#40522325Saturday, January 08, 2011 3:49 AM GMT

(Hahahaha! Well, sorry, but Lunar hates rich snops.) Maya Eclipse: "That's none of your business! I am a servant of the Queen and it is my business to know when she is in danger. And I know that you are plotting against her, so what is your plan!"
#40522566Saturday, January 08, 2011 3:53 AM GMT

Jack Valent- "I doubt a family of Farmers could get a connection with the Queen." I push her back to get room. "I've hold no plans against the Queen,only wanted to help her." I say and I continue to head for Werewolf mountain.
#40547108Saturday, January 08, 2011 4:14 PM GMT

Ulvon: "Are you gonna let me in or am i gonna have to force myself in." I said while clenching my sword.
#40580841Sunday, January 09, 2011 12:30 AM GMT

Maya Eclipse: She stopped him again, but this time less roughly. "Who the heck told you I was a farmer's daughter!? Anyway, I still want you to tell me your plan. I don't trust anyone." Gaurd: "I'm sorry, but the Queen was busy talking to someone else. But I'll go ask her now." He turned around and walked into the castle. A few minutes later he came back and opened the door for Ulvon. "You may see the Queen."
#40584547Sunday, January 09, 2011 1:23 AM GMT

Jack Valent- "That strange guy who was with me like..a few hours ago." I pause for a moment to ponder what I should say. "I think I'll just end it all for myself." as I say this with speed I try to snatch two daggers off of her.
#40586937Sunday, January 09, 2011 1:57 AM GMT

Maya Eclipse: She almost immediately noticed that he grapped her daggers, quickly, she jumped back and kicked him in the chest, sending him staggering back. "I'm sorry, but I'm not letting that happen." She said, as she swiftly chanced into her real form.
#40587082Sunday, January 09, 2011 1:59 AM GMT

Jack Valent- I start running for the woods to get more of a Advantage.
#40587244Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:02 AM GMT

Maya Eclipse: She flexed her wings and lauched herself at Jack. Unfortuantly, she missjudged the direction and slammed into a tree. "OOF!" She grunted, and got up, running after Jack. (LOLFAIL XD)
#40587519Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:05 AM GMT

Jack Valent- "What.."I take a quick glimpse behind my shoulder to see her,and I entered the Forest.
#40588287Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:16 AM GMT

Maya Eclipse: Going down on her hands and feet, she ran even faster. In a few seconds she was right behind Jack, and she reached out and bit is leg.
#40588443Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:17 AM GMT

"Wha.."I say as I start to fall,I grasp a Tree trunk to stop me from sailing through the woods. "Let go" I order.
#40618638Sunday, January 09, 2011 4:29 PM GMT

Ulvon: I walked in and bowed in respect to the Queen. Of course I heard a vampire hiss, "Werewolves, we can't trust his kind." I turned and glared and said "I'm here for my own reasons so shut up." Then I head a "He must be an outsider"
#40796834Wednesday, January 12, 2011 9:41 PM GMT

Lunar Eclipse: Luna ignored the order and clawed his back. "If I can't know your plan, I will just kill you then!" (I won't kill Jack without your permission, so don't worry.) Queen Maya Eclipse: "Silence," Maya ordered, and the gaurds immediately fell silent. Maya looked Ulvon up and down. "What is it you want with the Vampire Queen, Ulvon?"
#40802874Wednesday, January 12, 2011 11:03 PM GMT

Jack Valent- I let go of the Tree,and started dragging myself and Lunar. "Please stop." I say my head slams onto the ground tired.
#40802931Wednesday, January 12, 2011 11:04 PM GMT

Ulvon: "I want to know if you have seen this girl. She has red hair, a black shirt, black pants, and a longsword strapped to her leg." I said in respect "I'm getting desperate. The werewolf king had nothing for me then tried to kill me. I'm hoping you have something for me"
#40958425Saturday, January 15, 2011 9:18 PM GMT

Queen Maya Eclipse: Maya thought for a moment, then said. "Yes, I remember meeting a woman with that appearence, though I'm not sure what race she was, it was hard to tell. Anyway, about 3 days back she came here looking for my advice, I think she was looking for you, actually."
#40958535Saturday, January 15, 2011 9:20 PM GMT

Lunar Eclipse: Luna stopped clawing and biting him. Instead, pinning him to the ground,she hissed. "Then tell me what your plans are!"
#41018473Sunday, January 16, 2011 5:08 PM GMT

Jack Valent- "To go and fight that Werewolf"
#41029596Sunday, January 16, 2011 7:48 PM GMT

Ulvon: My eyes lit up, "You saw her!? Where did she go?" I said frantically and full of hope.
#41226661Thursday, January 20, 2011 1:09 AM GMT

Queen Maya Eclipse: "I'm not sure, but my guess is that she went somewhere towards Aki-Shinrin, the human valley fortress. But that is all I know." Lunar Eclipse: "What Werewolf? Niga?"
#41227756Thursday, January 20, 2011 1:25 AM GMT

Jack Valent- "Not completely Sure on his name or appearance,but I know I'm going to fight the savage."I tell her getting up to sit on the ground.
#41228095Thursday, January 20, 2011 1:30 AM GMT

Ulvon: Though it was impolite i hugged the Queen and said "Thank you...You have no idea what this really truely means to me" I broke the hug quickly and bolted out towards the human fortress.
#41228520Thursday, January 20, 2011 1:36 AM GMT

(guess what time. it is new chareter time) CS: Name: Sonara Bethany Contey Ag.e: 24 Race (Vampire, Werewolf, Human, or Half-Breed): Human Personality:Bold confident woman with an ex hatred for werewolves Appearence: Black shirt and pants, blood red hair, and a longsword attached to her legs Weapon (Humans can have special or enchanted weapons for Night Creature slaying, sense they don't have super powers): A magic longsword that can slay nearly any night creature Power (limit is 2) (Vampire, Werewolf, or Half-Breed only): Bio: When Sonara was little her father was killed by werewolves. She began hunting them out of revenge until hshe met Ulvon. Ulvon beat her in a sword duel but afterwords gave her compation and fell in love with him. (A mutal feeling btw) Her hatred of werewolves has stopped Extra: She was once cursed by Ulvon but has cured herself of the werewolf ism.
#41228601Thursday, January 20, 2011 1:37 AM GMT

Name: Ike Von Ag.e: 19 Race: Half breed of Vampire and Human. Personality: Isolated,Humorous. Appearence: Medium Lengeth Black Hair,Black Boots,Black Cloak,Black Scarf,Black hoods,Black pants,Black Shirt. Weapon: Shortblade and Dagger I Keep in boot. (Hands could be used as Dagger,Seeing how they're so sharp.) Power: Flit , and the 2nd one is Still Unknown. Bio: My Mother is a Human. My Father...Is Not. He Trained me the ways of OUR Vampire Tribe. We Don't Use Any Ranged weapons,and can't turn into Bats or anything like that. My Mother Dosen't know my Dead Father was a Vampire,Or That her "Dead" Son is a Vampire. Extra: [N/A?]
#41229754Thursday, January 20, 2011 1:53 AM GMT

(Both are accepted) Queen Maya Eclipse: Maya stiffened slightly when Ulvon hugged her, and motioned the gaurds to stand down. "You're welcome,' She said kindly. Lunar Eclipse: "Look, I KNOW that you were talking with that human awhile back, and I KNOW your guys' plan had to do with my moth...Queen. I want you to stop riddling and tell me your whole plan!"