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#41331201Saturday, January 22, 2011 2:43 AM GMT

Resident story: You sit in the study reading a book on a stormy night. Feeling a bit Peckish you walk to the kitchen, sliding down the hallway a few times and giggling. After a bit of rummaging in the refrigerator you find your favorite snack and an Ice Cold Bottle of Sweet tea. You sit down at the table in the dining room and start eating your snack. A loud cry, a wail of fright, a scream for help, disturbs you. You quickly wash the dishes and put away your trash, trying to ignore the disturbing sound you had heard earlier. Returning to the study and picking up your book, you continue to read, stomach churning with a strange guilt. Another Ear-splitting roar for rescue bothers you yet again. Frantic pounding at the door and shouts for help finally trigger your senses. Sprinting to the front door you open it, finding not a soul. Closing the door with all your might you lock it, then pull all the curtains you can find shut. A loud thump at the back door gets you a bit riled up. It seems as if someone is playing a sick game. You go to the back door, red as a hen. You swing it open and the site makes you gag. A limp body Of a (Boy/girl, depends on the character) Is the sight that meets your eyes. You put two fingers to its neck. A pulse. Slow and steady, greets your trembling fingers. You quickly gather them in your arms and take them to one of the upstairs bedrooms. After calling the Doctor of the house he treats their bloody wounds and leaves them to rest. Sadly, you have seen this before, and know what has caused these injuries. Rescued Store: Your feet pound the wet ground as you run for safety. You Shout for Someone to save you as you run away from this... Thing! Slipping and sliding on the muddy surface of the forest you spot a dim light. Turning abruptly you finally burst from the trees and into the underbrush that scrapes at your skin and makes you itch. You slip and fall in a hole, quickly clawing your way out and yelling again for safety. You keep running towards the front of this large, impressive manor. You look in the windows as you run, not seeing anything in the strange blur of green, black and yellow. After a few more slips, trips, falls, and crashes, you reach the front of the manor. Slamming your fists against the door, and trying to speak, your hear a growl behind you. Having no time to wait you quickly run for the back. Whatever was chasing you catches up to you, tearing at your flesh like tissue paper. You make your way to the back door and fall against it, hitting the ground. A few more bites and a few more claw marks implant themselves on you before the creature leaves. You hear the door open before you black out. Back story: The large Manor described here is for the 'weird' or 'Scary' as described by the towns surrounding it. This beast was created to keep them there. No one really knows what it is besides the people in the large house. Those who are chased by it were most likely sent by un-willingly by their town without knowledge of this animal. Most are killed, but some are lucky enough to have been given mercy by the menacing lump of fur with teeth and claws. What will become of you? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I dont know why I typed this up, but things are flowing out of my brain faster than I can type
#41332038Saturday, January 22, 2011 2:55 AM GMT

Either you guys are slow readers or You just dont want to give an opinion.
#41332084Saturday, January 22, 2011 2:55 AM GMT

-Doesn't want to give opinion.-
#41332206Saturday, January 22, 2011 2:57 AM GMT

3: T.T You made kitty and some random person sad.
#41332298Saturday, January 22, 2011 2:58 AM GMT

Fine, it's very interesting happy?
#41332391Saturday, January 22, 2011 3:00 AM GMT

No :p
#41353276Saturday, January 22, 2011 3:02 PM GMT


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