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#37587949Friday, November 26, 2010 12:04 AM GMT

Year 2532, Cerberus sector. Aboard the greatest spaceliner ever, the Titanix. You were one of the people that were enjoying a long, fun holiday in this high standard, 5 star spaceliner. It had been 2 days since you had left eratica, the space station orbiting earth, to go around the terran empire aboard the space craft for a two months holiday. The time was fun. However, nothing is perfect, and perhaps giving this name, the "Titanix" wasn't just a bad matter of taste. The ship went through a solar cloud generated by a solar erruption, where the visibility was low, and where all radar systems aboard the ship were malfunctioning. Then, a large asteroid crashed at light speed straight on the ship's front hull, killing all the command crew and sending the ship off orbit.... You though all hope was lost. Everyone was locked away by the sealing-off security system. Then, the ship, wandering freely, fell into a black hole. And landed up, on a planet similar to earth. As the ship crashed, with most parts flying off, you were flunged off the ship, into the sea the computer off the ship managed to land in..... As you woke up, you were floating on a piece of floating metal, called "Avastium", a material used to create space ships. As you looked around, cold and drowsy, you saw a fire.....and at that fire was the ship.... You swam with the metal plate towards the floating remnants of the ship, and passed out... As you woke up, you were on some carpet layed on some metal, with a fire next to you, wet but drying. You got up, thinking it had been a bad dream but....No....As you stared into the sky with its 3 suns, you understood you were....not mistaken. You are lost. At sea. On an unknown planet. The ship is floating, but is unusable. It is cracked at many places. You gather all the belongings you can. You learn, after a week of living there, 3 things: 1)It's all or no one- everyone must help each others 2)To stay out during the afternoon is madness, as the 3 suns blazes at that time to such an extend that you'd die quickly 3)Food and resources are scarces, and must be shared. 4)During night, the doors to the ship are closed, and everyone must be inside. For the creepers hunt us. That you are human, hybrid, alien or machine, all the rules applies to everyone. And also, you learn some things about the ship. 3 of its 8 floors are floating, meaning that 5 floors are underwater. There are still some things in the ship. The ship seems to be stably floating towards an Island which can be seen on the horizon. However, there are things in the dark, hostile waters around us. Things that creeps at night. Things that have taken some of us out during the night. One person managed to fight one off, and said they were some sort of sharks with four legs..... These are indeed dark, hostile waters which we are lost at. And in the horizon, an island, far, far away, can be seen. But where have we landed? Simple question, simple answer :I don't know. ---------------------------------------------------- Madcomms[Remove].ownforum.org (C) character sheet MKII 2010 -=- Name: Ag.e: Gender: Race: Role/Rank/Type: Appearence: Abilities: Skills: Items: Weapons: Strentgh: Weaknesses: Personality: Like/dislikes: Bio
#37588547Friday, November 26, 2010 12:20 AM GMT

Name: Seraph A.ge: 23 Gender:Male Race: Anthrophormic fox Role/rank/type: Citizen Appearence:http://www.roblox.com/Seraph-The-Fox-item?id=27499379 Abilities: Cryokinesis, pyrokynesis. He can shape, control, summon and spawn ice and flames in a range of 10 meters. Skills: Good at close combat, resourceful. Items: A necklace Weapons: Things he create Strentgh: Can adapt to most situation, small, nimble and fast Weakness: Physically frail, small Personality: Friendly, generous, daring, gentle, patient, loyal, follows principles Likes:Friendly people, challenges Dislikes: Too calm and quiet places, problems Bio: Seraph is an Ice and Flames shaper. Also someone who is quite reserved. He comes from a terran lab, where he was experimented upon. Not much is known of him.
#37589180Friday, November 26, 2010 12:33 AM GMT

If these is something wrong that you dislike of this RP, at least have the decency to say what's wrong.
#37589733Friday, November 26, 2010 12:43 AM GMT

(the right person merely has notcome yet. Posting.)
#37590690Friday, November 26, 2010 1:01 AM GMT

Name: D-741-Alpha (D-7)  A.ge: 57 years  Gender: thought to be male  Race: robot; AI  Role/rank/type: Maintenance robot  Appearence: skeletal-ish, chromite frame, with one single, green, electronic eye. Has a solar pannel that pops out of a compartment on his back.   Abilities: he has two sockets where his wrists should be; these attach to various appliances to allow D-7 a high degree of adaptability.   Skills: programmed to do just about anything.    Items:   Weapons: he has various weapons designed to fit into his multipurpose wrist-sockets.   Strentgh: highly adaptable   Weakness:  He is not entirely waterproof, or physically durable. Can only use and carry two attachments at a time. Personality: logical.   Likes: order, sunlight.  Dislikes: chaos, creepers, water, low battery.   Bio: he is an advanced mechanic drone.
#37590799Friday, November 26, 2010 1:04 AM GMT

(Nice, accepted) Seraph was on the deck, looking around. It was morning.
#37590984Friday, November 26, 2010 1:07 AM GMT

Can you be a native alien trying to hunt people down?
#37591048Friday, November 26, 2010 1:08 AM GMT

Yes, that'd be the creepers. The creepers can only come at night. They are large sharks with four claw like legs.....they are stupid, but ferocious, fast and strong.
#37591084Friday, November 26, 2010 1:09 AM GMT

(can I be some other type of alien.A large shark is very restricting...)
#37591170Friday, November 26, 2010 1:11 AM GMT

Something that would leave in the water mostly speaking.
#37591204Friday, November 26, 2010 1:11 AM GMT

As in land and water?
#37591230Friday, November 26, 2010 1:12 AM GMT

Yes. Amphibian like creature. Would be something very dangerous.
#37591498Friday, November 26, 2010 1:17 AM GMT

Name: Arak Ag.e: 32 in human years Gender: male Race: Unknown(unless you want me to put it down) Role/Rank/Type:Soldier Appearence: Black scaled body with four webbed feet and a spiked tail. Abilities:Spiked tail is poisonous,Poison fog emiting pores on back. Skills: Amphibious Items: none Weapons: body Strentgh:Ampibious stealthy and poisonous. Weaknesses: Tail Poison is not fatal unless the victim is suffering from multiple wounds or a large dose of poison was given.Poison fog takes a full 1 minute to become deadly.Giving the victim time to escape.Cant wield advanced human objects Personality:Ruthless,eager Like/dislikes:New meat and killing,dislikes escaping prey. Bio Just a dumb animal eager to get at the new meat oppurtunity.Is mainly controlled by telepathy from the Queen of the pack.
#37591585Friday, November 26, 2010 1:19 AM GMT

ooOOoooo Start
#37591604Friday, November 26, 2010 1:19 AM GMT

/D-7/ I walked out on deck, magnetizing my feet to remain upright on the tilted, slippery ship's deck. My solar pannel popped out from my back, adjusted to face the one and a half suns that were currently in the sky or horizon. The pannel folded out to it's maximum surface area, quickly refilling my batteries. I then set about some of my work, taking me past an anthromorphic being. (dat's joo bloxxer.)
#37591677Friday, November 26, 2010 1:20 AM GMT

Seraph looked as the mech passed beside him, smilling. He was settled on the floor, looking around.
#37591714Friday, November 26, 2010 1:21 AM GMT

~light comes,back back~Arak retreated into the large den that the pack shared away from the hated light. (note:~these represent telepathic messages from the queen which Arak has to obey at some level)
#37591833Friday, November 26, 2010 1:23 AM GMT

(Noted) Seraph loooked around quietly. He picked up a fish next to him, and set it on fire using his pyrokynesis.
#37592081Friday, November 26, 2010 1:27 AM GMT

(bored out of meh mind....)
#37593043Friday, November 26, 2010 1:42 AM GMT

(I have a plan to help with your boredom...) Aproaching a terminal, I put my arm-sockets into the two circular adaptors on either side. " Enguage aquatic probe launch mechanism." I commanded the terminal, who responded with various beeps and blips, then I blacked out. --- The extension of my AI to the probe was always jarring, but it was also necessary. I was set for the next shift of exploring the underwater caverns for the creepers' lair. The sphere-like probe was launched into the deep, and I quickly had it descend. The lights were automatically activated, which illuminated the dark ocean floor. Several creepers swam by, but forbes did not smell like food, so I was ignored. I eventually came to a cavern, and started to pilot inside... (that's where the other Sea aliens come in!)
#37594117Friday, November 26, 2010 1:59 AM GMT

~investigate arak and jogar~ Arak woke an began aproaching the submerged part of the den.
#37594357Friday, November 26, 2010 2:03 AM GMT

Name: Shaun Torren Ag.e: 16 Gender: Male Race: Cyborg Role/Rank/Type: Third class passenger. no officall rank. Appearence: Dark brown spiky hair that juts out in all directions, peircing green eyes, short brown eyelashes and light brown eyebrows, tall, usaully dresses casually. Abilities: Technokinesis, Pyrokinesis, Energy Manipulation. Can control machines mentally and can influence elemental energy. strongest in manipulation of fire. Skills: Swordplay, working in pressured situations, sustaining damage, problem solving. Items: tools loaded in mechanical body parts, spare parts. Weapons: Swords (dual preferred), whatever is available can be a weapon to Shaun. Strength: Agility, creativity in serious situations and out. can sustain heavy damage. values other's lives more then his own. Weaknesses: can get carried away and lose control of himself, jump to conclusions. Personality: serious and nearly never humorous. sticks to the background and avoids attention. Likes: books and computers, good company. Dislikes: Pain, His and others. not being control of things important to him. Bio: having taken several injuries due to fighting for what he believes to be right, he was mutilated in a fight involving a concealed gun. now his lower halfs of his legs and his left arm are covered in metal, hiding the scars and giving him their use again. his parents are both dead, targeted in revenge by one of Shaun's enemies. he was simply flying home from a short vacation on the vessle when it crashed.
#37594643Friday, November 26, 2010 2:08 AM GMT

(I told you it would work! Not one hater.)
#37596408Friday, November 26, 2010 2:34 AM GMT

I ventured deeper into the underwater cave, eventually seeing that the cavern came up into free air. I raised the drone's periscope, only to find that it was too dark to see the cavern's interior. Wait.... Bioscanners were off the charts! Movement sensors were going berserk! I had apparently struck the figurative hornet's nest. I tried to turn the drone around as fast as I could, kicking up a great deal of water in the process....
#37601748Friday, November 26, 2010 4:09 AM GMT

Jogar saw a strange shiny object gleaming faintly as a shaft of sunlight touched it ~DESTROY IT~ the queen said forcefully so Arak and Jogar leaped at the probe

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