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#369889Tuesday, January 08, 2008 7:31 PM GMT

1. There is a anti-hack program named gameguard, we should try install it to roblox. 2. A 3D modeler program that manages you to make your own weapon (like a pistol with real shape). 3.Weapons gots THEIR OWN BULLET not bricks.... (like a little 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 brick tought)... 4. Full physical button (if u press that button the selected brick will not be placed and able to move it arrownd by walking on it) 5. 3 abilitys for bricks ****** 1. Full brick (1 skipping) 2. Half brick (0.5 skipping) 3. FREE brick (avabile to put it anywhere) ****** 6. *5STARS* In place of using the mouse to move the brick we should use the numpad, and the "*" button makes the brick anchored/ unanchored and u use 8,4,2,6 to move the brick and 1= down 3=up. 7. *Addition for 6* If pressed like Ctrl+* the brick goes from 1X1 to 2X1 :D and if Alt+* is going to 1X2... If ctrl+a+* is going 1X1 but its height is bigger. 8. Emoticon avability, if u type things like :) is transforming into a smile :D 9. *LESS REPORTING...* ehhhhhhhhhmmmmm... i havent mean less reporting i was meaning how to make for the reporting beeing less necesary at vulgar languages (mean etc.), a automatic bot that transforms ur vulgar languale like (ill give a example not a real vulgar world) catzors and transforms it automacly to ******* and/or if its thing like cat**** is transforimng too to ******* 10. Radar *is saint trought the first word what i wanna say tought* 11. ANYTHING in any place will be respawned every 10 howrs (that are hit with weapons) but if its bricks like copy no problem, but if it was a owner move (a move from owner buildings) the bricks that will be moved will be respawning (like something got blowed up, will respawn. 12. NPC's avability to make players (like player bricks etc.) but u can interact them like they give a item or anything else, quest (PERFECT FOR RPG :D) 13. Less lag.... No idea how to solve this but i guess someone find! LOL 14. more forum posts... 15. at catalog to be managed to make OWN hat :D (trought 3D program) 16. Notebooks! A button will be assinged when that will be open will open a notebook and u can type things in it or just put it in main wemside allong my roblox menu :D 17. Letters. ehm (e-cards) 18. Advertise banners :D (****!) 19. auto-bannning noobs if they do bad things automacly (nvm...) 20.avability to make working books (like if u press the book u get pwned xD (ahem...) if u press the book it shows some papers with words.etc that may help you, like the rules. 21. In place of free view only 2 views, second-person (when u see the entire body) and first-person (when u see awith the character eye) 22. Clans :D ****************** Ok that's all xD :D
#77859661Monday, September 10, 2012 3:56 AM GMT

this haz a lot of ideas. i dont think roblox will be able to install and make all these ideas. thanx for pitching out a lot of ideas though!
#77874066Monday, September 10, 2012 5:26 PM GMT


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