ag.e: 12. Gender: Female. Appearence: Jade has brown-black long, sometimes smooth, hair, medium-dark brown eyes with thick curved eyebrows, a straight nose, hardly any lips, but what lips there are, are hot pink. Her height is 6'4. She is somewhat thin, she has many scars all over her body from getting into fights, and her wrist is broken. It is so bad that it hurts when even touched or if it touches something. When it touches gently, the pain is minor, but if it is pressed or worse, it really hurts. She wears a lavender dress with dark green lining, brown shorts with silver lining and a golden band across the middle, simple white shoes with black shoelaces, and a chestnut hairband. She has orange socks. She has a jade bracelet on her left wrist, with a section of it emerald. A gold asterisk shape dangles from the emerald bit. She carved the bracelet, and it's very crooked. Birthgift: A brass chandelier. Birthgift Transformation: Bronse-ish copper hair and emrald eyes. Small ores of copper and other metals sprout from her back in pillars and other formations. Birthgift Powers: Earth elemental. While she can weakly control stones and metals, plants seem to be closer to her. Sometimes she hears voices whenever around vegitation. Also, pain does not seem to affect her as badly. Bio: Daughter of a farmer, Jade knows a lot about farming. She is an amateur wood/any kind of stone carver, and is still learning. Jade is very shy, and impatient, also she is self-doubting, along with having an awful temper. When she isn't in a rage, though, Jade can be somewhat kind, helping others before herself, and brave. She is also determined, but will sometimes give up. She hates being bossed around, and will figh back if bossed around. Other: She has a bag with all of her carved things, except the bracelet.
#36950798Saturday, November 13, 2010 8:27 PM GMT

Welcome to the RP. Nao we wait for moar joiners.
#36952210Saturday, November 13, 2010 8:53 PM GMT

Name: Joe Fern Ag.e: 12 Gender: M Appearence: Tanned skin, black hair and brown eyes. Red sneaks and blue shorts. Red shirt and a eagles cap. Birthgift: Yarn pasted against a paining of a sunset Birthgift Transformation: The ends of his hair are yellow red and orange, just like the sunset. Little Sunset-colored wings of almost no use sprout from his back. Birthgift Powers: Heat dispersement(You can mess with the tempature of the room or area), weak light dispersement(Messing with the light in the room.), and weak pyrokinesis(Flame control) Bio: A normal boy, atleast before the transformation. Loves video games. Other: N/A
#36952279Saturday, November 13, 2010 8:55 PM GMT

(Going to join)
#36952370Saturday, November 13, 2010 8:57 PM GMT

(Attempted Join)
#36953088Saturday, November 13, 2010 9:09 PM GMT

Name: Ben Riggitz Ag.e: 14 Gender: Male Appearence: short brown hair, green eyes, plain clothes, trainers, no jewwelry Birthgift: Old lamp. Birthgift Transformation: A sort of glowing yellow-green being, with lightning-like hair. Mostly, his body is just a sihloet(Spelling fail. =P) Birthgift: Electrical powers. Weak metal powers. Bio: [None] Other: [None]
#36953151Saturday, November 13, 2010 9:10 PM GMT

Yay, moar PRers. All of joo, welcome to the RP.
#36953342Saturday, November 13, 2010 9:13 PM GMT

Hello, so... when do we start?
#36953396Saturday, November 13, 2010 9:14 PM GMT

Sent my CS.
Top 50 Poster
#36953789Saturday, November 13, 2010 9:21 PM GMT

Name: Otis Sitos Ag.e: 27 Gender: Male Appearance: Ruffled black hair, Blue eyes, Black T-Shirt with white checkers going across the front diagnolly, black jeans, black gym shoes. Birthgift: An Eqyptian cat statue Birthgift Transformation: Same as regular, only has a black cape with a cowl/mask resembling that of a cat, and a sort of gold medalion around his neck. Birthgift Powers: Agility, speed, and strength are upped. Weak darkness contortion abilities(Messing with shadows and stuff.) Bio: Has gotten into trouble a lot in the past. Other: Nah.
#36953808Saturday, November 13, 2010 9:21 PM GMT

Name Alphonse. Ag.e: 15 Gender: M Appearence: Dark blonde hair spewed fringe, blue eyes, black longesleeve shirt with a gray trim. Bluejeans. 6'4 thin. Birthgift: A mirror with an Onyx frame, and a diamond on top. Birthgift Transformation: Jet black hair, Jet black skin, White eyes. Fragment "horns" of a black stone(onyx) jutting out from his head, shoulders, and back. Birthgift Powers: Phantom abilities(Temporary invisibility, and wall walking[walking through walls]). Weak Shadow distortion. Bio: N/A >_> Other:
#36953861Saturday, November 13, 2010 9:22 PM GMT

Lemme post mine up, then I guess we can begin.
#36953947Saturday, November 13, 2010 9:24 PM GMT

#36954448Saturday, November 13, 2010 9:32 PM GMT

Name: Kleo Darnaia Ag.e: 16 Gender: Female Appearence: Brown hair with a blond streak by the side of her face. Brown eyes. Tall, in a clumsy way. Tan-ish skin. Found wearing jeans and some t-shirt. Birthgift: A black amulet with a red octogonal-shaped gem in the center. Birthgift Transformation: Colbalt skin, scarlet red hair and eyes. Wears a peach colored top hat with a colbalt band, a white dress shirt, and a cape that is peach on the inside, and colbalt on the inside. Also, peach tights. (Basicly, a female Count Bleck.) Birthgift Powers: Weak phantom abilities, darkness contortion, VERY weak light contortion. Bio: Living at her grandma's house for the summer. Likes to climb the trees in the backyard, Other: Nope.
#36954562Saturday, November 13, 2010 9:34 PM GMT

(Ok, so how should we start?)
#36954887Saturday, November 13, 2010 9:39 PM GMT

(Not sure myself. Your odd transromation might fade away fast enough for you to go wandering around town for a bit untill it comes back.)
Top 50 Poster
#36955081Saturday, November 13, 2010 9:42 PM GMT

(Soz, we start off at where you left off in the main post?)
#36955253Saturday, November 13, 2010 9:45 PM GMT

Pretty much.
#36955457Saturday, November 13, 2010 9:49 PM GMT

(sent my cs...)
Top 50 Poster
#36955711Saturday, November 13, 2010 9:54 PM GMT

(Can we start?)
#36955729Saturday, November 13, 2010 9:54 PM GMT

Name: Elizabeth Walker Ag.e: 17 Gender: Female Appearence: Curly blond hair, dark green eyes. Wears a white shirts that's to long for her, a denim skirt and black runners. Birthgift: a old, Greek scroll Birthgift Transformation: Same, only with a white toga-dress. Birthgift Power: High intelligence Bio: Lives with her parents and little brother. Loves bubblegum. Other: N/A (cool XD)
#36956087Saturday, November 13, 2010 10:00 PM GMT

(We can start whenever. =P)
#36956362Saturday, November 13, 2010 10:05 PM GMT

(idk how to start a rp -.-')

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