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#384987Sunday, January 13, 2008 11:49 PM GMT

This diea has been bothering me for a while. WHy not have teams inside another team. I've been makign a place with two teams fighting eachother, but I have admins in my place too. SO I made blue team vs red team, but to add admins in I amde other teams called red team admins and blue team admins. But it makes it as if admins are on their own teams. So what I want it to be like is to have one team with parts inside it. Example: for a red team that has admins in that team: have the team have a sub team called admins.
#29160981Tuesday, July 13, 2010 7:59 AM GMT

Ok, so your idea is Sub-Teams? That sounds really interesting. Maybe some developers should come look at this!
#29161471Tuesday, July 13, 2010 8:52 AM GMT

As it turns out I once saw a game with this sort of set up in place with the use of complex scripting and GUIs!
#36910007Saturday, November 13, 2010 2:01 AM GMT

I've thought of this idea. It would be really useful in a obby race game. A game where there's sertain teams racing to get to the end of an obby first. To make it easier, the obby would have to have checkpoints put in the obby. That ould require sub-teams. :) Support.

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