#40472544Friday, January 07, 2011 4:13 AM GMT

(When ever he flies he grows alomost demonic wings, and a lord form which makes him look like a giant vampire monster) Ulvon: "I just want to speak with the owner of the castle." I said rather bluntly "Went to the werewolf place and well it was a waste of my time."
#40473773Friday, January 07, 2011 4:49 AM GMT

Gaurd: "Obviously," he muttered, then said, "I'm sorry, but the Queen is busy talking to someone else right now."
#40490604Friday, January 07, 2011 8:43 PM GMT

Queen Maya Eclipse: She clenched her fangs slightly, and said again. "If you have no more 'important' business to bother me with, then leave."
#40502847Friday, January 07, 2011 11:30 PM GMT

Jack Valent- "Well I think your life is important"I stand back up to look at her.
#40510102Saturday, January 08, 2011 1:02 AM GMT

Queen Maya Eclipse: {Eh, I knew it.} She thought, and narrowed her eyes slightly. "Obviously, you forget how powerful the Eclipse bloodline is."
#40515812Saturday, January 08, 2011 2:20 AM GMT

Jack Valent- "By name or by Self?"I ask judging her a bit [Knew,You think Jack would be stupid enough to attack her .-.]
#40516196Saturday, January 08, 2011 2:25 AM GMT

(Lol, if he attacks her he is gonna get a woopin' he will never forget. >:3) Queen Maya Eclipse: Her eyes glinted black, "By physical and mental power. Do not undersimate me." She said. {Or my daughter,} she thought.
#40516225Saturday, January 08, 2011 2:25 AM GMT

#40516432Saturday, January 08, 2011 2:28 AM GMT

Jack Valent- "Can't I stay,and Watch?" "If anything my staying will help,you will know where I am,and if anything happens I'll be there to end it.Doesn't that sound,Great?" I smile trying to persuade her (What is the Queen's Powers anyhow o-e)
#40516767Saturday, January 08, 2011 2:32 AM GMT

(I think they were orignally being able to slightly use telekinesis and being able to read peoples memories and change/replace them or something like that. But I'm trying to think of a different power(s) to make her seem more powerful. I just can't think of anything, any ideas?) Queen Maya Eclipse: "Don't you have a Manor to take care of?" She said, all traces of irritation and anger gone, now replaced with a hint of boredom.
#40516978Saturday, January 08, 2011 2:35 AM GMT

(:D UBER FUHN,can immiedetly spawn millions of bats in from various opening in hter body,the bats then continue to chew at their victim.Able to cast a series of long,ubreakable whips able to cut through near anything,these are cast from ehr finger tips,Able to duplicate,able to go into a blood lust,killing anything she can get her hands on and tearing it to shreds...I'll think of more l8or)
#40517029Saturday, January 08, 2011 2:36 AM GMT

Jack Valent- "No,no I think the Servants and maybe a few salvage dogs are taking care of it in my absence."I frown [Well,I think the Telekineses was a good Idea since the Daughter has it. Maybe something to do with her Strength.]
#40517906Saturday, January 08, 2011 2:49 AM GMT

(@ Blood: Hahahaha! I like the second one, I might go with that. Actually, I plan on having one power to fighting, and one for talking, like, the thing that makes her a great leader.) Queen Maya Eclipse: She sighed, "Well, I have more important things to attend with. Gaurds, please show Mr. Valent the way out." (Sense bchunter still isn't here, I think I'm gonna make Lunar show up. Mabey make her kick Jack in the face. :P)
#40518132Saturday, January 08, 2011 2:52 AM GMT

Jack Valent- "Your walls will never be as safe,while I am here." I bow and start walking to the door.
#40518473Saturday, January 08, 2011 2:56 AM GMT

(Wait..I reread quite a Few times and I finally received that as a Insult,It's meaning since he is there the walls are going to be Safer xD)
#40518496Saturday, January 08, 2011 2:57 AM GMT

Queen Maya Eclipse: She simply ignored his comment and waved her hand at two gaurds. They both walked beside Jack, ready to attack if he tried anything.
#40518690Saturday, January 08, 2011 2:59 AM GMT

Jack Valent- "Who wants to go to a Tavern to have some fun" I laugh talking to the guards,as I walk to the door.
#40518985Saturday, January 08, 2011 3:03 AM GMT

Queen Maya Eclipse: The gaurds ignored him and grapped his arms, nearly dragging him, they reached the exit/entrance of the castle and pulled him outside. Then they let go and went back into the castle, closing the do shut behind them. Maya sighed, wondering what the heck Jack was talking about, but she secretly hoped that it was nothing serious.
#40519156Saturday, January 08, 2011 3:05 AM GMT

Jack Valent- "That was Rude.." I sigh,as I notice I have nothing I walk by a Tree and lay down,to try to think of a place to start.
#40519503Saturday, January 08, 2011 3:10 AM GMT

Lunar Eclipse: She walked casually towards the castle, and saw two gaurds push some guy out of the castle. When she was closer, she reconized the person. {You....}
#40519690Saturday, January 08, 2011 3:14 AM GMT

Jack Valent- I get up determined on a plan,and I start to walk North in the hopes of reaching the Werewolf's Mountain.
#40520452Saturday, January 08, 2011 3:24 AM GMT

Lunar Eclipse: Out of nowhere, Luna jumped out of the shadows and kicked Jack in the head, sending him slamming against a tree. She grapped him and slammed him against the tree again. "Why were you in Ithaca castle and what are you planning to do with the Queen!?"
#40520691Saturday, January 08, 2011 3:27 AM GMT

Jack Valent- I stare at her,as I continuously get slammed into the Tree.
#40521398Saturday, January 08, 2011 3:36 AM GMT

(not continuesly, just twice) Maya Eclipse: "What? Don't you remember me? I'm the girl that freed 'your' werewolf slaves and beat you up at your own Manor! I know you arn't mute, so speak!"
#40521582Saturday, January 08, 2011 3:39 AM GMT

Jack Valent- "What does your mother do for a living" I ask her in a low tone [Depression struck this poor warrior.]