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#39525738Saturday, December 25, 2010 9:36 PM GMT

(Based from call of duty modern warfare 2) Chapter 1 The raid. Year:2016 Date: April 15 Location:Washingon D.C booom! Pvt Nelson:I am out of ammo! Cpl Backwalker: KEEP YOUR HEAD LOW AND FIND ANOTHER GUN. Pfc:Drael: LOOK OUT RPG! The russians have attacked Washington D.C. Spetnaz troops cam crawling out of helicopters and trucks.The USMC was fighing back but was low on ammo. \ Sgt Hernandez:Men move back.It is too .. WATCH OUT!! Pvt Nelson:OUR MEDIC IS INJURED. Medic Pvt Macdenski:Help i was shot in the leg Hel...uuhhhh The medic was shot to death. Cpl Backwalker: Sir we have to retreat.If we dont we will AAHHH...russian scum they shot me in the arm. Sgt Hernandez:Move back troops move back.We shall meet at the bunker.\ The troops ran for their lives.They ran into the bunker where the injured troops were treated and all radios and transmitters were held.Sgt Hernandez was the last one in the bunker because he was helping troops get up.The sgt saw lieutenant Scott. Lieutenant Scott was a scootish american. Lieutenant Scott:Sgt are you wee little troops are going to stand their like babies or fight like men. Sgt Hernandez:No sir but we need more ammunition and troops. Lieutenant Scott:Well we are running low mate.You will have to get the enemy's weapons. Sgt Hernandez: But sir... Lieutenant Scott: Blah blah blah i dont care. Scott just walked away shouting orders at troops. Sgt Hernandez:Lets go men Cpl Backwalker:Are we getting any ammo or more troops. Sgt Hernandez:Nope Pvt Nelson:How are we going to win this battle. Pfc Dreal:I know but its going to be tricky...wait nevermind the plan i had was going to get us all killed anyway. To be continued....
#39526589Saturday, December 25, 2010 9:53 PM GMT

Chapter 2 Year 2016 Date:April 17 Location:Washington D.C Cpl Backwalker:We are in the white house sir. Sgt Hernandez:Alright clear this building before the Rangers and Sgt Foley arrive. Pfc Dreal:Lets do this(reloads AK-47) Pvt Nelson:Cmon guys i wanna kick sone russian butt. Specialist Drensky:This is going to be cool. Specialist drensky was a fresh trooper from boot camp.He was eager and mostly violent. Sgt Hernandez:Shhh russian troops coming from the corridor. The squad saw the russian troopers talking: Cpl Backwalker:By the count of three we kill them.... 1....2....3..GO They killed the two troopers.They kept moving foward. Pfc Dreal:Hope the president is ok. Pvt Nelson: I heard the president was ... A GRENADE GET TO COVER, BOOM! Russian trooper:Kill them all! The russians fired their guns. Specialist Drensky:I am pinned down here.I need some covering fire. Sgt Hernandez:Throw a grenade One USA trooper threw a grenade but then got killed.The russians were killed Sgt Hernandez:Move men GET IN THE ROOM. The hallway got filled with russian troopers. Cpl Backwalker:WE HAVE TO JUMP OUT OF THE WINDOW Sgt Hernandez:Its a long drop we are going to die Pvt Nelson:I AM GOING TO JUMP OUT. Nelson just jumped through the window.More troops decided to jump to the windows. Specialist Drensky:I AM GOING TO DIE FOR MY COUNTRY.I will not fail this coun ... ah Specialist Drensky laid in the floor dead. PFC Dreal:Sir i am sorry but i have to jump through the window. All the USA troops jumped through thw window except Sgt Hernandez.Hernandez jumped through the window. "thud" To be continued....
#39526678Saturday, December 25, 2010 9:55 PM GMT

How original. We already have enough RP's of this, now we got stories? No thank you.
#39527613Saturday, December 25, 2010 10:11 PM GMT

No, just no
#39528519Saturday, December 25, 2010 10:29 PM GMT

Chapter 3 Year:2016 Date:April 17 Location:Washington D.C Sgt Hernandez:uuh my head.Huh.Nelson...Nelson wake up....Nelson Pvt Nelson was dead.Sgt Hernandez saw blood coming out from his chest.He went to find the other troops from his squad.Cpl Backwalker body wasn't there and so was Pfc Dreal.nd even most of his squad was gone. *cough cough* Sgt Hernandez:Trooper are you ok Specialist Richardson:Gte me out of here i am too weak to stand up. The Sgt picked up Richardson and went in this trench.The trench was full of medical kits.The Sgt grabbed a kit and tried to help the trooper. Specialist Richardson:Take me back to base..Thats where Cpl Backwalker and Pfc dreal are with other troops. Sgt Hernandez carried the trooper to the bunker. Pvt Davis:Sir you look like a mess. Cpl Backwalker came with crutches with Pfc Dreal behind him with a wheel chair Cpl Backwalker:Look like you survived Pfc Dreal:Lucky for him. Pvt Davis:Sir your squad is not permitted to go on with the mission.Lieutenant Scott said so because you guys were injured and worn out so he sent his troops and himself to combat.I am sorry sir. Sgt Hernandez:WHAT!!! Excuse me men but i have business to do. Sgt Hernandez walked to his room but then three USA troopers came at gunp point to Sgt Hernandez. Cpl Dancey:Sgt you are under arrrest for planning to kill Major Gordan Sgt Hernandez:I did no such thing. Pvt Nelson:well your lying. Sgt Hernandez:You traitor Nelson. WHY Pvt Nelson:They paid me $10,000 for betraying you. Lieutenant Scott:Well my dear Sgt I bid you ado and have a good day in jail.Take him away men Sgt Hernandez:I SHALL KILL YOU ALL YOU TRAITORS.ONCE I ESCAPE THEIR IS NO STOPPING ME. Pvt Nelson:What a pity fate for the Sgt i am going to get coffee. Lieutenant Scott:Actually Pvt i wont be need your services.(Takes out pistol and shoot at Pvt Nelson).... Take this body away its giving a stain to the floor. to be continued...
#39528569Saturday, December 25, 2010 10:30 PM GMT

no negative comments.If you have a negative comment keep it to yourself please.
#39528714Saturday, December 25, 2010 10:33 PM GMT

No you.
#39529243Saturday, December 25, 2010 10:42 PM GMT

Orginal=No Creative=No Cool=No No talent=Yes Stupid and pointless=Yes
#39529825Saturday, December 25, 2010 10:53 PM GMT

Joey shut up.Your just jealous that you cant make a really cool story.I SAID NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS.Are you people blind or just stupid
#39529891Saturday, December 25, 2010 10:54 PM GMT

Im not a story maker, im not stupid, im not blind, make something orginal instead of an unorginal thread, onlt babies and losers make army stories
#39530049Saturday, December 25, 2010 10:57 PM GMT

Awright people! Who let the trolls out?! [[May Pennae Of Licentia ; Nunquam lost a pluma]]
#39531321Saturday, December 25, 2010 11:24 PM GMT

"Alright" people, who let the immature defenders out?
#39531411Saturday, December 25, 2010 11:25 PM GMT

This just sucks.
Top 25 Poster
#39531415Saturday, December 25, 2010 11:25 PM GMT

"NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS." But without criticism, you can't make it better.
#39531867Saturday, December 25, 2010 11:36 PM GMT

Above: That thar be a fact! [[May Pennae Of Licentia ; Nunquam lost a pluma]]
#39533251Sunday, December 26, 2010 12:01 AM GMT

Actually, War or Army threads/Stories can be good, I think you need to plan it, use Gramma, check for misspelled words and such.
#39533296Sunday, December 26, 2010 12:02 AM GMT

If you defend this guy, you suck!
#39533460Sunday, December 26, 2010 12:05 AM GMT

Trolls are being fed! Quickly HYDEEE!!!! Anti Troll System has been activated! Searching for troll... Troll Found... Troll Identification: Joey617294... Troll Level: ISH OVAR NIEN THOUSAAAND!!!!!! Recomend immediate food cut-off. Thank you for using Troll Finder 2.5! And, I'm not defending him. Joey, you just stupid. And, if he did edit it, grammar it, and put it into actualy story format, it might not faceplant.
#39533575Sunday, December 26, 2010 12:07 AM GMT

First of all, he is innocent, making a story, sure it may not be good, but, how do you think today's' best rp'ers became good, Secondly, think off a insult. Come on you suck?! last but not least, learn how to actually be effective, people nom past your rps', you will never be famous as the might juicy, the might Kyundi or the Godly Seraphs' ( I am thejuiceypie)
#39533790Sunday, December 26, 2010 12:11 AM GMT

As a wise man once said "If you say plz because its shorter then Please, I'll say No because its shorter then Yes."
#39533856Sunday, December 26, 2010 12:12 AM GMT

@Free Only idiots call me an idiot
#39534228Sunday, December 26, 2010 12:18 AM GMT

Warning! Warning! Warning: Troll has attempted contact with a non-troll. Advise: Ignoring until plans can be made. I step in the blank room, watching as many troll chambers were moved, destroyed, and replaced. I walk to one specifically, marked Joey617294. I stare through the thick two foot wall. "So... I heard you be try'n to get your foods back. I deny you acces to troll food until you quit you troll days." I said, then left the room. Warning! You have fed the troll! Oh god dangit!!!
#39534290Sunday, December 26, 2010 12:19 AM GMT

Stop defending this thread, cool people hate this thread, losers protect this thread
Top 25 Poster
#39534344Sunday, December 26, 2010 12:20 AM GMT

Joey, newbag needs to ge'out
#39534568Sunday, December 26, 2010 12:23 AM GMT

At the risk of making this little troll fatter...I dont like this thread either but we dont troll it.We say it sucks and move on instead of sittin there.

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