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#38765903Wednesday, December 15, 2010 8:51 PM GMT

You have heard of the good guys, The Jedi, and the bad guys, the Sith, but what about those who you dont hear much of, the Cri.minals, the gan.gsters, the Cri.me Lords, This is about the "Secret" Galaxy that most beings do not know about. This is about the Crim.inal organisations and their lu.st for money, power and to stay alive. In this Secret Und.erworld you find yourself in, it is dangerous and many ki.ll others just to stay alive, what are you here? A Cri.me Lord? A Bounty Hunter? A Smu.ggler? or just some thu.g working for scraps, You Decide. Rules: There are JEDI, but only those Grey Jedi, these are Jedi who are not sith or belonging to the Jedi order, many use their powers to get rich or become Great Cri.me bosses This is not like the normal St.ar W.ars, this is about the Crim.ina Organisations like the Exchange and the Hutt Cartel, waging their secret w.ars in the da.rkness. It is an open universe, you could be a Cri.me Lord or just a common thug, you could own a Planet and be a Cri.minal Planet, not belonging to any other Galactic Civilizations. You may be a Republic Soldier or Un.dercover Operative, but only if you ask me in a PM This is 100 ye.ars before the Events of the Pha.ntom Menace, remember that Cri.minal Empires like Jabbas were very small at this time, as they were just starting out List of Cri.minal Factions: (May change over the course of the roleplay) The Exchange - A Bunch of Th.ugs and as.sa.ssins willing to ki.ll anyone for money The Hutt Cartel - A Group formed by the Hutts to protect them and to carry out their Needs Different Hutt Cl.ans - There are many of these and you may make one up if you wish The Czerka Corporation - A secret Cri.minal organisation that goes to planets pretending to be a Policing force but secretly Haras.sess the people and takes money from them while ki.lling the opposition The Kazer Empire - A Cri.minal Empire which will k.ill people for money, with smu.ggling operations and an Entire Legion of droids for hire, All of its members except the Leader are Droids, but there are many Th.ugs who are hired by him to get him money, though he doesnt think of them as in the Empire. The Dark Republic - Inside the Republic are some Corr.upt senators who hara.ss their own people and have secret smuggling operations The Bla.ck Sun - More of a Goverment now than a Cri.minal Organisation, though it is still run by cri.minals and will do anything for a price, has many planets under its control and threatens the republic. If i have forgotten any or you would like me to make one for you just PM me and here is the sheet for you to create you own Name: Functions: (What it does) Member count: Any type of Ra.ce?: (like is it Human only, Muun only etc, or Mixed) Bio: (Needed) Base Types: Small Hidden Base - A small underground Base got to by a secret elevator in a house above Medium Hidden base - Bigger version of above Large Hidden Base - Bigger version of above A Spaceship Base - Some Crime Lords use spaceships as bases, always moving so that they are never caught Asteroid Base - a Base built into an Asteroid, most are hidden and well protected Space Stations - Usually built above a planet, especially if it is for defense because the planet is a great Smu.ggling route Palace - It can either be a remote palace on a Planet, like Jabbas, or if you own that planet, it could be right i the Capital City. If you dont like these base types, make up your own, just describe it in the sheet here Name: Type: (your own or one of the above) Defensive capabilities: /10 Offensive capabilities: /10 Hidden or Not: Ships: Just search them up, find one you like and post its name and if you want, the description, if you want to make one up, heres the Sheet Name: (X92 Fighter etc) Function: (Fighter, warship, Capital ship etc) Offensive capabilities: Defensive capabilities: Hyperdrive?: (Yes/No) Cloaking device: (Yes/No) and here is a sheet if you wish to make it personalized Name: Bio: A.ge: Wea.pons: Same as above, search for them, or make them up, using this sheet Name: Power use: (Electricity, Plasma, Sonic) Power: (How powerful is it) Chances of Breaking: (/10, 1 being lowest, 10 being higest chance) Droids: As above, search for them and choose and put it on you CS or make your own with this sheet: Name: (HK A.ssas.sin Droid series, etc) Function: (Diplomacy, figh.ting, spying, As.sassination etc) Weapons: Chances of Brea.king: (Same as below) Chance of being hac.ked/Reprogrammed (/10, 1 being lowest, 10 being highest) List of Jobs you can be: Cri.me Lord - (Leader of an Faction) Cri.me Boss - (A High pla.yer in that Faction) Bounty Hunter Mercenary - Soldier for hire Smuggler Grey Jedi - (Either Cri.minal or Undercover) Thug As.sas.sin Republic Soldier Cri.minal Diplomat - Sometime one must use aggresive negotiation Und.erc.over Operative - Be warned, some can start to love the Crim.inal life and stay that way If you want a job added just PM me and ill think about it Beasts/Pets: Look it up, they must be Tameable to be allowed out, The Rancor's are VERY hard to tame, only force weilders can do it succsesfuly. you can make up a Beast with this sheet below Name: Type: (Humanoid, Four legs, that kinda stuff) Appearance: Sentience: (No sentience/Semi-Sentient, Semi Sentient means it will operate in packs very well and is easier to tame most of the time) Tameability: (1-10, 10 being the Hardest, one being the easiest) Races: Use any you want, or make up a race with the sheet below: Name: Type: (Humanoid, four legs) Appearance: Abilities: How much of the race is force sensitive; (1 being no force Sensitives,with 10 being the whole race was force sensitive, which is possible, as the Miraluka were all, technically, Force Sensitive) and Finally, the CS: Name: A.ge: Race: Job: Faction: Pet? Droid?: Spaceship?: Base: Credits: (Depends on job, remember 10 credits will get you a loaf of bread, 500 two normal wea.pons, and 1 Million a Capital Ship) Weapons: Force Sensitive: (Most FS can do things, even when not trained, like see the future, trick people, things like that) Bio: My CS will be coming in a second, sorry about all the words, but you only have to read: The Rules and the parts that are relevant to you. Feel free to send PM's and ask Questions. The two admins are Sigurdcrozov and jigajig
#38767591Wednesday, December 15, 2010 9:13 PM GMT

Name: P1 Kazer Freighter Function: Freighter Offensive capabilities: Its fast, The Weapons are very powerful Defensive capabilities: 5 Turrets, There is a cloaking device and shields are hard to destroy Hyperdrive?: Yes Cloaking device:Yes Name: The Dark Solace Bio: The Dark solace was made by Kazer, Lord of the Kazer Imperium A.ge: Unknown, but rumored to be nearly as old as him Name: Electro Glove Power use: Electricity Power: 8/10, can kill many by sending huge amounts of volts into them, can give a false impression of Force abilities Chances of Breaking: 7/10, if shot at multiple times, it will explode, taking the hand with it Name: Kazer Legionaire Droids Function: Fighting, though some are programmed as Spies and Assassins, and there is one Master droid that controls them Weapons: Anything they can find, though they have Electro Gloves and Blaster rifles Chances of Brea.king: 5/10, generally reliable Chance of being hac.ked/Reprogrammed: Considering the Master droid is the only thing other than Kazer tht can control them and be used to hack them, with its self destruct programming, it is very hard 2/10 Name: Malzoraldirins, or just Malzor's Type: Humanoid, but with Four arms Appearance: Malzors have Pale white skin with four arms, Short hair and they can only breathe a certain type of gas which is no longer part of the Galaxy. Therefore they must wear special suits that allow them to breathe Oxygen and have special masks connected to their mouths Abilities: They are Stronger and Faster with the suits, and are very intelligent droid makers, but it is the droids they made who destroyed them, they can live up to 500 years of age How much of the race is force sensitive; 2/10 Hardly any are Force Sensitive Bio: Malzor's have all been wiped out except one, Kazer, who managed to escape his planet before the droids destroyed it Name: Kazer A.ge: 229 Race: Malzor Job: Crime Lord Appearance: Wears his Suit which is Shiny White with a Golden trim, underneath that he looks exactly like his race, as he has never taken the suit off Faction: The Kazer Imperium (its army is called the Kazer Legion) Rank: (Forgot this) Leader of the faction Pet? Some Rancors in Pits Droid?: The Master Droid is always with him, otherwise he has 10,000 Kazer Legionairres, Half of them are Offline, waiting to be called to action Spaceship?: The Dark Solace Base: An Asteroid base, hidden and well protected Credits: Currently has 5 Million credits of Pure profit, makes 1 Million Credits of PROFIT a month, really he earns More, but spends it all on his Army and Faction Weapons: Four Electro Gloves on all his hands Force Sensitive: Nope Bio: Kazer is very intelligent, and survived his planets destruction, becoming a Crime Boss he has many Thugs for hire that earn him lots of Money, with 1000 of his droids as smugglers and 2000 as Mercs, the rest are defending his Assets, bases and his own Base.
#38767773Wednesday, December 15, 2010 9:16 PM GMT

Name: Darkning A.ge: 200 looks 20 Race: Human Job: Grey Jedi/Mercenary - Cri.minal Faction: None yet Pet? None Droid?: None Spaceship?: It looks like an Imperial Shuttle Base: His ship for now Credits: 10000 Weapons: Lightsaber Force Sensitive: Yes Bio: Darking has been traviling around for some time now doing odd jobs here and there.
#38767876Wednesday, December 15, 2010 9:17 PM GMT

(Accepted, you are an admin, lets wait 10 mins for another person, and if they dont come, then we can start)
#38768037Wednesday, December 15, 2010 9:19 PM GMT

(Sure thing :D)
#38768040Wednesday, December 15, 2010 9:19 PM GMT

(Wait, can you add appearance? i forgot it on the sheet)
#38768640Wednesday, December 15, 2010 9:27 PM GMT

(Sure A black suit like Vader's abit and a white robe. Under that is blue eyes and hair three scars on his torso and one running aloing his eye)
#38769141Wednesday, December 15, 2010 9:33 PM GMT

(Ok lets start) {Kazer} I sat on my Throne in my Asteroid base, Fixing a Pit droid, i had many of these, though most broke down very easily, normally the other droids would fix it, but i was bored so i decided to fix it.
#38769324Wednesday, December 15, 2010 9:35 PM GMT

[Darking] Slowy peeking arounf the corner I spotted a group of men making their way to a ship. I nodded smiling to myself.
#38769937Wednesday, December 15, 2010 9:42 PM GMT

{Kazer} its head bobbed up, with its eye shining, I pushed it off my lap and it hurried away, ready to fix all that needed repairing, I turn to the Master and say "Hack into Republic news console, the Authroisation code is A294853945583hdd438fr8f", The Master droid tells me "It is done sir, the news is coming up on a Hologram"
#38770129Wednesday, December 15, 2010 9:45 PM GMT

I slip around it and creep up on the group. I grin chocking two of them then throw their dead bodies away. The others turn around and fire at me. I ignite my lightsaber delfecting the blasts.
#38770352Wednesday, December 15, 2010 9:47 PM GMT

{Kazer} I switch the Hologram channel over to private channels, Like the Jedi Council meetings, i soon get bored and turn it off, get up and start walking to my Freighter
#38770564Wednesday, December 15, 2010 9:50 PM GMT

I kill the rest of the group and grin. "Ah the package they had." I make it fly towards me and smile looking into the box. "Interesting that they should have this" I grinned and walked off.
#38770768Wednesday, December 15, 2010 9:53 PM GMT

{Kazer} I get in and set the course to Tatooine, Jabba and i were going to have a very long talk...
#38770917Wednesday, December 15, 2010 9:55 PM GMT

Heading into a bar I sat down and looked trying to find my client. He wasn't here. "Somethings off here."
#38771144Wednesday, December 15, 2010 9:57 PM GMT

{Kazer} It did not take long to reach Tatooine, and when there i got out of my ship, followed by 10 of my best Legionairres (Where are you jig?)
#38771501Wednesday, December 15, 2010 10:02 PM GMT

(Tatooine Mos Eisly) I frowned standing up to leave. I head out only to come face to face with a large man holding a lightsaber which he is pointing into my face. "Ah Darkning your client had to drop out such a shame really" He laughed and grinned at me then lunged. I ducked and kicked him in the back
#38771936Wednesday, December 15, 2010 10:07 PM GMT

{Kazer} I walked into a Bar in Mos esiley, where a fight was going on between two people, i sat down while people were fleeing and watched as they fought
#38772130Wednesday, December 15, 2010 10:09 PM GMT

(Can I post one sheet at a time(I think I'll have 2 sheets, maybe more)?)
#38772219Wednesday, December 15, 2010 10:10 PM GMT

(Sure, though you could use Word/Notepad to store them down on, but if not, then sure)
#38772289Wednesday, December 15, 2010 10:11 PM GMT

I stood still as the man ran at me and swung at me. In a blink of an eye my lightsaber was ignited the black sucking light from around it. I grinned as he swung at me time and time again me just blocking them all not moving.
#38772696Wednesday, December 15, 2010 10:16 PM GMT

{Kazer} I watched, waiting to see the winner of the fight, hoping to hire him
#38772971Wednesday, December 15, 2010 10:19 PM GMT

The man grolwed as his attacks were in vain. I sighed then rose him in the air using the force. "Now what to do with you? Oh how about this!" Islammed him into the floor chocking him at the same time then blasted him with some lighting. I rose his body into the air and drove my saber into his chest.
#38773462Wednesday, December 15, 2010 10:24 PM GMT

{Kazer} I stood up clapping, i then say to the Criminal Jedi "Please, come have a seat and we can talk"
#38773837Wednesday, December 15, 2010 10:28 PM GMT

I turned around my saber coming back to me. I turned it off and walked over to the person. "Who are you?"

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