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#40754319Wednesday, January 12, 2011 12:54 AM GMT

Once upon a time, earth ran out of energy. The Mayjor countries sent out ships to find a new sorce. After years they found it. Their ships were the clouds and soliders rained down from them. The natives fought back. But are losing, soon the countries began to fight each other aswell. And the sorce was named the death stone because it always bring war, death and destrution. This is where our storey begins... (It is short because I hate droning on and on. I like to get to the point of things.) --Character Sheet-- Name: @ge: Side:(Human or Native.) Human only:Country: Native only:Tribe: Weapons:(Only 2.) Companion:(A Companion is like a second character. You have make them a Character Sheet to.) Armor:(Pick from list.) Other:(Anything else you want to state.) --Rules-- 1. Normal ROBLOX role-play rules. 2. Don't be a spaming noob. 3. No being uber. 4. When you get shot it hurts, aka bullets are painfull so feel pain when they hit you. 5. As I said above no god mode. --Weapons-- 1. Machine Gun: Geting hit by its bullets is going to hurt, alot. 2. Shotgun: Blast your eneimes with a powerfull grouped shot. 3. UZI: Make the bullets rain! 4. Plasma Rifle: Do not point at face, ever or you go bye bye. 5. Rocket Luncher: Bring the big guns to the battle! 6. Auto Aiming Rocket: You can run from the rockets but you can't hide. 7. Slow Gun: Its easy to kill things when they are slowed down. 8. Dart Gun: It fires homing darts that explode. Where have I heard of that before... 9. Multiplying Lazer: How do you run away from something which multiplys when it hits stuff? 10. Ion Cannon: When you see someone with this. Run for it. --Armor-- 1. Space Suit: This is the most basic suit you can get. 2. Combat Space Suit: Join the battle in style with this battle suit. 3. Sparten Armor: This armor is based on the old type of space warriors called the spartens. They were famous for something. 4. Heavy Armor: With this armor no one will want to mess with you. 5. This armor is the last technology developed by our scientists. Plus it looks badass! (have fun killing things >:)
#40755129Wednesday, January 12, 2011 1:04 AM GMT

(opps forgot) --Tribes-- 1. Boom Tribe: They make things go boom. 2. Lightning Tribe: They are fast, very fast. 3. Noble Tribe: I have no idea why they are called that... 4. Water Tribe: They live in water and can be hard or soft. So? 5. Shadow Tribe: I think they are the evil twins of other tribes... --Countries-- 1. England: Why are they called England? Is it the land of Engs? 2. America: Just don't ok don't get me started. 3. Russia: Mother Russia? What the... 4. Canada: So many as... Oh Canada oh Canada... 5. India: When did it get a huge army? 6. Mexico: First America then Canada and now Mexico? We'er all gonna die.
#40759330Wednesday, January 12, 2011 1:55 AM GMT

#40767061Wednesday, January 12, 2011 3:45 AM GMT

Name: Alex @ge: 26 Gender: Male Side:Human Human only:Country: England Native only:Tribe: Weapons:Machine Gun and UZI Companion: John Armor:Cyber Armor Apperance: Blackish brown hair and blue eyes Personality: A "I'll go fight the big evil scary thing and you do what ever"Kind'a guy Other: John's big brother Name: John @ge: 25 Gender: Male Side:Human Human only:Country: England Native only:Tribe: Weapons:Dart Gun and Shotgun Companion: Alex Armor:Heavy Armor Apperance: Short Brown hair and Brown eyes personality: A "ok you go fight the big scary monster and I'll go fight that planet...thing"kind'a guy Other: Alex's littil brother (opps again XD)--Armor(update)-- 1. Space Suit: This is the most basic suit you can get. 2. Combat Space Suit: Join the battle in style with this battle suit. 3. Sparten Armor: This armor is based on the old type of space warriors called the spartens. They were famous for something. 4. Heavy Armor: With this armor no one will want to mess with you. 5. Cyber Armor: This armor is the last technology developed by our scientists. Plus it looks badass! --Character Sheet(update)-- Name: @ge: Gender Side: Human only:Country: Native only:Tribe: Weapons: Companion: Armor: Apperance: personality: Other:

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