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#40212098Sunday, January 02, 2011 9:00 PM GMT

The year is 2076. You're a pilot that works for NASA. Earth is close to being destroyed. Polution has killed most of the population on Earth. So, you and some other pilots are exploring the galaxies for another planet that could support life. NASA no longer uses rockets. Now, NASA uses futuristic space ships that look like the kinds you see on Star Trek. I am the captain of the ship. The rest of you are cadets that are on my ship. ~Character Sheet~ Name - A.ge - Gender - Appearance - Rank - (Cadet, assistant, engineer, Etc.) Personality - Other - ~Rules~ No ubering. No character controlling. No dodging lazer blasts. No killing other RP'er's without my permission. You can only make one character. Put "Galaxy" at the bottom of your CS if you read all this. You must wait for me to accept your CS before you start RP'ing. I will make you a admin if I feel like it. Only 6 people can join. 3 males and 3 females. You can't be a alien or anything. Just a member of my ship. Romance is aloud. Nothing more than a hug. Their are lazer rifles, but no lazer miniguns.
#40212602Sunday, January 02, 2011 9:06 PM GMT

Name - Danial Toft A.ge - 29 Gender - Male Appearance - Uniform, Blonde Hair, Black Sunglasses, Always wears dogtag Rank - Guard Personality - Kind, Rough, Strong, Takes no Sides, Worries nothing Other - Brilliant with the lazer rifle. Guards the ship, mainly the engine room.
#40213493Sunday, January 02, 2011 9:16 PM GMT

~Character Sheet~ Name - Cole Porter A.ge - 22 Gender - Male Appearance - Chocolate brown hair that swoops to right side of head, slightly tanned Caucaion skin, icy blue eyes, white long-sleeve shirt that has the word "NASA" on it, tight white pants, white shoes, 5'4, and 163 pounds. Rank - Captain Personality - Usually is serious, doesn't smile much, is actually very nice but doesn't show it, and easily angered. Other - He trained for 4 years in the academy. Then it took him 5 years to rank up to Captain. When Cole became a Captain, he created a space ship called the "Orbit Glider". The Orbit Glider is bigger than the empire state building. "Galaxy"
#40213589Sunday, January 02, 2011 9:17 PM GMT

#40213599Sunday, January 02, 2011 9:17 PM GMT

(Danial, you are accepted.)
#40213707Sunday, January 02, 2011 9:18 PM GMT

Name - KRODON A.ge - 10 Gender - M Appearance - Brown hair, fair skin, and two strange coloured eyes that appear to switch from green, gray and blue, and the uniform. Rank - (Cadet, assistant, engineer, Etc.) Apprentice assistant Personality - Calm, intelligent Other - I know you won't accept.
#40213745Sunday, January 02, 2011 9:18 PM GMT

#40214074Sunday, January 02, 2011 9:22 PM GMT

(You need a last name and change your a.ge. They don't let kids join NASA. If you change these things, you can join.)
#40215430Sunday, January 02, 2011 9:37 PM GMT

Name - Ark Angelic AKA Ark-Angel A.ge - 23 Gender - Male Appearance - (The same as the guys in mass effect 2 in the engine room just google it) Rank - engineer Personality - Nice to some but hates most Other - Is a super nerd Galaxy
#40215651Sunday, January 02, 2011 9:40 PM GMT

Name - Alexander Vortex A.ge - 27 Gender - M Appearance - Spikey Blonde hair, Tight white long sleeve t-shirt that says "NASA" on the front, White tight pants, Wears a blowtorch mask, 5'9 168 lbs. Rank - Engineer Personality - Nice, Brave and Experienced builder and repairer. Other - Ive been in the academy for 2 years. And is British. Was an only child.
#40215734Sunday, January 02, 2011 9:41 PM GMT

#40216502Sunday, January 02, 2011 9:50 PM GMT

(Djd, I'm sorry, but you're not accepted. Elibuck123456, you are accepted! Also, Elibuck123456, since your my brother, I'll let you be a ADMIN! Now, let's begin RP'ing.) 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...RP!!
#40216695Sunday, January 02, 2011 9:52 PM GMT

I sat in my chair. It was in the middle of the command room. The windows showed the amazing space. The twinkling stars and violent astroids all seemed so fascinating to me. The pilots sat at computers, shooting astroids before they hit the ship.
#40217001Sunday, January 02, 2011 9:55 PM GMT

"ZzZzZzZ". The alarm clock rings. "Woah!" I shouted. I fell on the floor. "Time to go to the engine room." I walk to the engine room.
#40218032Sunday, January 02, 2011 10:06 PM GMT

"Captain, their's a astroid approaching that probably weighs more than 1,000 pounds!" one of the pilots sais. "That's to be to destroy with the lazer cannons." I said. I got up and walked to a computer. "I'm switching to manual drive." I said, pressing a button. "THE ASTROID'S APPROACHING!" said a cadet, running to the escape pods. I pulled up, trying to dodge the astroid. The sirens screeched and the cadets and pilots screamed in fear. I just sat in front of the computer, concentrating. As the astroid gets very close, everybody goes silent. They were accepting fate. The astroid hits the left engine. "Fire-fek!" I shouted, clearly mad. "Captain, the ship is a sitting duck. We can't drive." a pilot sais. "Get our best engineers to work on the engine." I said. (Eli, you're one of the best engineers.) "All engineers, report to the left engine." the man on the intercom sais.
#40218378Sunday, January 02, 2011 10:10 PM GMT

I run over to the left engine "What happend!?" I say "We got hit by an astroid!" Says a cadet. I get my tools ready and start fixing the engine.
#40264931Monday, January 03, 2011 3:12 PM GMT

I sat back in my chair. "Sir, the main ship of the Rodians have just broke our truce with them! They've switched to hyperspace and are flying straight at us!" a cadet sais. "Prepare for battle. I'm not going to let my ship be destroyed by a bunch of Rodians. Kill them all." I say, getting on the intercom. "Hello, crew members. We have a problem. The Rodians are going to destroy us while out ship can't move. Prepare for battle." I say. "Captain, we should get you to the safe room. You would be safe. None of the Rodians find you." a pilot sais, loading his lazer rifle. "No, I'm joining this fight." I said, grabbing a lazer rifle. I put on my space suit, then got out side. I floated in space, waiting for the Rodians to arrive.
#40265421Monday, January 03, 2011 3:26 PM GMT

Name - Nathaniel Joiner A.ge - 27 Gender - Male Appearance - Usually wears his sea blue "NASA Cadet" Jumpsuit and old combat boots.He has tanned caucasin skin,green eyes and wavy blonde hair.He has a small amount of muscle,6"1,147 lbs. Rank - Cadet/Cook Personality - Excited,yet smart and calm. Other - He owns a new H-183 lazer rifle and is the ship`s cook.e was in training for 4 years and on the ship for 1.
#40265586Monday, January 03, 2011 3:30 PM GMT

#40265656Monday, January 03, 2011 3:32 PM GMT

The Rodian ship flew right to us. They fired lazer cannons at out ship, I could see the holes in my ship. I imagined the lifes that would be lost if I didn't destroy the ship. So, I did something really stupid. I got on the enemy ship and went inside. I shot rodian pilots as much as I could.
#40265683Monday, January 03, 2011 3:33 PM GMT

Nathaniel I heard thee news and rushed from the cafeteria to where the space suit were held.
#40265783Monday, January 03, 2011 3:36 PM GMT

Lazers were hitting me. The lazers stinged and burned, but they didn't kill. I had to much armour on for lazers to kill me. I kept shooting Rodian guards, Rodian pilots, etc. After I had killed most of the pilots in the command room, I got out my knife to finish the wounded ones off.
#40265888Monday, January 03, 2011 3:39 PM GMT

I leaned down by a wounded Rodian, getting ready to stab it. "Нет! Ждите! Я имею жену и двух детей!" it shouted. I didn't know wat is was saying, so I just stabbed it and walked away. (Those were actually Russian letters. It sais "No! Wait! I have a wife and two kids!". XD)
#40265909Monday, January 03, 2011 3:39 PM GMT

Nathaniel I quickly put on a suit and went outside with my rifle.
#40268502Monday, January 03, 2011 4:49 PM GMT

(Ugh,Cook+Lazer Rifle+Deadly Enemies =X_X)

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