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#39767438Wednesday, December 29, 2010 12:31 AM GMT

This is based on the medieval times. It's basicallt just a regular castle roleplay, with no major point. But that could be changed, you could be the leader of the group of rebels attempting to assassinate the king, you could be the king, ordering your troops to stop that from happening, or you could always be the traitor who lets the rebels in. In this roleplay, you shape the future. ___________________________________________________________________________ Classes: Rogue King(Only one, and must be approved.) Queen(Same as above.) Prince( Must be approved by king/queen) Princess(Same as above.) Rebel Thief Baron Count Merchant Traveler Knight Sorcerer Necromancer Pryromancer Wizard Elf King( Same with king) You can make your oqn, but they must be approved, and if you're going to be the leader of a rebel force, make sure you have a rebel force...... ___________________________________________________________________________ Currency: 10 Copper=1 Bronze 50 Bronze= 1 Silver 100 Silver= 1 Gold ___________________________________________________________________________ Places you can start out at: The Blackwoods: The hiding place of rebels, thieves, outcastes, etc. The Human Kingdom: -_- Whampacto Village: Most traders come to this Indian village to get animal furs, etc. The Black Mines: The mines in the Black Forest, another hiding place of rebels and thieves, so if a miner takes one wrong turn, he could end up the hands of a villain, or the webs of a spide. The back of it is home to the biggest spideres in the land! The Mystical Forest: Half is home to the elves, and the other is home to the Elven Civil War Dimwheedle: One of the small town where nothing really goes on. ___________________________________________________________________________ Races: Halfling Human Elf Orc Dwarf Dark Elf Goblin Tell me if I'm missing something ___________________________________________________________________________ *= required *Name: Nickname: *Age: *Class/Occupation: *Race: *Appearance: Armor/Weapons *Starting Area: Items: Bio: Extra: (Please tell me if I'm missing something.) ___________________________________________________________________________ Tip: If you're planning on being a traitor, don't tell it to the whole thread, PM the person you're going to help.
#39768553Wednesday, December 29, 2010 12:43 AM GMT

*Name: Johnny Balkoot Nickname: Boom *Ag.e: 34 *Class/Occupation: He creates explosives,fireworks, etc. *Race: Goblin *Appearance: Small and green, he wears a tattered fedora and black, silk clothes covered by a silver robe. Armor/Weapons: He has a bag of explosives, just in case *Starting Area: Dimwheedle Items: Explosives Bio: He's keeping the family business alive Extra:
#39768935Wednesday, December 29, 2010 12:48 AM GMT

*N@me: Giovanni Da Astra (Italian for John of Star, Star is his home town.) Nickn@me: The Blind Snake *A@e: 16 *Class/Occupation: Thief/Rogue *Race: Human... (OR SO YOU THINK!!!!!) *Appearance: Long black hair over his eyes, with skin-tight black robes, held by straps. (His appearance is like a Long-haired Starkiller. Starkiller = Star wars Force unleashed game character you play as) Armor/Weapons : Light leather armour, with daggers, throwing knives and darts, a shortsword, and a vial of poi$on *Starting Area: The human kingdom, in a fight is his starting scene. Items: Mostly explained above, straps and pouches for his weapons, and also sheathes. Bio: He is an out1@w mostly. An outcast whose parents were abusively ki11ed by the Guards. Extra: He knows Parkour, so he has a home on the rooftops.
#39769568Wednesday, December 29, 2010 12:55 AM GMT

#39769637Wednesday, December 29, 2010 12:56 AM GMT

Accepted, by you can't use leet speak and don't uber.
#39769694Wednesday, December 29, 2010 12:56 AM GMT

*Name: Daniel McKnight Nickname: Falcon - Explained in bio. *Age: Twenty-Nine *Class/Occupation: Knight *Race: Human *Appearance: Daniel stands at 6'8, with a medium build, fair skin color, and moderately built muscles. Daniel has piercing electric blue eyes, and chocolate brown hair. Armor/Weapons: Daniel wears most for most of the time his steel armor which consists of a steel full helmet, steel plate body, steel plate legs, steel gauntlets, and steel plated leather boots. Daniel has a 4 foot steel broadsword, sheathed at his hip by a leather sheath. Daniel also carries a steel dagger, sheathed next to his broadsword. *Starting Area: Human Kingdom Items: A leather pack, only shed in combat or when not in use. Bio: Daniel grew up from a noble family, thus him being a knight. He is trained in swordsmanship, as all knights are from when they can walk and talk. Daniels Nickname is Falcon because his shoulder plates on his steel plate body have red falcons on them, thus the nickname.
#39769875Wednesday, December 29, 2010 12:58 AM GMT

(I don't uber and I 1337 spoke because it wouldn't let me post the word A....G....E, N....A....M....E, etc.)
#39770154Wednesday, December 29, 2010 1:01 AM GMT

(Accepted, sounds like you'll be fun to roleplay with.)
#39770254Wednesday, December 29, 2010 1:02 AM GMT

( Yes I can make some things "Interesting". Is this reposted? I think I saw this before.... )
#39770319Wednesday, December 29, 2010 1:03 AM GMT

( Yes. And in my character sheet I meant covered by a silve cape, not robe.)
#39770326Wednesday, December 29, 2010 1:03 AM GMT

(When do we start?)
#39770418Wednesday, December 29, 2010 1:04 AM GMT

( We can start when we have one more character, then it is up to you when.)
#39771142Wednesday, December 29, 2010 1:12 AM GMT

*Name: Ryul Kigoni Kijuan Nickname: Vehentmi *A.g.e: 15 *Class/Occupation: Sorcerer *Race: Elf(Or so he's thought to be if I can make up a race.) *Appearance: Black robes, under the robes comes his armor,Peach skin, Black Hair, Brown Eyes Armor/Weapons:Red,Black Blue armor cover everywhere under his robes. A dagger, and a staf are his weaponry, along with a spellbook. *Starting Area: Blackwoods Items: His weaponry and armor is pretty much all he has. Bio: N/A? Extra: N/A? (Veni veni venias!)
Top 50 Poster
#39771219Wednesday, December 29, 2010 1:13 AM GMT

*Name: Nathanael Reyes Nickname: Resoula *Ag.e: 210 (Elf years. Elf years in my opinion. Everyone has a different view on elf years, so in my years, this is a young age for elves. It's young adult actually) *Class/Occupation: Elf King *Race: Elf *Appearance:Dark brown hair and eyes. Pale white skin. Royal clothes including a golden crown. Armor/Weapons Royal top class dual swords and royal light armor. *Starting Area: Mystical forest Items: Poision, throwing knives, money, crown, etc. Bio: Grew up as a prince but his father was assassinated recently, he took the throne and now has to adjust his life and make some big decisions Extra: (Hope I'm accepted)
#39771477Wednesday, December 29, 2010 1:15 AM GMT

(Both accepted, Slinke, what race do you want to make up?)
#39771582Wednesday, December 29, 2010 1:16 AM GMT

(A race that can shapeshift...it usually happens automattcally.I can't think of a good name, or a default appearance, though....)
#39771686Wednesday, December 29, 2010 1:17 AM GMT

*Name: Mist Nickname: Oasis *Ag.e: 19 *Class/Occupation: Archer *Race: Elf *Appearance: Straight, shoulder-length black hair, clear blue eyes, fair skin, rather thin, about 5'6, pointed elf ears, tight black short-sleeve tunic, loose-ish black paints, simple black cloth shoes, sometimes wheres a black cloak that goes down to where it barely brushes against the ground Armor/Weapons: Longbow with regular arrows, one dagger, hidden in a secret pocket on the inside of her cloak *Starting Area: Mystical Forest Items: Weapons above, a bit of money Bio: N/A Extra: N/A
Top 50 Poster
#39771956Wednesday, December 29, 2010 1:20 AM GMT

(So i have to deal with some elven civil war? Or will issues just present themselves? I dunno how other ppl run leadership roles on their threads.) ~Deutsche Phönix~ ~Ein-Geflügelt Phönix~
#39772282Wednesday, December 29, 2010 1:23 AM GMT

*Name: Ezio Nickname: Ghost *Ag.e: 25 *Class/Occupation: Assassin *Race: human *Appearance: white cowl on head with with white leather armor plating and red cape going over right shoulder and steel plate going over left shoulder with chains going around my legs and under chains are white puffed pants with steel armor under and high black boots Armor/Weapons two scimitars connected to chains *Starting Area: dimwheedle Items: throwing knives x20, Bio: yound boy with black fade hair red eyes and cut going down right eye,he becomes assassin after dad killed from being frames by a mislead king,brother died from sickness,sister died after kidnapping,and brother disappeared,mother disappeared... Extra:N/A
#39772378Wednesday, December 29, 2010 1:24 AM GMT

(xD the brother that disappered is older bro ...)
#39772455Wednesday, December 29, 2010 1:25 AM GMT

(PEANUT BUTTA STARTIN TIME!) I pick the pockets of a man, and he just barely feels it. He draws his fists into a blocking motion, and thrusts a fist at me. I catch it, but he throws me into a wall. "That's what you get pickpocket! Now I will teach you a real lesson!" He yells, drawing a sword from his back. I pull a dagger and hold a cloak, trying to distract him. It is succesful, and I stab his foot. I sheathe my dagger, and run, dropping my blood from my broken arm as I jump onto the rooves of homes. "Da--it...." I say, running, as guards catch sight of me.
#39772533Wednesday, December 29, 2010 1:26 AM GMT

(am i accepted)
#39772535Wednesday, December 29, 2010 1:26 AM GMT

(Assassin's Creed thief.)
#39772610Wednesday, December 29, 2010 1:27 AM GMT

(i diddnt read anyof them i read the cs and classes and made away)
#39772732Wednesday, December 29, 2010 1:28 AM GMT

((ami i accepted))

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