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#37545936Thursday, November 25, 2010 4:16 AM GMT

Hi everyone,I'd just like to make this a forum to teach people what languages we knew! Heres some german to help you guys get started! ======================================================== Nein=No Guten Tag= Good Day Ohne = Without Ohne Ton = Without Sound Tante = Aunt ======================================================== Reply with any languages you know other then english. Preferrably no spanish,Considering 90% Of the world learns that as their primary language class.
#37547686Thursday, November 25, 2010 4:48 AM GMT

No Spanish? Then I'll use the language Spanish came from :P Latin: Salve=Hello Vale=Bye Ita/Sic=Yes Minime/Non-ita=No (There are certain cases where one has to be used and the other can't be, but I'm too lazy to detail what kinds of situations :/ ) Bona=Good Malus=Bad Magna=Great Aqua=Water Insula=Island Regina=Queen Silva=Woods/Forest Puella=Girl Parva=Small As a note, in the Latin language, V is pronounced like W. I didn't provide a lot of good examples of words, either, just random ones off the top of my head.
#37559384Thursday, November 25, 2010 3:13 PM GMT

Minä = me Sinä = hän Me = we He = they Hei! = Hello! Nähdään! = See you! Hyvä = good paha, huono = bad Ei = no Kyllä = yes Minä olen = I am Sinä olet = You are Me olemme = we are He ovat = they are The list goes on and on.
#37559515Thursday, November 25, 2010 3:17 PM GMT

FINNISH IS SOOOOOOOOOOOO HARD PT, u dont have morfeemit, infinitiivit, lausevastikkeet and partisiipit yet, bue when you will get them, you will be crazy!
#37562648Thursday, November 25, 2010 4:23 PM GMT

Eh, ollaan vasta perfekteissä, imperfekteissä ja preesensseissä.
#37568022Thursday, November 25, 2010 5:42 PM GMT

noii on noit lasten juttuja. mut oikeest, ootappa joitakin vuosia, niin alat purra hampaita ja repiä hiuksia ja paukuttaa henkseleitä
#37569017Thursday, November 25, 2010 6:01 PM GMT

Norwegian: Hei-Hi Hallo-Hello God dag-Good day Ost-Cheese Is-Ice/Icecream Pai-Pie Hadet-Bye Plagsom/slitsom-Tiresome Kul/kult-Cool --Kul is used to say "You are cool" while kult is for "That's cool" God natt-Good night Okei, hvem stjal osteburgerene mine?-Okay, who stole my cheeseburgers? We also have some different letters:ÆØÅ Det er hva jeg kan lære deg hadet. That is what i can teach you bye.
#37933216Wednesday, December 01, 2010 8:22 PM GMT

BUMP Uhh..NO WASTEFUL POSTS! Here's just some spanish so it's atleast useful to teach the little ones. Esquela:School Policia:Police
#38640994Monday, December 13, 2010 6:24 PM GMT

hmmmmm... Czech gramar is hard to leard to learn so lol

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