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#37528605Wednesday, November 24, 2010 11:48 PM GMT

Ok, so I made a totally awseome badge for my place and THEN I saw that you had to buy it for R$ 100. THAT ROBLOX (just another fail way of trying to get money -.-)!!! So first I give you my buisiness buying builder's club so I could make these badges and YOU GIVE ME THIS YOU ROBLOX?!? (Or Telamon could have set that rule :3 LOL) Even worse was that they didn't say anything about the badge price WHEN you got to the badge template page and they only mentioned it AFTER you finished making the badge (thus encouraging you to waste your robux because you don't want to lose the badge). You know, there are these things like THIS that turn great games like Roblox up-side down. It's just plain greediness: they have BC, then they have TBC, then they have OBC, then they have ROBUX, and NOW FURTHERMORE THIS PEICE OF JUNK TO SAP AWAY AT YOUR MONEY??? I understand the fact that all websites like Roblox have to pay many, MANY monthly fees, but don't they have BC, TBC, OBC, and ROBUX help make their dirty money for themselves to swim in (and to pay the monthly fees)??!!?? AND T.H.E.N., ya' give me this: [BADGE PRICES. <------Failure] This is getting ridiculous. That's all i'm sayin'. ANd the mods probably don't care because they know that if they support this idea of banning the badge prices, they'll get fired by the CEO of ROBLOX INC. -.- Roblox's currency and greed of money is getting ridiculous. And idiotic. There. Message conveyed. BYEZ!!!! :3:3:3:3
#37528654Wednesday, November 24, 2010 11:48 PM GMT

...I hope this makes sense to the pessimistic fourum bugging critics. :3 LOLZ

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