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#37652262Friday, November 26, 2010 10:02 PM GMT

As we all know, ROBLOX has expanded greatly. It has expanded greatly, and it is becoming very successful. HOWEVER, there are some errors currently. -ROBLOX Servers are still at a pre-08 Level. Since the population has boosted GREATLY, the servers have a HUGE amount of traffic, and causes major lag. I know, you're probably gonna say that servers cost money. Now. ROBLOX has been going on for a long time, but we need something new. Something that will blow A LOT of the competition out of the water, while still keeping the same innovative thinking that ROBLOX has. You know what this means: ANOTHER GAME. If we look at the high-rise companies like Nexon, they have made MULTIPLE games, their 2nd one being within a year of release to the 1st one, compared to ROBLOX going 6 years without a second game. Here's what I think. Make a new hat, worth 100 Robux. For every sale, put one dollar twoard the project. Once it hits TEN THOUSAND SALES, make a special area in the suggestions fourm for the new game. If we go by this, you should have enough money to fund the project. Now. Promote player-made advertisments, and make the first trailer BE MADE BY THE COMMUNITY. Make it a contest, and release...I'd say, 1-5 hours of test footage gameplay/a staff-made trailer(Unofficial) so the community can splice it into a trailer. Anyway, if anyone has any issues with this, please respond...Ok, respond anyway. And If you're gonna say some stuff about costs, I'll put up an FAQ for what I THINK will be asked. -ITS TOO EXPENSIVE. Thats what the hat is for. Raise 10k for the Project :P. -ROBUX DOES NOT TRANSLATE INTO REAL MONEY. I'm pretty sure 100 Robux is worth MORE than $1.00 if you look at the "Buy ROBUX" feature. It will also create a surge of people buying BC, if my calculations are correct. This system negates all cost shortages. Thats all the FAQ I have right now. Do we have any supporters, or people who disagree for me to counter-attack and turn into supporters?
#37652694Friday, November 26, 2010 10:08 PM GMT

50% support 50% no support. I need more details first.
#37652792Friday, November 26, 2010 10:09 PM GMT

Well, just tell me what details you need. I'll try and answer them.
#37653195Friday, November 26, 2010 10:14 PM GMT

Wouldn't it be the same as ROBLOX? New website? Wouldn't we would need like, 20 more mods? ROBLOX poplulation decrease? Thats all I have for now.
#37653851Friday, November 26, 2010 10:23 PM GMT

Not to mention the new virus i got this its from a other forum i posted ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dang... i got it... any help?? 25 TROJANS 302 BANK.PAYPAL.X203 TRACKERS 12 BANK.PAYPAL.X204 WORMS 900+ ROBLOX.APPx.APP. TRACKING. 800. SECURITY.HI.JACKS This is major!! i need sum f@$*ing help!!! my anti virus softare gets rid of it but it come right back in 2 seconds twice the size
#37654064Friday, November 26, 2010 10:27 PM GMT

#37654610Friday, November 26, 2010 10:35 PM GMT

-Wouldn't it be the same as ROBLOX? Not so. ROBLOX, currently, is a Build anything. While the possibilities are seemingly ENDLESS, one limiting factor is server quality. The servers hold ALL the places at once. AND accounts. As stated before, the servers are breaking their backs holding all this up. The easter egg hunt Fiasco was an example of what could happen if ALL the players had Animanius/xLEGOx skills. Bigger places take up more space. This NEW game, would be stored on seperate servers. These would obviously come from the project Fund from the hat. Since these are different servers than ROBLOX itself, it would be less laggy as the current ROBLOX. This, would also be fine-tuned. While ROBLOX is focused on the creation of the world, this one will be more tuned to merely playing in it. It will also be tuned more twoard one Genre, however, it may be possible to fit in two genre's in one. Like, say there were two factions in a game. You could either, go into a 3rd-person adventure view with your character to attack the enemy, or, you could go into an omniscient, RTS view and command a whole army you bought with money. RTS armies would be visible by Adventure players, and Vice-versa. (I'm adding that to the suggestion list when it happens) New website? Definetly. The website would be on an entirely different server. Wouldn't we would need like, 20 more mods? Depends. Once the game is made, it is hard to determine how players could cheat/need moderation. Computer monitoring would be a good idea early on, and we could move onto human moderators once the monitoring brings up results of what would need to be modded. Swear filters and a hackshield would be implemented from the start, of course. ROBLOX poplulation decrease? Quite the opposite. Near the beggining, some players MAY go from ROBLOX to the other game, but the other game will attract NEW customers, and they will be led to ROBLOX. Not to mention with the funds from THIS game, we will have the money to get higher-quality servers for BOTH games. Its a win-win! Thats all I have to say on those questions. Any more?
#37656506Friday, November 26, 2010 11:00 PM GMT

What would be the main idea in Roblox 2(?) Would it have the same currency? Will it be just 1 giant area with sub-areas? Can you still build? What are the enemies? Are there any, or just players? Mini-games? Again, thats all I have for now.
#37657341Friday, November 26, 2010 11:11 PM GMT

BLARGHISH /B|U|H|P|\ Bring Up -His Post
#37658658Friday, November 26, 2010 11:29 PM GMT

Roblox is an online game an means 1, uno. They wouldnt because they havent perfected this site yet when they do they still wont do it it would be a mass decrease in revenue because they would have to buy the space go through tons of scripting test all of it and beta it it would take tons of money
#37660099Friday, November 26, 2010 11:50 PM GMT

Sorry that took so long, I was in a game XD. It seems lag has gone down since I was last here :D. My idea still stands though. What would be the main idea in Roblox 2(?) Well, we never said that would be the name of the game, but this is still being discussed. Anyway, the main idea is not currently set. A large amount of the game will be shaped from the ideas given, and while I do not have any idea what main idea the admins will come up with, it will probably be shaped around the ideas the players give them. Storyline is the most influential part of the main idea, and a lot of stuff will come out of it. Would it have the same currency? Probably not. There is a possibility of being able to trade currency, or items in the new game only purchaseable by ROBLOXian currency, or Vice-versa, in order to promote playing of both games. Will it be just 1 giant area with sub-areas? That will be decided by the players, but this is what I think. The "Outer" Area will be one, VERY LARGE area, with a grid of 256x 256 sectors, each sector being...A 4th of a baseplate. The player only sees in a 3x3 grid, with the sector he is in being in the middle. Underground areas/ areas besides the outer area will be generated all at once, with the exception of sub sections/different floors if they are there. The two different factions will both be 50 sectors away from the middle line. Players can build their own towns within 5 sectors of another town, but not within 10 sectors of another town. If the factions MAIN town is destroyed, then the town is re-placed randomly, all current units returned to owners, and all of the winning teams online players get a large sum of money. Since the towns are so far apart, the battle is VERY large. And they cannot attack each other until a week after a win has been decided. Can you still build? Hopefully. Here's what I have in mind. Players can collect minerals and numerous types of money from the non-player foes. Players will use these to build units for the RTS MODE, equipment, and towns. What are the enemies? Are there any, or just players? There ARE Non-player foes. They are only in caverns and underground areas, however. There is also a flying type RTS unit, and they can be attacked by Enemy birds. Those are the answers I have right now. REMEMBER, these have not yet been influenced by other players. They are subject to change. These are merely MY ideas. Other players will submit their own. Also, I think it should have not that good graphics on PURPOSE, to reduce lag. Mini-games?
#37660251Friday, November 26, 2010 11:52 PM GMT

"Roblox is an online game an means 1, uno. They wouldnt because they havent perfected this site yet when they do they still wont do it it would be a mass decrease in revenue because they would have to buy the space go through tons of scripting test all of it and beta it it would take tons of money" -I already fixed the cost part. And they might use the money from the project fund to hire some programmers for the game. And EVERY MMO has bugs, even ROBLOX. Testing is a part of the game making process ALREADY.
#37666826Saturday, November 27, 2010 1:33 AM GMT

Oh, I forgot something. Currently, there are no minigame ideas.
#37667093Saturday, November 27, 2010 1:37 AM GMT

What would be the fighting mechanics be? How many bricks can be used to build a town? Leveling up? Can you buy stuff like armor, cloths, gears, etc.
#37667348Saturday, November 27, 2010 1:41 AM GMT

gee roblox is trying to forget about the good old past did you see the test site they have a new screen gui!!
#37667486Saturday, November 27, 2010 1:43 AM GMT

No. ROBLOX is ROBLOX. No need for a second game or anything. You didn't even state any details or anything. You left a vague idea of a new website. ROBLOX is an on going project. The admins work on it daily.
#37672029Saturday, November 27, 2010 2:50 AM GMT

"gee roblox is trying to forget about the good old past did you see the test site they have a new screen gui!!" This is irrelevent. No. ROBLOX is ROBLOX. No need for a second game or anything. You didn't even state any details or anything. You left a vague idea of a new website. ROBLOX is an on going project. The admins work on it daily. This isn't a Second ROBLOX. Its a whole different game. ALL MMO's are being worked on daily, but some developers have multiple games too. This is still an idea in progress. The details are going to be made by the COMMUNITY, and I wanted to refrain from putting too much of my own ideas in. What would be the fighting mechanics be? Currently unknown. Skills would definetly be there, along with an attack button. Thats gonna be a definite. How many bricks can be used to build a town? Well, that is undecided. It is also undecided if bricks will even be a resource. This is made BY ROBLOX, but it isn't necessarilly a second Roblox. Leveling up? As far as my ideas go, Non-existant. This way, even Noobs will have a chance against Veterns in the Faction battles. Can you buy stuff like armor, cloths, gears, etc Probably. They will probably be modeled off the stuff people on ROBLOX have made, but yeah. Not sure if they will affect stats though. Vehicles WILL be here though.
#37675876Saturday, November 27, 2010 3:45 AM GMT

sounds cool, but this would be more of a future idea. Not something that could happen within this year.
#37676072Saturday, November 27, 2010 3:47 AM GMT

@Koda Well, at least not the completion. They could start sales of the hat THIS WEEK, but if probably won't be finished until next Summer at the latest if we start it now.
#37676205Saturday, November 27, 2010 3:49 AM GMT

You don't even understand what you are talking about. Why the h377 would they need a second website? People like you make me hate humanity..//
#37676432Saturday, November 27, 2010 3:52 AM GMT

Just use the money to upgrade servers. *rolls eyes* We dont need a second game.
#37676727Saturday, November 27, 2010 3:56 AM GMT

If they do make a new game, BC prices will go up, less people will buy BC and ROBLOX would become bankrupt.
#37677000Saturday, November 27, 2010 4:00 AM GMT

You don't even understand what you are talking about. Why the h377 would they need a second website? People like you make me hate humanity..// They would need a second website for the second game. That was one of the most OBVIOUS parts of the suggestion! Just use the money to upgrade servers. *rolls eyes* We dont need a second game. This is to raise money FOR increasing server quality. It will also attract more players to this, and it would also boost the amount of funds. More funds = More programmers = More Features. Thats not the ONLY benefit. The benefits are universal, and the funding system is set up so Roblox is NOT losing Money. If they do make a new game, BC prices will go up, less people will buy BC and ROBLOX would become bankrupt. I don't follow your logic. More clarity, please?
#37677075Saturday, November 27, 2010 4:02 AM GMT

I agree with Fire. But there are downpoints. Like that if they are using the money to start the project, they can get it up on it's own. They wouldn't need a new membership option. Sure, some BC members would leave. So I guess you'd be right.
#37677160Saturday, November 27, 2010 4:03 AM GMT

But still, I would have to say, this is a great idea. I knew something smart would come out of your head one day :-D (which happens all the time)

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