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#40271353Monday, January 03, 2011 5:54 PM GMT

"Now, are you sure this is safe?" Builderman could sense worry in Telamon's voice. "Of course it is! It would make us popular again if we could do something like this! When the people on the forums make a good RP, it gets turned into it's own place automatically! What's not to love?" Without further ado, Builderman slammed down the power button. With an alarmingly loud whirring noise, the machine began to search the forum. Suddenly, an ear-piercingly loud CLANK sounded from within the machine. "Erm... Is it meant to do that?" Telamon took a step back. "Not really... What the...?" Watching carefully, Builderman observed as the threads within the forum began merging together. Suddenly, a collossal blast threw the Roblox admins back as a portal exploded out of the machine. Out of it, the characters of all the RPs on the Roblox Role Playing forum began falling out. "Oh my...This is fascinating!" Builderman found potential profit in this situation immediately. "What the... Where are we?!" one of the characters yelled. "wut he sed!!!!!?!?!??????" said another, more unpopular one. "Well...Erm...Welcome to Roblox, i guess. I'm Telamon, and that's Builderman, and-" "I command thee to bring us home at once, you knave!" A knight in grubby armour drew his equally grubby sword. "We'll have to fix the machine that brought you here first." "I think not! GIVEBTOOLS/ME!" Builderman yelled, and destroyed the pieces of the wrecked machine. "ogmwtf u noby nob nob!!!!!!!!!!" The idiot from earlier charged at Builderman, only to disappear with a swing of his Banhammer. "You lot could make us some amazing profits!" "They could get us put in jail for virtual cruelty! Have you forgotten about Jack Thompson?!" "Enough of this! WHO WANTS TO STAY!?" Around half the characters jumped over to Builderman. "WHO WANTS TO LEAVE!?" The rest of them took Telamon's side. "You can stay, alright!" With a smash of the Banhammer, Telamon banished the staying characters, and Builderman with them to Banland. Little did he know, banned characters can still plot... "You need to find the parts to the machine so that I can rebuild it. We had no time to make it a free model, and the parts are very rare, so it appears you're going to be spending a bit more time here than you think. Oh, and it seems that along with you, your individual worlds have gotten melded together. This could be interesting..." __________________________ (IMPORTANT NOTE: Fastpager, stay out if you know what's good for you.) __________________________ Character Sheet Name: A.ge: Appearance: From: (What RP are they from? No originals, sorry.) Weapons: Abilities: RP's History: (Story of the RP, time period etc.) Bio:
#40271526Monday, January 03, 2011 5:58 PM GMT

( KopakaX was my main, so do I need to repost my CS? And I was telling fastpager that it is YOUR post not his.)
#40271675Monday, January 03, 2011 6:01 PM GMT

( I mean KopakaX was my Alt.)
#40271796Monday, January 03, 2011 6:03 PM GMT

(Yes, you do. We're treating this as if the first one never happened, so please repost your CSes. And fastpager, you are now ON MY LISSSSST.)
#40271879Monday, January 03, 2011 6:05 PM GMT

Name: Aaron Price A.ge: 36 Appearance: Black electric suit with Red stripes on it, Protective Glass helmet, Red cape. From: (What RP are they from? No originals, sorry.) My roleplay Pangaea II Weapons: Laser Pistols, 2 Light Daggers. Abilities: Can rebuild any lost limbs. RP's History: (Story of the RP, time period etc.) The RP period is the year 2089, the world morphed into a Pangaea, which is one massive continent. Bio: He was the evil ruler of Pangaea II.
#40272241Monday, January 03, 2011 6:12 PM GMT

Name:Zacara A.ge:21,25,31,19(Different in everyone of his Rps)28(The age for this one) Appearance:Full black Spartan armor,Skull Cross shotgun on his right shoulder, From:Debut Thread,Halo:Evacuation if im correct Weapons:SHotgun,SNiper,Combat knife Abilities:Short bursts of strengh,Invisibility RP's History:A traitor of the UNSC along with 14 others in the Squad or whatever you want to say called the Sigma Team,However all KIA By HeatingBird a as you would say a gravemind mobile,The Rp's Histroy is that a city is infected by the flood UNSC Scientists have clones HeatingBird to make a NEW gravemind Bio:Look at RP's history,A rather surly person a bit like Falco from Star fox series
#40281593Monday, January 03, 2011 8:57 PM GMT

(Oh, wow... I know this is off-topic, but Fast is such a hypocrite: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=40273343 Anyway, I assume its ok if I'm an alien?) Character Sheet Name: Emperor Kvall A.ge: 84 Appearance: 7'8, blue eyes, dark gray scaly skin. Long claws on hands, taloned feet, very sharp death. He has a scar over his left eye, and on his right hand. From: Weapons: Disruptor Rifle, Energy Sword Abilities: Blood Rage(Goes into a rage where his strength, agility, etc is amplified. Can only be activated if he gets angry enough), super strength(3x as strong as regular humans), super agility(1.5x as fast reflexes as regular humans). RP's History: Set some time in the future. Sci-fi, as you'd expect. There are many different races, some of the main ones being the Skralorians(Kvall is the leader of the Skralorian Empire), New Paradigm(Humans+other races), Syrians, and a few others. The Skralorians homeworld, Skraloria, was rendered near-uninhabitable after a massive interstellar war. Since then, Kvall and a small portion of the Skralorian Star Armada were transported to another galaxy, where they had to begin anew(This was mainly the breif history of the Skralorians. If I gave anything larger this post would be VEEEEERY long). Bio: Emperor of the Skralorians. He is a battle-hardened soldier, and shows no mercy. He will kill anyone who stands in his way. He wants to return to his universe, as he finds this blocky world... disturbing. And because he needs to lead his empire. (Side: Leave)
#40282546Monday, January 03, 2011 9:08 PM GMT

(Ive never heard of Fast
#40282653Monday, January 03, 2011 9:10 PM GMT

(sounds interesting. tagging it.)
#40283163Monday, January 03, 2011 9:17 PM GMT

Name: Garbin Snook A.ge: 25 Appearance: Black hair, light skin, dark blue eyes six feet and thin. He wears a Combat Helmet, a scarf Brahmin skin boots and a sweater and jeans. From: Fallout:2198 Weapons: Hunting Rifle Abilities: N/A RP's History: In 2077 there was nuclear war. It lasted four hours and turned the world into rubble and dust. People survived in vaults, giant caves with metal doors put into mountains and such. After the war and the radiation was over people left the Vaults. To their surprise, mutated animals awaited them. Bio: Garbin Snook is a mercrenary in the wasteland that is his home. He never lived in a Vault. He tinkers with contraptions in his spare time but is usually for bountys.
#40291976Monday, January 03, 2011 11:07 PM GMT

Name: Conner623 (just call him Conner A.ge: A.ge? Robloxians don't have a.ge! Appearance: stupidly Conner's technically me, so look at my Avatar From: (What RP are they from? No originals, sorry.) there are robloxians in my house (by theo1170) Weapons: Staff of the Woodlands, Midas Glove, Grapple Gun, Magic Paintbrush that can make telportals, Gravity Gun Abilities: be able to make anything out of anything RP's History: (Story of the RP, time period etc.) A portal from Robloxia is created under unknown circumstances in a closet in a home that is owned by Jack Carbers, soon Robloxians start to come out of the portal and have fun, like: Bringing telemon so Roblox can own the Earth,Finding cleaveland in Jacks attic, covers the house with (really) Hot Pink paint, fly to Australia but someone changes the corrdinates so the plane go to the moon, make a portal to Manhatten, ECT. Bio: Conner found himself in Jacks house a few months ago, after having many adventures he had to go back to Robloxia to get supplys, but while going though the portal, he finds he doesn't come back to where he normally comes out of, this time he came out to the Real robloxia (Real Conner623 and RP Conner623 are somewhat clones)
#40292204Monday, January 03, 2011 11:10 PM GMT

(robloxians have age ues is 3 yrs old from your join date)
#40292292Monday, January 03, 2011 11:11 PM GMT

(So... any sort of character is alright?)
#40293684Monday, January 03, 2011 11:27 PM GMT

Name: Felix A.ge: 18 Appearance: Look up Pelix in my decals From: Sonic Weapons: A long sword with a blue handle. Abilities: Fly, Use Chaos Emeralds, Speed Fast. RP's History: Present day. When all of the chaos emeralds go missing. Bio: A friendly guy, warns anyone from danger, and can fight to risk himself...
#40293694Monday, January 03, 2011 11:28 PM GMT

Name: Farmer Jim Jangles A.ge: 24 Appearance: Overalls, Cowboy hat. Always has pitchfork strapped to his back or in his hands. From: (What RP are they from? No originals, sorry.) Most of my Roleplays Weapons: Pitchfork, Yamernade, Turnip Mine, Potato Bomb, and other farm goodies. Abilities: He can unleash a stampede of 1 million cows. This is very hard to do. RP's History: He was born in Kentucky but it was crowded at the time. He headed west to Arizona, but was intercepted and barely made it. He became a army officer. He was in an aircraft carrier but Russians stole the potatoes. He bombed the Russians and vowed to make sure everyone has enough potatoes. Bio:He was a famous farmer in Arizona. He developed a high tech security system very early, and has gained huge reputation among fellow farmers.
#40324216Tuesday, January 04, 2011 12:19 PM GMT

(Changing my character) Name: Gregan @ge: 34 Appea.rence: A tall dark blue stick with short brown hair and green eyes. He is fairly thin and is never without his lucky pair of shoes. From: Stick arena (I'll post the link next) Weapons: His powers. And his knife of course. Abilities: He has the power to make energy orbs out of nowhere. Overcharged orb: An elemental orb. It's just stronger. Regular orb: A regular power orb. Speed stick: Makes Gregan run extremely fast. Can only be used with his lucky shoes on. RPs history: In stick world, many small and poor towns are under the command of one big city. These towns can send themselves to the 'Stick arena'. When you win a match you get alot of money. But when you 'die' you aren't actually dead. You're just unconcious and it takes awhile for you to wake up. But you lose half of the money you earned in total if you lose one match. Bio(optional): When Gregan heard about the money he got his shoes on and ran to the arena. Not for greed but for money for the medicine his daughter needs. He comes from a poor family so he hopes he'll be able to have some extra money for the rest of the family to.
#40328452Tuesday, January 04, 2011 4:00 PM GMT

Justin and Pruz, not accepted. Justin needs to work on his grammar a bit, and Pruz hasn't put enough detail into his sheet. _________________ Name: Telamon A.ge: ??? Appearance: See Telamon's Roblox avatar. From: THIS ONE Weapons: Delete Tool, Banhammer Abilities: Teleport, Run RP's History: Look up there, you daft bugger. ^^^ Bio: One of the Roblox admins, planning to send the characters back. Is staying at Roblox HQ to defend it from Builderman's characters. __________________________ "From what i remember, the first part of the machine can be found to the north. It seems that there's a forest and some kind of huge farm (Jim Jangles') in that direction. I need to stay here to keep the HQ safe. It's dangerous to go alone, so take this." Telamon handed the group earpieces. "I can talk to you with these to tell you where to go next. Now, hurry up."
#40328574Tuesday, January 04, 2011 4:05 PM GMT

Kvall nodded, looking around the strange block-world. "Strange how any world could be like this..." He thought to himself.
#40328582Tuesday, January 04, 2011 4:05 PM GMT

(And Pruz, "Sonic" is not an RP. I said NO ORIGINALS.)
#40329290Tuesday, January 04, 2011 4:31 PM GMT

(Link to stick arena for those who are interested. http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=40283925)
#40340605Tuesday, January 04, 2011 9:06 PM GMT

(Well I made one with him in it... lemme see if i can get it back)
#40340710Tuesday, January 04, 2011 9:07 PM GMT

Name: Felix A.ge: 18 Appearance: Look up Pelix in my decals From: Sonic the Hedgehog : Gates of Chaos Weapons: A long sword with a blue handle. Abilities: Fly, Use Chaos Emeralds, Speed Fast. RP's History: Present day. When all of the chaos emeralds go missing. Bio: A friendly guy, warns anyone from danger, and can fight to risk himself...
Top 25 Poster
#40341593Tuesday, January 04, 2011 9:20 PM GMT

(What's the strength limit?)
#40341745Tuesday, January 04, 2011 9:22 PM GMT

(Basically, no time travel or world destroying stuff. And no superfast or massive vehicles.)
Top 25 Poster
#40341872Tuesday, January 04, 2011 9:24 PM GMT

(Then I assume a being that can destroy dimensions without blinking and that is the closest thing to omnipotent in the RP is too powerful?)

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