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#37115053Wednesday, November 17, 2010 1:11 AM GMT

It started a normal day. But it didn't end that way. A rock from space that was 1 mile wide crashed into the worlds biggest nuclear reactor in Germany,Europe. It exploded Germany, released radiation to the whole of Europe and killed everyone. Almost everyone. The radiation got into a few people a little diffrent. Their minds were erased and replaced with the wanting to kill. They went around the world and killed many. Now the world is a wasteland. Crumbling buildings, twisted cars with the hazard lights still blinking, wrecks everywhere. You get the point. The survivors called them "The Radiation Minions". RULES: Normal Roblox rules. Common sense. Say Radiation at the end of your CS. No ubering or godmodding Three strikes and you go. Please use grammar and spelling. Survivor CS: Appearence: @ge: Name: Where you are as a survivor: (Nowhere in Europe, can move around) Weapon 1: (Stronger/primary weapon) Weapon 2: (Weaker/secondary weapon) Bio: (Atleast a little) Personallity Radiation Minion Cs: Appearence: @ge when infected: Name when infected: Weapon: (Such as claws, or something like that) Bio: (A little atleast) Personallity: My CS: Appearence: Black T-shirt with red Element logo, tan cargo pants, white skin, DC shoes, backwards Vans cap, Quicksilver backpack with food and flashlight. @ge: 17 Name: Johnathon Deckland Where you are as a survivor: America Weapon 1: AA12 that I stole from a gun shop. Weapon 2: Combat knife, again from the gunshop. Bio: After family died, I fight against them with anger. Personallity: Loves to skate, always likes to joke, sometimes serious.

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